Saturday, August 7, 2010

Revival – Get All In [Joshua 24:14:15]

As I sit to write this I have been up for two hours praying. It is not that I am not sleepy. It is that what God is doing among us pulls me out of bed to seek more of God. The things I am witnessing move me to tears and leave me awed and humbled at the power of God. I’ve never been a part of anything like this. This is the real thing.

Last night I witnessed a former Navy S.E.A.L. follow in baptism. During the latter part of the invitation I saw him in the balcony surrounded by other men sobbing with tears dripping off his nose. His wife has already testified she has seen a difference. I witnessed God saving another senior adult last night who was not ashamed to talk about it. This man wants to follow in baptism later tonight. Two others will join him.

I watched an influential businessman repent of his ways and leading others to stray publicly. This same man sent text messages to everyone on his contact list in the wee hours of yesterday morning praying for them and inviting them to the revival. Many of them came. I saw men kneeling before their wives and children washing their feet in a symbolic gesture of servant leadership. I prayed with several about other issues. I was deeply moved when I washed and prayed over Brenda and each of the boys. I am an extremely blessed man to share my life with Brenda (the First lady of Seminole) and the four T’s.

I am a blessed man. To get to behold the power of God like we are witnessing in these days is awe-inspiring. I do not have the words. I wish I could describe the music. Anointed of God is my best effort. I have been up praying for the Atens. They have been struggling all week to know if they are to stay. They are scheduled to be in another revival on Sunday but know God is doing something amazing here. They did not pack up last night but wanted to sleep on it and pray on it this morning. They have been a blessing to me in our private conversations as well as in leading us to the throne each evening. They have a depth to them that only comes from walking with the Lord and being tested by fire.

The service lasted two and a half hours last night. I almost shut it down prematurely but did not have the chance. People kept coming to the altar. Some came to pray. Men bringing their families to wash their feet. Other men repenting of living lukewarm. Many choosing to serve the Lord personally and to lead their families to serve the Lord. “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:15]

Writing these blogs has been difficult. How can I recount all the stories just to convey a taste of what God is doing? The house was packed again last night. A Friday night! How do you explain that? Our people have been showing up for six straight nights and even after two and a half hours we cannot get people to leave. They linger in conversation long past the closing of the service. One farmer commented he is giddy all day long waiting to come back to see what God will do next. Word is spreading and new faces are showing up.

Big burly men have been moved to tears. There are no color boundaries. Different races worship the One who unites all of our hearts. Teenagers are taking bold stands on their athletic teams. Rows and rows are occupied by teens on a Friday night. Coaches have been seen on their knees at the altar being forgiven, restored, and delivered. God is touching lives at the deepest levels. The undercurrent of this revival runs deep in this town.

The enemy opposes the work of God though. He has not laid down. We had a Seminole resident hang himself yesterday. I hurt for this community. God burdens me daily for those who do not know Christ. I grieve for those who have no hope. I plead with God night and day to expand His work beyond FBC to the other churches in town and beyond our community. I yearn for God to revive His churches all over West Texas. I plead with God to save the masses. This is not about church growth. This about God expanding His kingdom. Parents pray for their children who are in the vice grip of Satan. Our adversary is relentless. Therefore our prayers in combat must be relentless as well. [Is 62:6-7]

This is day seven of the revival. Tonight we will have guests from Humboldt, Saskatchewan as well as Paradise, TX. Each night this week, we have had guests from our sister churches around town. God is spreading His work.

Now is the time to get all in. That means to be fully devoted and not hold back. I keep thinking of a song called “God of this City.” In that song there is a line that says, “Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city.” I believe that and continue to give myself to this revival effort. I am all in.

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