Monday, November 6, 2017

A Little Taste Of Heaven

Over the years I have traveled all over this nation preaching mostly in the sate of Texas. I have been blessed with opportunities to minster in north Texas, central Texas, west Texas, east Texas and on rare occasion in south Texas.

On weekends as of late Brenda has traveled with me. She and I got to taste a little bit of Heaven in a church in south Texas yesterday. I have never experienced anything like it. I saw humility. I saw servanthood on display from the top leader all the way down. I saw people joyously serving the Lord. I witnessed freedom in worship. I saw a sight I can't forget. During one of the songs people started going to the altar. To be more specific men. Men went forward. I counted ten men on their knees crying out to God and one lady.

I could not hold back the tears. I felt love. Love for God permeated the service. Love for one another followed. Love for the community was not lacking.

I saw a veterinarian go sit by a single man who visited for the first time. The vet also sat with this first time guest at the luncheon that followed the service. You would have thought they were long lost buddies. I saw ladies and men cooking food and serving food together. I saw retirees serving along side the young.  I saw a homeless man cleaning tables and working in the kitchen. He finds serving Jesus at the church gives him some purpose. Others told me he was homeless. I would have never known. He sat on the second pew in the center section during worship. He stayed totally engaged in the message.

I met a man who testified seven years ago he was left for dead out on the street across from the church from a drug overdose. He was a 25 year crack and meth addict. God saved him using the ministry of that particular church to introduce him to Jesus and help him get back up. He now faithfully serves the church as a food pantry director, the custodian, the groundskeeper, a cook in the kitchen, he on the leadership board and he sets up the tables and chairs. A true devoted follower of Jesus.

I saw multi ethnic groups eat together, worship together, serve together, and love one another. Brenda and I felt unworthy and embarrassed to be among such a great people. They were devoted followers of Jesus and we felt uncommitted in comparison. Those people were committed. They sacrificed. They did so cheerfully. They loved Jesus and openly testified to both Brenda and I.

I sat in that service and thought, "This must be a little taste of what Heaven will be like." I wish I could say every church I have ever visited or ministered in felt that way. The truth is many churches are cold, unwelcoming, apathetic, dead, unfriendly, hypocritical, self centered.

Over the years Brenda and I been privileged to serve and meet wonderful followers of Jesus. We did so again this past weekend. Next weekend we will minister in a different church in another part of Texas. I hope we get a little taste of Heaven. again.

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