Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day Forty "Showers of Blessing"

Last night, while working on this book, I was distracted by flashes of lightening. It was not long after that I began hearing the distant echoes of thunder. At first I continued my work hoping to complete this book before returning to Seminole.

The lightning flashes became more frequent illuminating the black sky. Soon the thunder began to rattle the windows and the wind picked up. Earlier in the day my host told me how dry it has been. He contemplated selling some of his cows because there was not enough grass. He commented on how they sure could use a gentle rain to revive the pastures.

That is exactly what God sent last night. The storm was severe enough I shut down my computer and unplugged it so it would be damaged with a power surge. The storm lasted for a long time. Today, as I look out the window, I see the ground saturated with showers of blessing. I don’t know how much rain fell last night but I do know the ground and grass were revived.

In the same way I see the spiritually parched conditions of our churches and cities. We need God to send showers of blessing on us as well. I hope these forty days of devotions have been like mercy drops of rain falling, preparing us for the heavy down pour. For a long time I have equated rain with revival. I see many similarities. Rain revives, refreshes, and renews. So does revival. God controls when and where it rains as He does when and where He sends revival.

I hope your appetite is whetted. I hope these days of preparation have brought you closer to God. I have prayed as I have written. The bulk of this book was written in two and a half days in my little prayer cabin.

These have been good days for me. My heart is soaring as I anticipate His great move in your lives and your church. Let me conclude our journey together with a prayer.

Lord, thank You for meeting with me in this cabin. These have been high and holy days. I am blessed to serve a church that understands my need to get away from time to time to seek You. I ask You to bless this little book. It was birthed in Your heart first. I want to thank You for those who have sustained me in prayer over these days. Only You could have done this.

I lift up my brothers and sisters and ask You to revive them. I know they have sought You earnestly and I ask You to bless them with new life. I also ask You to move in communities and churches and do what You did in the days of old. I ask You to bring revival that will lead to spiritual awakenings. I ask You to bring glory to Yourself through this book and Your revival movement all over the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Matt Edwards

Eagle’s Rest Retreat - 6-03-10

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