Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Perfect Peace

While in the preparation room for surgery I had plenty of time to pray and to meditate yesterday. Once all the preparations were made and my sermon delivered to whomever would listen I had a long time alone. They did not let Brenda come back with me.

Other patients waiting for surgery slept. I was not sleepy. I thought and prayed about many things. Then it dawned on me. I was not anxious about the surgery in the least. I would have preferred not to have had it but I was not nervous. I had perfect peace. I had no stress. No fear. Inside I felt perfectly calm.

I know Brenda prayed. A handful of others prayed who knew I would have surgery. It is possible to go through stressful situations without the stress and in perfect peace. You choose to turn those matters over to the Lord in prayer. That is what we are instructed to do.

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)
6  do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Jesus offers His peace to stand guard over our heart and mind like a soldier keeping watch at his post. Each time worry, anxiety, and stress come knocking, peace turns them away as we pray. We are to pray about everything. The peace that God offers is perfect. It is not a fleeting peace the world searches for in vain through self help techniques.

I woke up in peace yesterday morning. I drove to the hospital in peace. I went to the surgery preparation room in peace. After the surgery, though in a little discomfort and groggy, I still had peace. That peace remains today.

Whatever trials you face you can face them with a peace that surpasses understanding. I have experienced it. I have also seen it in others. Like people battling terminal disease. Like people knowing death was near but not fearing. Like people facing the worst economic conditions. Like the abused who found Jesus sufficient. Like the multiple stories I have read of martyrs who often died violently  but with peace. I thank God for that precious gift of perfect peace.

In a frantic, chaotic, and stressful world I am thankful we can draw near to Jesus and experience perfect calmness. Though hurricane circumstances howl around us there is a refuge where peace stands watch. In Jesus it is like being in the eye of the storm. There is a calm center. There is rest. There is tranquility. That is something our world could use much of today.  

A Strange Place For A Sermon

She called my name and invited me to walk with her. She introduced herself as Wanda. She led me down a long hall making small talk along the way. At the end of hall way we walked into a large room. She started asking me several questions. The questions grew more personal.

I am guessing Wanda might have been in her mid fifties. She was not tall and attractive. She had a beautiful smile and a good sense of humor. We connected quickly. We laughed and kidded with one another. She asked me to follow her to a bedroom. She instructed me to untuck my shirt and to lie down on the bed. I asked her if I could just sit on the bed but she said for what she needed to do I need to lie down.

Before your mind wander too far let me set the record straight. Wanda was my nurse. The bed she led me to was the bed in the surgery waiting area. She had to hook up my IV, take my blood pressure, check my blood sugar levels, and hook up a heart monitor all before I went into surgery for my left eye.

I recall the whole scene vividly. The mattress on the bed was thin and the bed was narrow. I remember rubbing my finders on the rough texture of the sheets. I saw the lights above. I could hear the man across the aisle snoring. Wanda had to hand crank the foot of the bed to slightly elevate my knees. I joked with her the doctor needed to spend some money and get them automatic beds. I noticed in the background country and western music playing. I remember the slight pain when she inserted the needle into my right hand.  Wanda did not strike me as a country and western girl. I commented on the music and she said it was not her style. She went over to change the station but said they did not listen to anything too radical. I told her I was not radical ,,,, except for Jesus!

I heard the nurse at the desk next to my bed comment, "I heard that." Wanda replied, "I know that's right." I followed up saying, "Somebody's about to preach up in here." That brought chuckles.

Wanda continued her duties. I told her that she could call me whatever she wanted. Mr. Edwards, ugly, fat, old, but when Jesus comes back she just call me GONE. I got an amen from her.

In her instructions she warned me that with any surgery there is the remote possibility of death. I told her, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. The day of my death will be the best day of life." [Phil 1L21]

She came next to my bed to check the blood pressure machine and I said, "Wanda can I ask you a question? Do you know where you will spend eternity?" She testified of her saving relationship with Jesus and of His death on the cross and resurrection. At that I reached over and gave her a nigh five.

Later the doctor came in. He questioned what eye needed the surgery and marked it. He explained some of the procedure. I knew I didn't have long with him so I blurted out, "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior." He did not skip a beat replying, "I've got that covered."

A hospital surgery pre-operation room may seem a strange place to have church and to preach a sermon. Did I want to have surgery on my eye? No. Even as I write this my vision is still blurry as I recover. Did God set me in a new venue to peach His good news. Yes. I am sure the whole scene must have been strange for the other patients and any other nurses in the area. I am thankful to know Wanda is a child of God. I am also happy that my doctor confessed with his mouth he had that covered. I hope he meant by that he had indeed repented of sin and turned to Jesus in faith for salvation.

