Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Warning: Danger Ahead

Man years ago I walked out the door of my house and saw a toddler walking alone down a busy road. He walked toward some train tracks and a major U.S. highway. 

He waddled along in his diaper and a t-shirt. I had met the mother and father. We did not know each other well. We were neighbors but from all I could see they were good parents. I figured the mother got busy doing something and had not even noticed the toddler had wandered outside. 

That little boy walked toward danger totally unaware. I had a choice. I could either intervene or I could ignore the whole thing. If I chose to ignore the situation that boy's blood could have wound up on my hands. I could not sit idly by and do nothing. 

I hurried to the youngster and picked him up returning him to his mother. Just as I suspected she did not know he had wandered outside. The horrified look on her face spoke to  possible tragic outcomes that could have happened as they crossed her mind. She thanked me and I left thanking God I was at the right place at the right time. 

Here I sit again. I am a dual citizen. A citizen of Haven as a blood bought child of God and a citizen of the United States. I have found over the years these two citizenships are often in conflict with one another. 

I see my beloved nation drifting further away from God and His law. I see people calling wrong right. I see the professing wise of our society acting like fools. I am talking about the academic elite, the Hollywood moguls and film stars and the professional athletes who think their abilities give them the right to propagate their views contrary to God's word. 

I see apathetic church people who endlessly attend Bible studies and listen to sermons they seldom live out. I see tight lipped and dry eyed church attenders who carry no burden for the lost. I see so called Christians bow down at the idols of their children on the cathedrals of basketball and volleyball gyms as well as  baseball  and softball diamonds. 

Holidays are not holy days. 

We uselessly kindle fire on God's altar in our vain religious rituals. 

Our society is crumbling. Divorce destroys families. Adultery is rampant in the church as well as outside. People give into nights and days of passion breaking covenants made before God. 

Sex rules the day. People act out vile and perverted ways. They flaunt their shameful deeds, once only done in secret, but now on full display for all to see. Guys groping other guys. Women with other women. 

Teenagers and college students change sex partners with regularity taking no thought  to "the two becoming one flesh." 

While God's word is easily available it goes unread, unstudied, and unloved by a great host of people. Sodom had no Bible but they were judged severely. How can this Bible saturated belt of a nation think God will not hold us to a higher standard. 

We are on a dangerous course as a country. In my opinion we are living on borrowed time. We have been for a long time. At some point we will reap what we have sown as a nation. 

Preachers will be humbled and ashamed on that day. Rather than warning people of the impending danger ahead many tickled the ears to get a bigger crowd. They intentionally avoided sections of God's word that offend or make people uncomfortable. They refuse to warn the people of the danger ahead. They falsely prophesy of prosperous days ahead. 

We are heading for trouble. Danger is ahead if we do not repent. None us wants to face the fury of God in response to our rebellion and defiant ways. Repent while we still can. Preachers, preach the whole counsel of God and not just what the people want to hear. Preach what they need to hear. Warn them while you still can. 

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