Monday, November 13, 2017

Seeing But Not Seeing

Everyday on the news we see the horrible acts of criminals and terrorists around the world. We hear about sucide bombings, mass shootings, gang violence, murder, rape, and assault. We see and read about these things but we are really blind to them. 

Do we really see? I mean do we have spiritual eyes to see beyond the surface? Do we even care anymore. We have seen so much that our hearts no longer feel. We are no longer shocked. We are no longer moved with compassion. Our hearts are petrified. We are not moved by anything. We are callused and careless. We see but we don't see. 

We don't see Jesus and feel the heart of compassion He has for people. We see black, brown, white, tattooed, pierced, poor, rich, religious, pagan, intellectual, and slow learners. But have we ever really seen them? Have we ever seen those people through the eyes of Jesus and felt the compassion of Jesus? Does that even cross our minds - EVER?

In [Luke 19:41] when Jesus approached Jerusalem He saw the people of the city. I am not sure exactly what He saw, or to be more accurate,  who He saw. I only know He began to weep. The sight of those people moved Him deeply. He could not fight back the tears. 

When is the last time you wept over anyone? When is the last time I was moved to tears after another tragic mass shooting? When has the lost plight of our cities kept us awake at night in soul agony? When are ever moved over the abused and neglected? When do we weep for the lonely and downtrodden?

We see but we never really see. If we saw the real truth we would see desperate people acting out in horrific ways because they have never seen Jesus for themselves. Maybe some of them heard about Jesus. Did they ever see Him in their spirits. If they had I am sure Jesus would have been irresistibly attractive. 

Do we see the elderly alone living in poverty? Do we see the single mother at her wits end trying to hold it all together and to be strong for her children? Do we see the immoral and the shame they feel? Do we really see?

Does the church ever see Jesus anymore? We see productions but do we ever see Jesus? Do we even care? Do we know the difference between religious productions professionally programmed and a real encounter with the living Jesus? Does His Spirit ever stir us in worship anymore. Are we moved by worship or convicted by His word which leads to repentance?

Do we ever take the time to truly see people. Lost people. Hurting people. Angry people. Immoral people. Hopeless people. Homeless people. 

Lord Jesus, I plead with you to open our eyes. Open our spiritual eyes to behold you. Open our spiritual eyes to see people like you see them. And once you do this I ask you to give us the courage and compassion to do something. To love tangibly. To love enduringly. To love compassionately. To love unconditionally. May you open our eyes to really see reality around us. 

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