Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Prayer Ministry Connection

Some weeks ago while praying I became burdened for a lady I baptized many years ago. We lost touch when I moved from the church she attended. The burden was so intense I knew I had to try to make contact with her. I called the church she attended and to find her number. I called and called to no avail. I could never get an answer. I tried on several different occasions but with the same result. Turned out it was not even working number any longer. The line would just ring.

Today, out of the blue, that lady contacted me telling me she needed my help. We talked as she unloaded her sorrows. After listening to her I understood more fully why God had burdened my heart for this sister so heavily.

What amazes me is how the Holy Spirit burdened my heart for this lady several weeks ago and then moved her to contact me this morning. It was a privilege to listen to this sister in the Lord and to pray with her over the phone.

On another day recently when praying I received another burden for someone. This time the burden was more specific. I texted this person the next morning to see if the burden I had was correct. It was indeed. The next day I again had a burden for this person but even more specific than the first burden. I texted this person to see if I was correct in my assessment of the problem. The reply was I was spot on.

I was not spot on owing to my ability. The Holy Spirit knew the situation and impressed on me how to pray. I think He desires to do this for all followers of Jesus if we will slow down long enough to be sensitive to His promptings. Think of the endless possibilities if we could discern His leadings while we pray. He could reveal troubles, sorrows, waywardness, specific scriptures, and ways to minister to people.

It is my conviction that the Holy Spirit is the forgotten part of the Trinity. We love the Father and Jesus. Many have little use for the Holy Spirit. Our Pentecostal brothers and sisters embrace the Holy Spirit far more than other denominations.

If you and I prayed in step with the Holy Spirit and walked in step with the Holy Spirit how many people could receive effective ministry through prayer and face to face. We cannot afford to grieve and quench the Holy Spirit. Baptist churches put very little emphasis on the Holy Spirit. He is the one who connects the needs of people with those who are to minister. That is why years ago I created my own denomination. I call myself a Baptecostal. I recognized years ago we need the Holy Spirit to help us in ministry. He empowers. He comforts. He reveals truth He convicts. This past week He made connections between my prayers and hurting people. No college or seminary classroom can teach you that.

Holy Spirit we welcome you. We need you. We ask you to connect our prayers with the hearts of those who need your touch the most. Show us the ones you are convicting and preparing to respond to the gospel Show us the brokenhearted. Show us the discouraged. Show us the hopeless. Show us the ones who are lonely. Please reveal to us the ones who are weary. Please help us make the connections. Then I ask you to empower us to minister to their needs. In Jesus' name, amen.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What Would You Do?

What would you do if God showed up and revealed something He was about to do? Let me be even more specific. What would you if God showed you how He was about to punish a group of people living in sin?

This is the very spot Abraham found himself in the Genesis 18 story. God even said, "Shall I hide what I am about to do?" God chooses to reveal how the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah had grieved Him. Great sins. Grave sins. God was about to send angels into the cities to see for themselves.

Abraham had a nephew living in that area. Abraham began to intercede. He asked if God would destroy the righteous with the wicked and asked if God would spare the cities if there were 50 righteous. He pressed on getting all the way down to pleading with God to spare the city if there were only 10 righteous. In the end there were not even 10 righteous people in those cities and God destroyed them.

God had mercy and allowed Lot and his family to get out before His wrath fell on Sodom Gomorrah. Lot's wife did not resist the temptation to look behind her to see the destruction on their escape. She died as a result.

If God came and revealed something like He did to Abraham how would you respond? Would you ignore it. Would you dismiss the whole thing. Would you write it down and tell someone else. Would you second guess yourself hearing correctly. Abraham interceded. His fervent prayers saved Lot's life. How many of us would intercede. How many of us would take the warning of God seriously and pray earnestly for mercy.

The United States is walking on thin ice. I don't see any sins Sodom and Gomorrah practiced that people in the United States do not practice as well. In addition we suffer from the sin of prayerlessness.

I had a pastor call me today and ask me how he could lead his church to become a praying church. I told him I didn't know. I am no expert on prayer. Far from it. I know a little more today than I knew when I first became a pastor. I am not sure you can lead or teach people to pray. In order to really learn how to pray and intercede you have to PRAY and INTERCEDE. Prayer is better caught than taught. It is better practiced than preached. It is better lived out in real life than learned in a classroom.

