Sunday, December 27, 2015

From Epic Failure To Mighty Miracle

Have you ever failed? You planned well. You worked the plan. You labored hard. You used precision. In the end, the desired result did not come. You came up empty handed, downtrodden and ready to throw in the towel. You have nothing to show for your efforts.

That is exactly how Peter felt in Luke 5:1-11 after a long night of fishing and not catching anything. They washed their nets when Jesus showed up on the scene teaching. They were tired, hungry and frustrated. Washing the nets indicated these seasoned fisherman had thrown in the towel. They had called it a day and were ready to go home.

Some of you reading this are washing your nets even now. You failed and now you are ready to give up. You are so preoccupied washing your nets and quitting you are not even aware that Jesus is speaking. Please pay attention.

In those moments Jesus saw two ordinary fishing boats and some worn out fisherman. Interesting that what we see as ordinary can be a platform for the extraordinary when Jesus intends to do a miracle. Jesus sees things and people much differently than we see. A few loaves and fish in the eyes of men looked like a buffet to Jesus. A little bread and some wine looked insignificant to the disciples but in the eyes of Jesus they were the element so communion to be partaken of in remembrance of what He did on the cross. In the hands of Jesus ordinary can become extraordinary.

Jesus got in the boa of Petert to finish His message and then says, Luke 5:4 (NASB)
4 When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."

Peter and his companions were tired. The nets were clean. Going out in the deeper water required effort and letting down the nets was inconvenient. Jesus has the right to help Himself to our lives and interrupt them any time He wants. That is true whether you believe it or not. Peter's response was, "I will do what You say."

It did not make sense to go fish the same waters they had fished in all night and caught nothing. They failed. Still Peter responded to Jesus saying, "I will do what You say." Will you do that today? Will you simply do what Jesus tells you to do? Will you go, stay, give, sacrifice, serve, love, witness and step out in faith. Even after you've failed will you trust Jesus and do what He says?

After Peter obeyed a miracle occurred. We often want to turn the tables and rationalize with God that we will obey after we see the miracle first. Miracles happen on the other side of faith filled obedience. The net filled with so many fish when they finally landed them the catch nearly swamped two boats. AMAZING!

Jesus can do more in a few seconds than we can do in a lifetime of working in our own strength and ability. We need to hear that.

The most amazing verse to me in this passage is verse 11. Read it. Luke 5:11 (NASB)
11 When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him.

In verse 10 Jesus redefined their purpose and mission. In verse 11 they left everything. Boats, Nets. The largest catch of fish in their careers. Everything. They laid it all down and followed Jesus. Those ordinary fishing boats were center stage for a miracle and invitation to become fishers of men.

You may have failed but Jesus still has something to say. It very we'll may be the sight of your biggest failure might also prove to be the platform for a mighty miracle of God in your life.

Don't put those nets away just yet. Don't lose heart today. Let Jesus have His say and way in your life. Prepare to be amazed.

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