Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Your Weepers Still Work

2016 has been a year of trials. I've had numerous medical procedures on my eyes including injections and two laser surgeries. Brenda's health has not been great. After Tucker had ACL repair surgery December of 2015 he to have another surgery to cut out a massive blob of scar tissue that kept him from being able to fully extend his knee. He missed half of football season.  Tuner got a concussion in football. Our refrigerator quit working. Brenda had to have major car repair work done totaling $2,500. We were drowning in financial debt we had no control over. On top of that attendance at Faith Community has plummeted along with the offerings over the past six months. It seemed everywhere I looked we faced a crisis.

I prayed repeatedly for the Lord's provision. On top of that Tucker, who turned 17 back in September, wanted his own vehicle. He has been driving my truck all year. I wanted to get him a car but did not have the money to do so. I encouraged him to pray with me for something miraculous to happen. I prayed for God's provision as I have thousands of times before.

Somewhere along the way I became burdened to pray for one specific person to hear from the Lord to help us financially. Though I love this person immensely I do not get to see them often. We do not even talk on the phone that often. The burden to pray for this friend intensified and I prayed and prayed. For months I prayed for this person to hear from God and to feel prompted to help us financially.

Some of my ministry endeavors took me near this person. I enjoyed a group dinner with this person and others. I hoped the Lord had heard my prayers. The dinner came and went with no miracle provision. My heart sank when I watched my friend walk out the door not expecting to see them again for months.

The next morning I was delayed leaving as early as I thought due to some spiritual conversations with my hosts. About an hour into that conversation the person I've prayed for to help us showed up unexpectedly with some startling words. "You are about to have another testimony to share." I did not know what this meant. I thought I was about to hear an exciting testimony that happened to them.

Soon we had to go. This person walked out with me and handed me an envelope. My heart leapt. My friend then said, "You know what is inside. I would not give you dirt." With that we hugged. Yes, I know. I do hug on occasion.

My friend told me how that morning in prayer the Lord prompted a love gift. My friend wrestled with the amount. When an amount was settled my friend prayed, "Lord, if you want me to give this amount then let Matt still be in town." Well I was. That was the  confirmation my friend needed.

Before getting in the truck to leave I recounted how I had been burdened to pray specifically for them to be prompted by God to help my family. We hugged again grateful for how the Lord had worked in both of our lives. We were driving off when I peeked in the envelope and found a folded check. Another friend was driving as I sat in the passenger's seat. I took it out and immediately folded it again. I looked off out the window as tears cascaded. I thought I misread. I unfolded that check and looked a second time through teary eyes. I checked the comma and the decimal. I checked the hand written dollar amount that matched the numerical value. The tears flowed more freely as all I could manage was, "Praise You Jesus."

That check was for $15,000! God heard my cries for help. God moved in my friend's finances and heart to want to give without my saying a word. I am still stunned a week later. God hears and God answers prayers according to His will and His timetable.

I called my friend to ask if that really was the intended amount. It was indeed. I told how I cried as a result and how I would give God all the glory. My friend's response, "I'm glad to know your weepers still work." My Heavenly Father is a faithful provider. He knew my need. He connected His resources to meet my need. Praise His Holy name. Miracles like that will keep my weepers working.

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