That is what America needs. Millions making intercession. Maybe God will relent from doing this nation harm and leave a blessing instead. We certainly do not deserve His blessing. We deserve His wrath as a nation. May more of us follow Abraham's example and pray fervently. Otherwise I am convinced some very difficult times are coming for the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

God Please Have Mercy

O God please have mercy on this wicked nation,
A flawed vessel marred in Your hands of creation,
How long will Your judgment day delay and relent,
When America refuses to listen or to come repent,
How we have grieved You with our transgression,
When multitudes sit in pews but refuse confession,
How often have we sinned and brought You offense,
We have no excuses - no justification - no defense,
We have turned our backs on You in stubborn defiance,
Our sins we cherish - we enjoy and on You no reliance,
How long before Your burning anger is fully released,
When America no longer exists but becomes deceased,
Before that day I cry out in grief and brokenhearted,
Please send another Great Awakening You once started,
We have no other hope but for Your grace and mercy,
Please start as You convict and thoroughly search me.

My Meager Offering

While people prepare for family and Christmas a much more sobering thought keeps coming to mind. How long before God judges America. Like a ticking time bomb America marches defiantly toward her own demise seemingly unaware. To a nation like ours where God has given so much will He not expect much in return.

We have access to God's word. Multiple translations. Audio Bibles, electronic Bibles, and Bible colleges. We have churches of all shapes and sizes. Country churches. City churches. Traditional churches. Contemporary churches. Cowboy churches. Liturgical churches. Informal churches. Spirit led churches.

Sodom and Gomorrah had no Bible. I'm pretty sure they did not have any churches either but, God did not spare those cities from their rebellious and wicked ways. What will He do with America. To be sure there is a remnant of faithful followers sprinkled throughout the land. There are still intercessors in this nation. You may never know who they are because their ministry takes place in private behind shut doors. Is all of that enough to stay God's hands.

Every time another sex scandal rocks the church, congress, and Hollywood is God angered? Each time another homosexual couple exchange wedding vows before some spineless pastor officiating how does God feel? Each time a child is abused what does God think. Each time a pastor steps behind the pulpit to offer another speech with no scriptural emphasis or exposition how God must grieve. Each time another child is aborted because a woman thinks she has the right to choose life or death how abhorred God must be. Each time the educated profess to be wise they only make themselves fools and God is not honored.

At some point I wonder if God will get angry with America even though He is slow to anger. Is there a tipping point when God finally says enough. Will there be a judgment on this nation who boasts, "In God we trust," on our currency but shun His word and laws in our colleges and congress.

While others celebrate the season I have this deep dread that keeps me awake at night and drives me to the prayer closet. Who am I to warn people. I have no great platform. I am a small time pastor and revivalists. I do not have influence over the masses. Yet I feel I would have blood on my hands if I did not blow the horn of warning for the church of God.

In light of eternity I have heavier things on my mind these days than entertainment and holidays. I have the future of this nation at heart. There are many more anointed, gifted, influential, and effective ministers. Yet I cannot hold my tongue.

On most days barely two dozen people ever read these posts. I still have to share this burden. I trust God will take my meager offering of loaves and fish in this writing and multiply it for His good purposes. Wake up America. Wake up church. Wake up pastor. Wake up follower of Jesus. Wake up hypocrites. We are one day closer to judgment than before.

Monday, November 27, 2017


Faith says, "Go,"
Fear says, "No,"
Faith says, "Walk,"
Fear says, "Balk,"
Faith says, "Bold,"
Fear says, "Fold,"
Faith says, "Trust,"
Fear says, "Bust,"
Faith says, "Now,"
Fear says, "How,"
Faith says, "Leap,"
Fear says, "Keep,"
Faith says, "Abide,"
Fear says, "Hide"
Faith says, "Today,"
Fear says, "No way,"
Faith says, "Believe,"
Fear says, "Deceive,"
Faith says, "Up street,"
Fear says, "Retreat,"
Faith says, "Go,"
Fear says, "No."

One Little Step

I recall with great excitement how Brenda and I anticipated the first step each of our boys would take.  For weeks we would hold them by the hands and walk with them. We coaxed them to stand on their own and then to take a step toward our outstretched arms. Most of the time they would plop down. Sometimes they stood on wobbly legs tottering back and forth before losing their balance and falling down.

