Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kermit Shake The City - Day 3

I sat alone under the tent lost in thought and prayer before the start of the meeting. I lost track of time. Sherman got my attention as he mounted the makeshift stage made out of rows of square bales of hay covered with plywood, and a thin layer or carpet.

The wind blew stronger last night than at any time the rest of the week. It blew so hard we were not able to put up the screen for the words to the songs. That did not seem to matter. People sang and worshipped enthusiastically. Outside in near 100 degree temperatures we worshipped. I have never felt hot the entire week under that tent. God has graciously sent a breeze each night to keep us cool. I went back and forth between singing and praying.

Like so often happens the praise and worship went by way too fast. It felt like we had barely begun and then it was time to declare the word of the Lord. So many people writhe in agony during worship no matter the kind of music sung or the duration of the praise and worship time. Not me. I love to sit before the throne of God and to sing to Him. He deserves the praise. More praise than we can ever give Him in any worship service.

I do not go into these kind of events knowing up front what I will preach. I trust God each day for the day's message. The inspiration came as I walked around a track next to the Kermit Junior High in the morning. I used John 8:32-36 as the text. and Mark 7:5-7.

We dove into the scriptures. In those moments I am consumed with the truth. I lose track of time. God's word feels like molten lava burning in me and like a volcano I erupt in Bible truth. It is like time stands still as I share God's message with others. Those gathered last night seemed hungry for God's truth. They opened their ears and hearts to the Holy Spirit and the word of God.

If I were to characterize our time last night I would say it was sweet. I did not have a harsh tone though the scriptures had hard truth. I certainly did not want to come across as being some expert on revival or a Bible scholar. I'm a fellow pilgrim on this journey with Jesus. At times I transparently talked about my own journey and the struggles  I've had along the way. I highlighted how people can be in bondage to sin as well as to the traditions and opinions of people. There is bondage in man made religions and rules. There is freedom in a relationship with Jesus. He still delivers and liberates people today.

I honestly have no idea how long we met last night. We are free to meet as long or as short as we need to. People had the freedom to testify. I did not feel rushed like some churches make you feel wanting to start and be done in an hour. Nobody seemed in a hurry to get through the service last night. We met in freedom to stay as long as dictated by the Holy Spirit.

Think of it. One hour to meet with God in far too many churches. On the other hand, countless hours are spent being conformed to the world through multi and social medias. This week we have been free to meet with Jesus as long as He wants to meet with us. I especially enjoyed the testimony of a mother talking about her daughter embracing Jesus for herself and forming her own convictions even if they are different than the morality and convictions of her generation.

It has been a joy to watch God speak to the students and children this week. We have not watered down truth for them. They have sat right beside adults to worship and hear the word of God.

All ten of us. Yes you read that right. There were only ten of us gathered under that red and white canopy last night. If you subtract the revival team that leaves only seven. For the second time this week we sat in a circle and I taught a Bible study as opposed to preaching a sermon. I can confidently say we have not been used to shake the city of Kermit. It would probably be a stretch to say we have given Kermit even a nudge.

We must have met for a long time. As we have done  each night, after the service, we get a bite of supper. We walked into the Huddle House after 9 p.m. Sherman, Tammy and I discussed the meetings at great length.  I did not make it back to the room until close to 10:30 p.m. I am wrestling with tonight being our last night of ministry here in Kermit.

I am at peace I followed what I believe to be a clear leading from God to do this. I have tasted true revival and what we have experienced this week is not it. Our times have been refreshing.  I am blessed to have met some other brothers and sisters in Christ. I love them. We cannot say we have experienced revival. I knew coming in only God to do that. Thus far He has chosen not to turn the hearts of Kermit residents back to Him. At least not through this tent meeting.

I will seek the Lord for clear direction.  I will also seek for another message. Whether I preach or teach that message I want to honor God with my best. Thank you for praying for us.

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