Friday, July 28, 2017

Kermit Shake The City - Last Night

It was 101 when I pulled up to the tent tonight. At first it was just the Atens, one new lady, and Miguel. Slowly people started drifting in. I did not count them. We had as big a crowd tonight as we have had all week and this time all the people but one were from Kermit.

The worship tonight stirred my soul. Especially when we sang Victory In Jesus and The Blood Covers Me. The new attenders were very enthusiastic about the worship. Tonight felt like a touch of what Heaven will be like. Once again, I did not want to stop singing. I felt close to God. I felt drawn to His throne. We filled the tent with our singing. Those anthems were carried on the breezes to neighboring houses. We mixed in old songs with a few new ones. It felt like we could have kept on singing for hours. God used Sherman and Tammy again. He certainly used them to prepare my heart.

For the first time since the first night I got to preach again. What is even better is the people were hungry for truth and interacted with the message. I also noticed a lady living next to the tent outside in her backyard. She acted like she had work to do but I think she listened intently to the message. I sure made sure I preached loud enough for to hear every single word. I felt alive. I felt the hand of God on me delivering His powerful truth. He spoke to people. He gave hope to them. He stirred hearts. Tonight felt like a touch of revival.

During the altar call I had the chance to pray with several people. Tonight proved to be the best night of the entire week. The atmosphere felt different than previous nights. People were excited to be there. I saw a dad praying with his teenaged son. I got the chance to pray with a pastor friend from Odessa who drove over tonight. I prayed for a grieving mother mourning the loss of her mother. I prayed for a young couple who literally drove in from vacation and came to the meeting.

This week ended upbeat. To top the night off we went to eat at Miguel's and Misti's house for a late night supper. They also had us over for lunch earlier today. They have continually gone out of their ways to bless us all week long. A real bond occurred between all of us. A bond in Christ Jesus that will reach far beyond this week. Though we are all going in different directions it would not surprise me for our paths to cross again this side of eternity. They have both been a blessing beyond explanation though they have a large family and a cross country move looming in one week.

Much fellowship happened after the meeting. People stood around under the tent talking for at least 30-45 minutes after the service ended. What a joyful night. While I know my part of the work is over for now, I do expect the work God is doing to continue.

In the morning the tent company is coming to take down the tent. While we cannot boast of great numbers and no salvations, Sherman told he is leaving upbeat. I feel the same. God worked this week. He is building something. I do not expect the burden for this town will lift with my leaving in the morning. It would not surprise me if I come back to Kermit someday to minister again.

Tonight alone was worth all the prayers, all the faith steps, all the trips back and forth, and all the sleepless nights spent in intercession. Yet Kermit did not get revived. Awakening did not happen. I am at total peace that my role on this trip is over. I obeyed and leave contented in that. Yet the burden remains. Kermit still needs a great move from God. There is much work still to be done.

I trust God will empower His shepherds in this city to do the great work of harvesting lost souls. I trust God will strengthen their weary hands for the task. I trust He will also keep the fire burning in these faithful servants for true revival. A move so strong it sweeps over the entire city.

Satan will not loosen his grip on Kermit without a struggle. The kingdom of darkness will only be defeated by fervent prayer and bold gospel witnesses. I do believe that day will come when God breaks through. Until then, may the faithful remnant not give up. Who knows? One day God will break loose like the days of old.  I believe Him for it. In Jesus mighty name.

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