You could see them working through taking that first step without our help in their minds. They were unsure. They preferred the security of our strength. In time we rejoiced when each of our boys took that initial step. We celebrated that momentous occasion. Now we take them walking for granted. We are not overly impressed when they walk across the room or the yard. We have come to expect more out of them. We have celebrated them running track, playing football, basketball and baseball.

When I look back over my walk with God I remember one of the first faith steps I ever took. That step scared me. I felt wobbly on young legs of faith. I wanted to cling to security but God nudged me toward faith. He has been doing that now for over three decades.

Faith is trusting God enough to take one little step of obedience after another. The first step can be the hardest. Just one little step toward God and His invitation to join Him or to believe Him for the impossible. Just one little step. One step toward obedience and away from rebellion. One step toward trust and away from doubt. One step toward God's promise and away from the Devil's lies. One step toward the impossible and away from the safe and secure. One step toward Him and away from living life in our own strength and wisdom.

How many mighty acts of God started with one step. Noah cutting the first tree before building the ark. Abraham becoming the father of a great nation by taking that first step away from his home. Moses stepping out toward the Red Sea. Moses going up on the mountain to receive the commandments of God. Joshua leading Israel into the promise land. Elijah stepping up on Mount Carmel against false prophets. Jonah eventually stepping into Nineveh. The disciples stepping away from their nets and toward Jesus to follow Him. All of it with just one step.

What is that one step God is requiring of you right now? What is He calling you to do? What is the next little step you need to make? You have a choice to make. Do you trust God enough to take one step of obedience? I have a choice to make. Will I trust God enough to take that one little step. Ready or not here I go.


The word audacious can be defined as the willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. Now what if you apply that to prayer. Praying shockingly bold prayers.

D.L. Moody once said, "If God is your partner make your plans large." I heard Louie Giglio once say, "If you make a mistake let it be that you asked God for too much." Both audacious statements.

I prayed an audacious prayer this morning. The contents of that prayer are not important. Suffice it to say if you had heard that prayer your eye brows might have been raised. I did not pray that for show. I also prayed absolutely convinced God not only could but also convinced He will do it. Bold audacious praying is largely becoming a habit.

I sure cannot tout that all those audacious prayers have been answered the way I prayed them. I can show you multitudes of answers to some audacious praying. I want to err on the side of asking God for too much. I will continue to pray and make my plans large because God is my partner and I seek to dream His dreams and work out the plans He reveals.

Even if those plans are audacious. Dangerous. Risky. Impossible. Daunting. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is does Jesus want it done. If He wills it to happen we can pray audaciously and believe God to intervene. His power is not limited by our challenges. His wisdom is not limited by our confusing paths.

I think we often don't pray audaciously because we don't have audacious faith. If we are going to pray effectively we must learn to trust Him. Prayer without faith is just wishful thinking. I am not interested in wishful thinking like wishing on a shooting star or blowing out candles on a birthday cake.

God is all powerful, all knowing, and ever present. I want to tap into His resources daily. If I need wisdom about decisions I ask Him and expect Him to respond. If I need strength to make it through a grueling ministry schedule I lean on Him and ask Him to give me strength, energy, and power. If I have a need I ask Him to supply that need out of his abundant resources.

What would happen in our lives if we truly tapped into God and His resources? What would happen if we prayed audaciously with audacious faith. I can tell you what would happen. Miracles would happen. God would get more glory. Isn't that the point. God getting more glory as people see Him at work. How will that happen if we pray wimpy prayers our whole life with minimal faith. Lord Jesus, please increase our faith, help our unbelief, and give us boldness to pray audaciously. In Jesus' name, amen.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Standing On The Edge

Behind me is everything comfortable, familiar and known. Before me is the uncomfortable, the unfamiliar, and the unknown. I stand high on the edge of this lofty cliff. Faith tells me to step out and to trust. Logic tells me to step back into security. Faith says step out. Fear says step back.

This is not the first time I have stood on the edge of a similar cliff faced with a decision to make. These are moments I both live for and dread all at the same time. These are the moments when everything I have preached and written is put on the line. These are the moments I have to determine will I give lip service to faith or will I actually shrink back in safety like a security blanket.