It was a strange place to have church and to preach a sermon. That small audience heard gospel truth. Who knows where the Lord will send me next? The next time you are at your doctor go ahead and share the gospel with him or her. The next time you visit with a nurse share the gospel. It may seem strange to them but the Great Physician desires to penetrate society outside the walls of religious buildings and other days than Sunday morning.

The Cloud That Did Not Move

Have you ever been outside on a hot summer day and felt the relief from the heat when a cloud blew overhead. The temporary relief from the sun beating down can be noticeable. It is welcome relief. The departure of the clouds is not welcome. In time the heat returns when the clouds blow away.

What relief it would bring to multitudes if the cloud idd not move. There is a story in the book of Exodus where the cloud did not move. In fact, God used that cloud to lead Israel on their exodus from Egypt and to remind the nation He was present and available.

Exodus 13:22 (ESV)
22  The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people.

Day after day there were two visible reminders of God's presence. The cloud that did not depart during the day and the pillar of fire each night. I am certain that both were a comfort to the children of Israel. When they were afraid, when they were lost, when they were overwhelmed by impossible minds all they had to do was look up at the cloud that did not depart or the pillar of fire that offered reassurance each evening.

We take clouds for granted. That is unless it is oppressively hot and they provide a little shade from the sun. We also notice clouds when they indicate storms are coming. Other than that, I am fairly certain most of us have not given any thoughts to the presence of clouds. They are pretty ordinary.

I wonder how many ordinary things God puts in our path to remind us He is present and available. How many times do we rush through our days and never notice Him.

God used a bird the other day as a reminder for me. A simple bird. I watched that bird fly to the ground in a parking lot of a busy restaurant. The bird walked a few steps and found some discarded scrap to eat. Immediately my thoughts went to [Matt 6:19-34] In that passage Jesus calls for people not to be anxious about foot and closing but to trust God's provision. That bird did not cook the food, plant the crops, or labor to pay for it. God provided for that fowl creature. God loves each of us more than that bird. He is present and available.

A simple bird. We see birds almost everyday. On that day God manifested His truth through that feathered friend.

For Israel He manifested Himself through a cloud that did not depart. Look ip and look around. You never know when and where God will show up. You never know how He will manifest His presence to remind us He is there and He is available.

Monday, November 21, 2016

A Day At Lake Arlington

When I drove on the campus of Lake Arlington Baptist Church this past Sunday morning I felt a little intimidated. Lake Arlington hosts a massive campus on twenty-seven acres in Arlington, TX. I felt like a fish out of water.

They wanted me to preach a one day message. They also wanted me to put together a power point with my sermon notes. Embarrassed I had to confess I had never used one before and did not even know how to create one. I preach and teach to small crowds. Lake Arlington has well over a thousand people in worship weekly. They have anointed and gifted musicians and vocalists. They have state of the art facilities. Everything they do is with excellence.

I admit I was nervous going in. I tried not to show it but I kept thinking to myself, "What in the world is a small town boy from east Texas doing preaching in a place like this? Only God could orchestrate this." I had been invited to preach on the subject of generosity. When the pastor called me the Lord inspired a message in my heart for them. I was nervous. I did not feel like I belonged in such a prestigious place.

I preached from I Kings 17 on the subject of faith, obedience, the faithful provision of God, and that being generous sometimes requires sacrifice. I told many of the stories from my faith. journey. Those Lake Arlington people were a delight to fellowship with around God's word.

Afterward, they showered me with encouragement and kind expressions of love. What a gracious, generous, and loving fellowship of believers.

Though intimidated by the sheer size of the congregation, they made me feel welcome. They engaged in worship and in the study of God's word. What a blessing to meet so many of those people and their pastor Dr. Eric Herrstrom. The Lord has allowed me to preach in many places and among many people around our nation. I have not met a people more loving and generous than those I had the privilege to worship with this past Sunday at Lake Arlington Baptist Church.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Pass The Word

Pray For Kermit

Shake The City

[Acts 4:31]

Kermit, TX

July 23-29, 2017

Revival Team:

Sherman and Tammy Aten

Matt Edwards

Calling All Prayer Warriors, Intercessors And Watchmen and Watchwomen

I am issuing a desperate plea to all prayer warriors, intercessors, and watchmen and watchwomen who read this. Many of you I know by name and your faces cross my mind as I type. I need your prayers for our ministry endeavor more than ever. Some of you I have never met. Somehow you stumbled across this blog. I have prayed God will burden your heart for a town you have never seen or may never visit. Some of you live all over this state of Texas. Others are scattered across this nation and around the world. Your prayers are needed. Fervent prayers.

