Monday, August 16, 2010

Revival – Taking Our Watch on the Walls of Seminole

Day fourteen proved to be one of the most difficult for me personally. I fought doubts all day long that God was through. I struggled with my own doubts about really hearing from God concerning this revival extending. Days twelve and thirteen saw the smallest attended services of all the meetings.

When I walked into the conference room to pray I had little faith. I had no burning in my heart to preach. When I sat down at the table the other men were jovial but their moods quickly changed when I shared my heart. The battle to continue this revival or to discern if God is done has been constant. There is also a nagging fear that we have grieved the Spirit of God and therefore God’s mighty outpouring might be over.

We talked around that table for a good while. I confessed my inability to accept anything less than God’s best for us. Half filled pews and lack luster meetings do not bring God the honor and glory He deserves and demands. We scheduled to meet last night and today which is Sunday. There have been no plans to go beyond the two services today.

After we prayed, I told the fellows that I would not come out of that room until I had a clear word from the Lord. Before they left a message began burning in my heart from [Is 62:6-7] I wrote feverishly in the margins of my Bible jotting down what I sensed the Lord saying.

I still did not feel ready to go into the sanctuary as the service began. I made my way down to the television room where I watched most of the service. As Sherman neared the end of ministry of taking the people to the throne of God, I quietly slipped into the back of the sanctuary.

The message God gave was a clarion call to prayer and to stand watch over Seminole with intercession. The call also included seeking God until His glory is promoted through this revival and we see it spread beyond FBC. I could not tell you how many responded because I went immediately to my knees at the altar and cried out to God move. I know we cannot take this move of God for granted. Part of me wonders if people have had enough and if God is grieved over this.

Following the message I had four interesting conversations. The first was from a man who serves in ministry here faithfully. He encouraged me to keep going. He commented, “Pastor, we must keep meeting. God is not finished working on me yet.” This spoken by a man who has attended every one of the seventeen services we have had thus far.

When I walked out into the hall I was met by a young couple I did not know. They told me about the church they attend in Lubbock. The church has exploded under the power of God. They have grown from less than a hundred to over three thousand in three years. What impacted me the most was learning that they have over five hundred people who come to a prayer meeting each Monday night. 500 people! What they said next took root in my soul. “Private prayer changes lives. Corporate prayer changes cities.” This has been my conviction since back in 1990 when I first served as a youth minister.

When I finished visiting with this couple, Jase motioned for me to come back to the conference room. The whole staff was there along with Sherman. When I took my seat our two youth interns said they had something to say. Before they proceeded I asked if it was a word from the Lord. They affirmed they believed it was and I reached for a pen and opened my journal. They believed that God wanted us to start having testimonies again. We have not had any in a week. I knew this was from God because during the invitation I had been praying for God to call someone to step up and testify. We discussed how to give guidelines about this and at the same time to pray God’s blessing and call on people to give personal testimonies.

When we left the conference room to eat a lady called for my attention. She told me she had felt the Lord wanted her to tell me something but I had gone in the conference room. She left to go get in her car but felt so strongly the Lord wanted her to share His message she came back. I will not go into detail what she said. Suffice it to say it will make up the message this morning.

God has spoken to me powerfully through her message. I had breakthrough in my spirit this morning. I am heading off to another prayer meeting before Sunday School. This marks day fifteen. God continues to shake me and I trust this city as well. I know we had people in attendance last night from Lubbock, Odessa, Denver City, and Seminole. God continues to shake and I must continue to take my watch on the wall.

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