Sunday, August 8, 2010

Revival – Lord Help My Unbelief [Mark 9:14-

We continued meeting in our revival services for the seventh straight night. The crowd was smaller than Friday night but the bottom floor was comfortably full even on a Saturday night with a handful sitting in the balcony. The Atens felt the Lord releasing them to their next ministry assignment therefore Sean took over leading us in worship along with our talented worship team. I think He has been excited about getting to minister to the church through worship in these services.

We celebrated baptism once again with three more following. Two were Senior Adults and there was also a teenager. It is exciting to hear the church clap and even a few shout while these answered God’s call to be baptized. That makes six this week.

I felt a burden all day long for families who carry the weight of children whom have been deceived by the enemy. I know there are many who cry out to the Lord begging Him to save their children or grandchildren or restore them from a life of sinful rebellion. I also felt a deep sense that many parents carry a great deal of guilt thinking they should have done something different with their kids. I am reminded that both Billy and Ruth Graham had to deal with this with their son Franklin. Jim and Carol Cymbala, who serve the Brooklyn Tabarnacle in New York, faced this with their daughter.

The enemy is relentless and longs to destroy families. Once again the Lord chose to use this vessel. At the invitation many came to the altar to pray the Lord would help their unbelief for children. I could not get off the stage after praying to begin the invitation. So many responded I could not get down from the left or the right. I finally found a side exit where I could get down. I prayed through a deep burden and do not know much else of what happened. When I finished praying the altar was clear and I sensed the Lord had accomplished His work.

Though I saw the Lord move, something was different last night. The service ended much earlier than the previous few had. At one point it seemed that the Spirit of God was grieved. God did meet with us though. Maybe He let us go home earlier so we could rest for what promises to be a full and reviving day on Sunday.

Each night when I finish preaching and ministering to people I am spent. I keep wondering how the Lord will give me the next message for the next service. There was a very short turn around between the service last night and preparing for the Sunday morning service today. He keeps leading me one service at a time. I never know far in advance what I am to preach which causes me to seek the Lord all the more.

In the passage I preached last night, the father of the demon possessed little boy comes to a point where he looks at Jesus and says, “If you can do anything please have compassion and help us.” Jesus was already disturbed that his disciples could not help the man while He was away. Jesus indictment on them included calling them an unbelieving generation. That translates into a faithless and unfaithful generation. His replay to the father was, “If you can. All things are possible to him who believes.”

That hit home for me as I studied. In the days ahead more and more people will be drawn here to meet with God. Does this church have enough faith in Jesus to meet needs and to help these people? The disciples when put to the test to minster to this critical need could not rise up to the challenge. They were weak in their faith and obviously not prayed up. I feel the church is in the same boat.

I had to call our FBC Seminole out about our weakness in praying. We offer several prayer meetings weekly but the attendance at any of them or all of them combined is meager at best and pathetic at worst. Still we press on. I have heard people tell me in these revival days they are praying more than they have ever prayed in their lives. Praise the Lord.

The river of revival continues to flow. It is hard to believe that today starts day eight. I am convinced things are going to intensify rather than dwindle. I expect the largest crowd of all the services this morning and tonight to be pretty close to it. The enemy does not stop resisting. He is relentless. Therefore I continue to oppose him in prayer. Who will fight with me?

We must pray harder than ever. When I start to doubt God’s move I must remember the prayer of the father, “I do believe. Help my unbelief.” Lord, I ask you to help us become and remain a believing church. Help us to be able to help those who come in Jesus name. Jesus is more than able. He said, “All things are possible to them who believe.” Lord, help our unbelief.

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