God leads people to edges all the time. Choices have to be made. Sadly many choose safety and security to steps of faith. Living by faith is not for the faint of heart. It requires some courage and conviction. Conviction that God is faithful and can be trusted.

The truth is the decision has already been made for me. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (ESV) 
7  for we walk by faith, not by sight.  Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)
1  Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)
6  And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

I am called to a life of faith walking. No matter how high the cliff or obscure the view below the decision is made. I must step out. I WILL STEP OUT. Time and time again. I don't ever really expect to enjoy a comfortable secure life. I expect to my dying breath God will keep calling me to step off cliffs in faith. 

Do I ever get scared after taking faith steps for several decades? Yes. Before making those decisions my pulse quickens. My mind floods with thoughts of taking the easier path. Doubts begin to surface. I question whether I am hearing God clearly. I recall numerous times when I stepped out and things did not turn out like I had hoped. Like trying to plant two different churches. Like the Kermit revival. 

If I am convinced I have heard from God clearly and He is leading me to take the step of faith I will step. I wait for His peace to calm all my fears and doubts to give me the conviction needed to trust and to step. What happens next is all up to God. My part is to hear Him clearly, to trust Him completely, and to step out obediently. His part is work the the wonders in response. It is not the path I would have chosen for myself but it is the path I am determined to keep walking. 

I figure I will live most of my life on the edge. I might as well get comfortable here. This is the path God ordained for me. This is the race He has called me to run. This is the destiny for my life. Standing on the edge is where I have learned to love. 

So, here I go. No turning back. No regrets. No turning back. I trust and I step. 

Giving Birth To A Miracle

Brenda and I have an announcement to make. We are pregnant. Some may be surprised. Others who know us the best may not be so surprised. They celebrated other births we have been blessed to enjoy over the years. While we know the pregnancy period is a long process of waiting, we know in the end the  anticipated miracle will come. We look forward to celebrating that birthday.

If you think I am talking about being pregnant with another child you would be incorrect. We are pregnant with some miracles God is forming in our souls. They have germinated. Now we pray and wait for those miracles to be born through travailing prayer. You might ask what they are? What are these miracles we are giving birth to? God knows. They are recorded in my prayer journals. Now we wait to give birth to the miracles.

Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)
1  Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

What things? What specific things? What do those things look like? What color? What shape? What specifics? What is it that God has impregnated in your prayer life? What miracle or miracles are you praying to give birth to eventually? I have my list. 

I wish I could tell you beforehand. I am not a liberty to do so. All I can say is they are very tangible. They will be the evidence of our faith. You will not have to wonder what they are. We will testify. I already see those miracles in the making just as if they were already born. Such is the nature of praying. Soon Brenda and I will proudly display what God has done just like we did when each of our four boys were born. Miracles are now in the making. Soon God will bring them to birth. We wait and pray in faith until then. 

A Perfect Thanksgiving

My Thanksgiving started early. My entire prayer time was giving thanks to God for people and blessings. I had no desire to ask for anything. I thanked Him for everything from my salvation to my family. I thanked Him for friends, the food we have in our pantry and the food we would eat for our Thanksgiving lunch. I thanked Him for His continued provision, my education and for the different flocks we have served over the decades.

Brenda and I got up early to finish lunch preparations and cooked a small breakfast. We have certainly enjoyed having all four boys around the table. We love six place settings better than four. Next fall we will be down to three. After observing a family Thanksgiving tradition we sat down to a late lunch.

Brenda did an amazing job on lunch. The boys all gave her their favorites. She cooked something for everyone. Everything tasted fantastic. I have never had a better Thanksgiving meal. We had a feast of turkey (of which I did not partake being opposed to the fowl family), dressing, squash casserole, homemade cream corn, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, plus deserts. A feast fit for a king. And we gave thanks to God around the table before we ever ate a bite.

We went around the table telling what we were thankful for. I spoke personally to each member of the family about how proud I am of them and how much I love them. Brenda followed in tears just glad to have everyone home together. Taylor followed her, then Tanner, Tucker, and lastly Turner. A definite Thanksgiving I will not forget.

