Friday, December 25, 2015

The Gift That Keeps Giving

Well, the gifts have been exchanged. The wrapping paper strewn across living rooms. Gasps and joyous elations have been heard. Countless pictures and videos have been taken. Parents are busy trying to assemble those gifts coming with the famous words, s"Some assembly required." New clothes have been modeled. Holiday breakfast feasts have been consumed. Memories have been made. A few tears have been shed over the loss of those who have gone onto to eternity before us.

Sooner or later the let down will also happen. That feeling that comes after all the build up to Christmas morning is over. When all the presents are opened and there is nothing to look forward to. There is the let down that comes from people not getting what they wanted. There is also the heartache of families who fell through the cracks and nobody came to their aid this Christmas season. Little children awoke this morning to nothing under the tree. All their prayers and hopes for Christmas morning were dashed. Downhearted moms and dads look into the tear filled eyes of their little ones and feel the pain and shame of not being able to provide what most children take for granted on Christmas morning.

Before long the Christmas spirit will fade into discontentment. Electronics will not work. Clothes will not fit. Outfits will be discarded as unfashionable. Toys will break. The discontentment will take a little longer for some. Clothes will fade with use and go out of fashion. The once latest and greatest will get pushed to the back corner in favor of the newest and improved versions of those same items to come out in 2016.

When those things are the focus of Christmas there will always be a let down. When the true focus of Christmas is Jesus you can rest assured He will be at work in and around your life all year long [John 5:17] . In the saddest times He will be there to strengthen. [Phil 4:13] In the depressing times Jesus will bring hope to the discouraged. [John 14:1-2] Jesus will be there to move mountain like obstacles. [Mark 11:23-24] Everyday of the year and every year of your life Jesus will be there.

Jesus will never get old. He never goes out of fashion. He never breaks down. Following Him is a greater adventure than hundreds of Christmas mornings. Jesus truly is the reason for the season.

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