I'm pleading with you to direct your prayer attention to that small west Texas town of Kermit, TX. PRAY FOR KERMIT. For the next eight months I am asking you lift that town consistently in prayers. I trust the Lord to direct your intercessions. I trust Him to give you His heart for that town. I'm summoning all the prayer power I can muster from as many people and as many churches as I can to pray for that little town. We will hold a revival meeting there July of 2017. Only God can transform that town. A revival meeting will not do it but God can do it through those meetings. Everything hinges on His supernatural work.

From Paradise, to Seminole, from Lufkin and Weatherford to points in between, I ask you to pray for Kermit. I ask you to share this prayer concern with your churches, Sunday School classes, home groups, and extended friends. Only the Lord can give you a burden for that town. I trust Him to do that.

I am convinced God has put Kermit, TX in the crosshairs of His scope. He is purposing some great things for that town. The more prayer arsenal the better. Would that God might call thousands to pray for Kermit.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Lord, I'm not content to worship from such a distant view, 
So I ask for more of Your glory and for a lot more of You, 
I hunger to know You in the fullest measure You'll allow, 
I linger long in prayer and through Your word daily plow, 
I want to grow in my walk with You and to hear You speak, 
I content myself like Mary to sit like a sponge at Your feet, 
I desire to go deeper and higher in You, I want so much more, 
To know intimately You Lord I so lovingly want more to adore. 

Your Weepers Still Work

2016 has been a year of trials. I've had numerous medical procedures on my eyes including injections and two laser surgeries. Brenda's health has not been great. After Tucker had ACL repair surgery December of 2015 he to have another surgery to cut out a massive blob of scar tissue that kept him from being able to fully extend his knee. He missed half of football season.  Tuner got a concussion in football. Our refrigerator quit working. Brenda had to have major car repair work done totaling $2,500. We were drowning in financial debt we had no control over. On top of that attendance at Faith Community has plummeted along with the offerings over the past six months. It seemed everywhere I looked we faced a crisis.

I prayed repeatedly for the Lord's provision. On top of that Tucker, who turned 17 back in September, wanted his own vehicle. He has been driving my truck all year. I wanted to get him a car but did not have the money to do so. I encouraged him to pray with me for something miraculous to happen. I prayed for God's provision as I have thousands of times before.

Somewhere along the way I became burdened to pray for one specific person to hear from the Lord to help us financially. Though I love this person immensely I do not get to see them often. We do not even talk on the phone that often. The burden to pray for this friend intensified and I prayed and prayed. For months I prayed for this person to hear from God and to feel prompted to help us financially.

Some of my ministry endeavors took me near this person. I enjoyed a group dinner with this person and others. I hoped the Lord had heard my prayers. The dinner came and went with no miracle provision. My heart sank when I watched my friend walk out the door not expecting to see them again for months.

The next morning I was delayed leaving as early as I thought due to some spiritual conversations with my hosts. About an hour into that conversation the person I've prayed for to help us showed up unexpectedly with some startling words. "You are about to have another testimony to share." I did not know what this meant. I thought I was about to hear an exciting testimony that happened to them.

Soon we had to go. This person walked out with me and handed me an envelope. My heart leapt. My friend then said, "You know what is inside. I would not give you dirt." With that we hugged. Yes, I know. I do hug on occasion.

My friend told me how that morning in prayer the Lord prompted a love gift. My friend wrestled with the amount. When an amount was settled my friend prayed, "Lord, if you want me to give this amount then let Matt still be in town." Well I was. That was the  confirmation my friend needed.

Before getting in the truck to leave I recounted how I had been burdened to pray specifically for them to be prompted by God to help my family. We hugged again grateful for how the Lord had worked in both of our lives. We were driving off when I peeked in the envelope and found a folded check. Another friend was driving as I sat in the passenger's seat. I took it out and immediately folded it again. I looked off out the window as tears cascaded. I thought I misread. I unfolded that check and looked a second time through teary eyes. I checked the comma and the decimal. I checked the hand written dollar amount that matched the numerical value. The tears flowed more freely as all I could manage was, "Praise You Jesus."

That check was for $15,000! God heard my cries for help. God moved in my friend's finances and heart to want to give without my saying a word. I am still stunned a week later. God hears and God answers prayers according to His will and His timetable.

