Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cleansing The Temple- Revival Part 5

            One week prior to the first service we did one other thing. We put out a sign up sheet for people to come into the sanctuary and to read through the Bible out loud in thirty minute increments. The people joined in enthusiastically.
            We started with Genesis 1:1 and read all the way through to Revelation 22:21 People started reading in the sanctuary at 6:00 a.m. They read all through the day and night until 10:00 p.m. We started over the next day. We read right up to start of the first revival service.
            Someone read through the Sunday School hour. One of the most special memories I have of those days is that we started the first service with a coach coming out and reading the last chapter of Revelation.  I have chills going through me just writing about that moment.
            Many testimonies came out of that cleansing the temple experience. Many showed up thirty minutes early to pray before their time of reading. Some stood at the pulpit and read out loud. Others sat in a chair and rad. Some signed up for more than one segment at a time Some read for an hour. Many signed up for more than one reading during the week. 
            It would be easy to read all this and think this is the formula for revival. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are no formulas for revival. Revival only happens when God chooses to send it. I have been a part of other meetings where there was just as much prayer and they did the cleansing of the temple but no mighty sweeping spiritual awakening came.
            Christian leaders are always looking for shortcuts to success. There are no shortcuts in the pursuit of God for revival. He sends such moves where He chooses. We know that such moves are often preceded by intense periods of prayer and personal repentance of sin.
            This is not intended to be a shortcut to revival. This is meant to ignite a passion in people to pursue God first. From that pursuit my hope is that groups of people will feel compelled to ask God for more of His work in their churches and communities.
            God chose Seminole for a special outpouring. I don’t know why. I certainly do not know why He chose me to be a part of such sweet season of spiritual refreshing and renewal. I also think God has chosen Kermit for reasons beyond my understanding He has chosen me to lead this movement. I do so humbly and with a great deal of soberness.
            I am flawed vessel. I can see no reason why God chose to work through me. Out of all the pastors who have served FBC Seminole why me? Dozens of faithful men served that church before me. They prayed. They sought God. They surely wanted revival as well Why didn’t He send it through one of them? Surely their prayers laid the foundation for what got to experience. Stay tuned. There is more to come. 

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