Friday, November 10, 2017

How Do I Know?

It is true God speaks to people today. He does it in many ways. He uses His word, the Holy Spirit, people, books, songs, sermons, Bible studies, devotions and the list could go on. 

Have you ever received a clear message from God and then doubted later on you did indeed receive that message. Maybe you doubt the message even came from God. If you have you are not alone. I have struggled in this area over the years. 

After years of studying the scriptures there are some things I am certain are true. First, God communicates with His people. He did this with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Samuel, David, Solomon, and the prophets. He also did so with the apostles and Paul. He still does so today. 

The second truth is, people knew when God spoke to them. They knew it was God. Somehow they knew. I believe it is because they cultivated such close relationships with God. They were familiar with His character and with how He spoke. 

Third, they knew what God said. They came away from those encounters with a clear understanding about an action God called them to, a change of heart, a message to be delivered, or a word of warning. They knew what God said. 

It should not be any different for us today. We should believe God still communicates, know when He is communicating and discern what He is communicating. 

Yet, have you ever questioned if you heard clearly? Have you ever received clear instruction from God and then gone back and doubted it later. 

Let me introduce you to a little known New Testament Bible character named Zechariah found in Luke chapter one. He served as a priest. He and his wife Elizabeth had a problem. They were both old and never had children. One day God sent a message to Zechariah through the angel Gabriel. The message announced that God heard their prayers and was about to bless them with a son. Gabriel even announced the name God wanted to give the boy. 

How did Zechariah respond. In Luke 1:18, "How shall I know this?"

I've spent more time over the past several years training myself to hear from God more clearly. I read His word diligently. I try to sit still before Him. I approach life with open eyes and open ears to respond when God communicates. Yet many times I still find myself doubting and asking God, "How can I know this is really you speaking?" 

Many times I respond the same way Zechariah did. How do I know this is really from God. Maybe I made this up. When I entertain those thoughts I doubt God spoke to me and I rationalize such God encounters away. 

Zechariah looked at his situation through the eyes of human nature. He was old. Elizabeth was old. Way too old to get pregnant and give birth to a child. The entire situation looked impossible. 

Don't we do the same. God communicates something to us and we immediately entertain the impossibilities. 

God had a tough response to Zechariah. Gabriel told Zechariah in Luke 1:19 that he had been sent from God to speak  and to deliver good news. He also announced Zechariah would not speak again until day the child was born because of his unbelief. 

The word unbelief means "no faith and no trust." After reading this passage this morning in my devotion I felt convicted. God recently spoke something to me I was ready to dismiss. I repented asking God to help my unbelief. I do not want to be guilt of dismissing something God communicates. 

People do that very thing every single day. Knowing that God communicates makes walking with Him and serving Him exciting, adventurous, and dynamic. Now, let me say we may not always like what God communicates. We may not like His conviction of sin or His directions for our lives. 

May we walk with open hearts, open eyes,  open ears, and open spirits to receive truth from His word and Holy Spirit. May we repent of unbelief. I am not suggesting we be impulsive and not confirm God's communications or clarify His commands. I am suggesting that when God does speak we not doubt Him or shrink back in unbelief. 

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