I called my friend to ask if that really was the intended amount. It was indeed. I told how I cried as a result and how I would give God all the glory. My friend's response, "I'm glad to know your weepers still work." My Heavenly Father is a faithful provider. He knew my need. He connected His resources to meet my need. Praise His Holy name. Miracles like that will keep my weepers working.

Turn Aside

God can go to some elaborate measures to get our attention sometimes. Just ask Moses. Moses was tending sheep when he saw a strange sight. A bush burning with fire but not being consumed with the fire. [Ex 3:2] informs us that the angel of the Lord appeared in that fire.

In verse 3 Moses said, "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up."

Notice what happened next. [Ex 3:4] "When the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the burning bush and said, "Moses, Moses."

God showed up but He did not speak until Moses turned aside to take a closer look. O that we would turn aside daily as the Lord reveals Himself and His plans. The phrase "turn aside" means to turn in, turn off, leave undone. 

Do you long to meet with God? Do you long to hear Him speak? Do you take the time to turn aside? What I mean is do you intentionally take the time to turn into Him to give Him your undivided attention. We turn into lots of places and turn to lists of things. Do we turn into God? I mean to sit still in His presence. To seek His face. To listen intently for His still small voice. Life altering encounters happen when we do this consistently.

When you turn into God you are turning away from lesser things. Sleep. Television. Video games. Social media. To turn aside also means turn off. There are so many distractions in our world to keep us from encountering God. I listed several of those things above. We have to turn off those distractions if we truly want to meet with Him and hear from Him.

For years I have not slept with an alarm clock. I wake up when the Lord beckons. Sometimes I get to sleep through an entire night. It is more common that I am awakened anywhere from 2:00-3:00 a.m. When I obey I've had encounters with Him I cannot put into words. He shows me things. He reveals His plans and direction. He gives wisdom. He lifts burdens. He guides my path. To receive these things I've had to be willing to turn off sleep. Sometimes I have to turn off fellowship with people as He beckons me away from family and friends to seek Him.

To turn aside also means to leave some things undone. When Moses turned aside to take a closer look at the burning bush that meant He was no longer watching over the sheep. That became a lesser priority. Sometimes turning aside means some lesser priorities get put on hold. Exercise. Television. Romps on social media. Surging the web. Watching the news.

Yesterday I had my day planned. I had to study for an upcoming sermon. He needed to run a few errands. Mail some letters. Send an important email. I also wanted to tackle a huge writing project that is on my own heart. First, I started the day with God. I recall praying that nothing I would do yesterday would be more important than my meeting with Him. I turned aside giving Him my full attention. It turned out He wanted my undivided attention for most of the day. I prayed. I did get the message studied. I never did write one sentence for my writing project.

When I did turn aside for as long as He wanted He chose to meet with me in an unusual way. Suffice it to say I never got around to the writing project. Turning aside to Him meant something got left undone. Meeting with Him was the greater priority.

I find it very interesting that God did not call out to Moses until He saw that Moses turned aside to see the burning bush. Moses paid attention. How many times does the Lord try to get our attention but we are too busy, too distracted, and too engrossed in lesser things to even notice. I urge you to take the time to turn aside. Some of the greatest adventures you can imagine await if you do consistently.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Eve Prayer Meeting

Last night I enjoyed a wonderful prayer meeting in the home of Mike and Julie Carter. Mike and Julie were there as well as Dale and Kyle Bohrer and myself. We prayed for one another, our nation, and for more of God in our lives.

I could not hold back the tears. I cried out to God with all that is within me. I was the last one to pray but when I finished I knew God was not finished with me. I remained kneeling on the leather couch as the tears kept falling. Though others were in the room it felt like it was only God and me. I knew the Lord wanted me to go be alone with Him. I got up and went to the bedroom where I am sleeping for a couple of days.

I sprawled on the floor crying out to God. I wish I could put that encounter into words but I can't. I do not have the words to describe such a private encounter with my Father. He met with me. He spoke to me. He encouraged me. He burdened me. He directed me.

And then as clear as a television screen I saw a host of wicked people; witches and satanists casting spells and praying for the outcome of the election. I knew then I could not go straight to bed. I had to fight for our nation in prayer. So I interceded for the soul of the United States.

Exhausted I eventually climbed into bed only to be awakened a little after 2:00 a.m. to get up and intercede some more. So much is at stake. If pagans will perform their rituals, say their curses, and cast their evil spells hoping to influence thefuture of our nation how can the people of God not pray.

