Tuesday, November 28, 2017

My Meager Offering

While people prepare for family and Christmas a much more sobering thought keeps coming to mind. How long before God judges America. Like a ticking time bomb America marches defiantly toward her own demise seemingly unaware. To a nation like ours where God has given so much will He not expect much in return.

We have access to God's word. Multiple translations. Audio Bibles, electronic Bibles, and Bible colleges. We have churches of all shapes and sizes. Country churches. City churches. Traditional churches. Contemporary churches. Cowboy churches. Liturgical churches. Informal churches. Spirit led churches.

Sodom and Gomorrah had no Bible. I'm pretty sure they did not have any churches either but, God did not spare those cities from their rebellious and wicked ways. What will He do with America. To be sure there is a remnant of faithful followers sprinkled throughout the land. There are still intercessors in this nation. You may never know who they are because their ministry takes place in private behind shut doors. Is all of that enough to stay God's hands.

Every time another sex scandal rocks the church, congress, and Hollywood is God angered? Each time another homosexual couple exchange wedding vows before some spineless pastor officiating how does God feel? Each time a child is abused what does God think. Each time a pastor steps behind the pulpit to offer another speech with no scriptural emphasis or exposition how God must grieve. Each time another child is aborted because a woman thinks she has the right to choose life or death how abhorred God must be. Each time the educated profess to be wise they only make themselves fools and God is not honored.

At some point I wonder if God will get angry with America even though He is slow to anger. Is there a tipping point when God finally says enough. Will there be a judgment on this nation who boasts, "In God we trust," on our currency but shun His word and laws in our colleges and congress.

While others celebrate the season I have this deep dread that keeps me awake at night and drives me to the prayer closet. Who am I to warn people. I have no great platform. I am a small time pastor and revivalists. I do not have influence over the masses. Yet I feel I would have blood on my hands if I did not blow the horn of warning for the church of God.

In light of eternity I have heavier things on my mind these days than entertainment and holidays. I have the future of this nation at heart. There are many more anointed, gifted, influential, and effective ministers. Yet I cannot hold my tongue.

On most days barely two dozen people ever read these posts. I still have to share this burden. I trust God will take my meager offering of loaves and fish in this writing and multiply it for His good purposes. Wake up America. Wake up church. Wake up pastor. Wake up follower of Jesus. Wake up hypocrites. We are one day closer to judgment than before.

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