Wednesday, November 8, 2017

America The Proud

America is a proud nation. We have a rich heritage. Far from perfect. We will always carry the blot of slavery and racial injustice. We are guilty of a holocaust of aborted babies by the millions. We have eaten sumptuously from God's banquet table and subsequently left that table and defied His commands in favor of more sophisticated rules for living. 

The symbol of our pride is the American eagle. Such a majestic and noble bird. Strong, regal, and independent. It symbolizes our proud strong nation. What if God turned against us, did not protect us, sent severe famines and floods no longer providing for us. How long would we proudly resist Him. We resist His word. We resist His messengers just as Israel did the prophets. Israel paid dearly. Do we think He would not do the same with us. 

I am concerned for the United Sates. I have been for a long time. When I see a man go into a Sunday morning worship service in a small town and gun down worshippers that burden only intensifies. When I hear about a motorist in New York mowing down pedestrians in his vehicle I am disheartened. When I read the multiple stories about corrupt politicians looking out for their own interests in favor of the interests of the voters I am grieved. When I hear the story of a lesbian couple marrying and having sperm donated by a homosexual male so the lesbian couple can have a child I am broken hearted. When I hear another case of sexual abuse or physical abuse of a child I am enraged. When I learn about blatant outright efforts to dismiss God from the classroom I am angered. When I see the long term effects of drug use, not only on the user, but also on their loved ones I am grieved. 

I see a society coming apart at the seems. Racial injustice is still an issue. The civil rights movement was never completely won. One of the most segregated hours on any given week is the 11:00-12:00 hour on Sunday mornings. 

When I hear another story of a suicide bomber killing innocent lives or the story like my friend told me of a guy killing six people near his home I am concerned. There is such little respect for life. And the news loves to glorify these stories because they get better ratings. It is disgusting. 

I recently prayed a prayer that took some guts to pray. I asked God to break my heart for the things that break His heart and to show me what He sees. 

The United States is in deep trouble. I am very concerned that judgment is coming. How long will God ignore the injustices, the rebellion, and the defiance of this nation. In our pride God is able to bring us down from our lofty heights. He can obliterate our insolence and bring us to our knees. He has done it before with other nations. We are not exempt. 

We must repent. Repentance must start in the house of God. We need more than tickling the ears preaching. We need bold preaching calling hypocrisy out and the lukewarm out of their apathy. We need solemn assemblies where people cry out to God on behalf of this nation and turn back to Him in humility pleading for mercy. I dread the thought of what will happen if we don't. 

Obadiah 1:3-4 (ESV)
3  The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rock, in your lofty dwelling, who say in your heart, “Who will bring me down to the ground?”

4  Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the LORD.

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