While I cannot say the battle is won I can say it is time for me to pass the baton for the next watchman on the wall to take his or her shift. So much is at stake. This is a time to seek the Lord like never before and trust Him for intervention.  How I plead my Father would draw this nation back to Him.  God have mercy on the United States.

New Kermit Dream

I see a large blue and white canvas tent being put up by several men. Some hammer stakes into the ground and tie ropes to them, others erect the poles, and some work on a make shift stage. When the tent is completely up I see people praying under the tent. It begins to rain. The more they pray the more it rains. This is not an ordinary rain. These are mercy drops from the Father falling from Heaven. God rains down mercy on Kermit. When the mercy drops land on people they are drawn to the tent from all over the city. I see several vehicles pulling up to the tent.

Next, I see scores of people at the altar on their knees crying out to God. I pray for the people dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks. I go down the line laying hands on them and praying over them.

Then I see these words. "Kermit is your pulpit. I have given Kermit to you. I've given you the keys to Kermit."

At this point the scene changes.  I see myself sitting at a desk and holding a golden pen. I hear the Lord say, "Write down what I give you." What I write on the paper begins to glow. In time a book is formed and the book radiates.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Freedom In God's Will

I was listening to Robin Mark this morning singing "All For Jesus." One line in the song really struck me. "In your will I am free."

For most of my ministry I have felt the constraints of trying to fit into a system I often felt at odds with. Like a person trying to fit into a suit of clothes that are the wrong size I have at times felt like I did not fit in the religious system. I did not know how to play the church game. I did not know the rules. It is a game I never cared to play anyway.

While I have felt God's call to serve as a pastor, I have also felt the call to pursue God for revival. I still travel and preach outside the church I serve from time to time. And even though my official title has been "pastor" for the past five years,  the truth is I have also served as youth pastor at Faith Community Church. We have never had a youth pastor. I serve along side a group of dedicated volunteers. Together we work to minister to students. I have taught students and planned student activities such as winter retreats and youth camps along with fun outings with these wonderful volunteers. There efforts free me to do what I am most gifted to do. The truth is I have felt equally at home in all the roles God placed me in. Pastor, youth pastor, revivalist, traveling preacher, and I did not mention author. I am equally at home in all these ministries.

Some would be quick to tell me I should focus on one or the other. I do what God calls me to do. I pastor. I feed the flock. I shepherd the sheep. I work with students. I share the gospel with them. I try to disciple them. I also travel preaching on a limited basis camps, revivals, and one day events. I write. I write blogs. I have written books in the past. I believe I write additional books in the future.

There is freedom in God's will. I am free to be and to minister how God leads me. I do not have to be limited to one aspect of ministry. Saying that, I do not feel called to full time student ministry. I have not heard a clear call from God to go into a full time traveling ministry. The passion of my life is to serve as a pastor. Yet, I continue to feel a passionate call to pursue God for revival though. As I have written about at great length, that pursuit is leading me to pray and labor for revival in Kermit, TX for the summer of 2017. Perhaps God will burden me for other towns in the future and if so I will pursue Him for revival in those towns also.

There is freedom in being who God created you to be. You don't have to fake your way through life. As sure as I write this I know there are certain places I could never serve. I could never play the game well enough to please the people. So I choose not to play the game. I choose to submit to and avail myself wholeheartedly only to the will of God. There I can be free. I proceed with confidence. I can minister with assurance knowing I am where God wants me and doing what He wants me to do.

How many ministers do not feel freedom because they worry about keeping their job. They work hard to get into a place of ministry they do not fit. They feel the constraints. They get frustrated by the system they work in. Such people are bound, miserable, and ill fitted to minister effectively where they are.

There is freedom in God's will. Therefore I do not have to make decisions where I minister. God does that for me. I do not have to consider financial compensation. God promised to be my provider no matter where He leads. I can rest in those comforts. Whether His will leads down the path strewn with sacrifice, suffering, and satanic opposition or down the path of God's blessings, His abundance, and His triumphs there is freedom in His plan.

I am free to be me. I don't have to be your version of a pastor. I am free to pursue God and follow His plan. That may not fit into your preconceived ideas. You may not understand. You don't have to. I don't have to understand how God leads you. In His will for your life there is freedom for you also. You are free to follow His leadership. You are free to worship where He leads, how He leads, and to fellowship with those He plants you in the midst.

I admit I did live bound at certain points of my ministry. I tried to be what I thought people wanted me to be. I failed miserably. It is so much easier to simply be who and do what God calls you to be and do. It is liberating. So brothers and sisters, walk in freedom as you walk out God's will.