A perfect Thanksgiving. Looking at the love of my life sitting to my left at the table as she has done for over two and a half decades moved me. Her brown hair and sparkling brown eyes still hold my gaze.  Next to her the youngest Turner who has an infectious laugh. He is one the happiest people I know. I love his attitude and approach to life. At the other end of the table Tucker sits. He is very witty and he and Tanner can sure make us laugh. Taylor sits next to him to the right. He spoke very tenderly of family and close friends he has made at college. Tanner sits next to me to my right. He is always keeping us laughing. He is very witty and sharp on his feet. He can make us double over in laughter. He has shown us more affection. He has hugged Brenda and I multiple times followed  by his repeated, "O love you." Typically Tanner and Tucker had some one liners that kept us in hysteria. Brenda even had a one liner that made all the guys belly laugh. She can be very funny.

After lunch we drifted into the living room where we all fell asleep. We treasure these family times together. Many texted me about having a happy Thanksgiving as the day began. We already had. Before we ever a bite of Thanksgiving lunch we had a perfect Thanksgiving just being together.  Just having us all together meant more to me this year than it ever has before. We truly enjoyed a perfect Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 20, 2017


You can define humility as a low view of one's own importance. Lately in the news I have not seen a great deal of humility. Not from President Trump. Not from Lamar Ball. Not from NFL athletes. Not from NBA athletes. Not from foreign dictators.

So much bragging. So much seeking attention. So many wanting pats on the back and recognition. So much boasting. Such quests for greatness.

Two sets of verses cross my mind. One dealing with the greatest of all. No, I am not thinking about Muhammad Ali. I am referring to Jesus. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The hero of Heaven. The very Son of God. And yet read this passage slowly. Ponder the number of ways Jesus intentionally chose humility when He rightly deserved all the attention and adoration.

Philippians 2:5-11 (ESV)
5  Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,
6  who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7  but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
8  And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
9  Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
10  so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11  and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Next, who will be the man to ever boast in God's presence. Who will be the man or woman to show off a resume and list of accomplishments. We will boast about  successes, families, job tiles, salaries, or status before a holy God. Great people in this life will be complete failures in the afterlife without Jesus. 

He alone saves. Jesus saves with grace through faith. He gives us what we could never merit on our own. And still men brag and boast instead of displaying humility and following the example of Jesus. If people carry that attitude into eternity it will lead to their eternal destructions. Nobody will boast before God. Nobody. With humble hearts people must repent, acknowledge their sinfulness,  need of a Savior, and believe Jesus for salvation. If proud people refuse to humble themselves before almighty Jehovah there will be a day of reckoning. There will be a day of vengeance an awesome and terrible day of fierce wrath.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (ESV)
8  For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
9  not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 

Big Mountain Moving God

Are you staring at some mountains in your way?Do they hinder your path? Are they too tall to climb over, too wide to walk around, and too deep to tunnel underneath?

There is only one option left? Pray it to move. Brenda and I have seen God do this many times in the past. Big mountains He moved out of the way. He has solved financial problems, provided vehicles when we couldn't afford to buy them for ourselves, opened closed doors, provided places for us to live, and brought salvation and new life to many along the way. 

This night as I type this I'm looking squarely  at four big mountains. Four huge audacious mountains. Each one intimidating. Each one seemingly impossible from my point of view. Each one requiring the miraculous move of God to accomplish His purposes. 

God specializes in moving big mountains. Mountains that look so impossible it is easier to doubt than to believe. He does not see mountains. He sees molehills. He sees ant mounds. Nothing for Him to move. So Brenda and I pray. 

Now I could list each mountain right here. I could phrase the language so as to give hints what they are. If Brenda and I take our mountains to God alone then when He works to move them He alone will get the glory. Nobody will be able to say any man moved the mountains. God will get the glory and Brenda and I will have another testimony to share. 

I am confident each of these four big mountains will move. I am confident on this very site I will testify about how God worked in each situation to give Him more glory. Other's faith will be encouraged and inspired. 

It is part of the great adventure. Part of the ebb and flow of life of facing tests and trials but watching God do powerful work in overcoming the trials. When God chooses to step into our situations to flex His divine muscles to do the impossible tasks of moving our mountains we are humbled. We are awed. We are astonished. We are amazed. 

When was the last time you were awed, astonished, and amazed at the power of God? I bet the last time you saw Him in action it moved you deeply. We may not enjoy facing mountains but we do enjoy watching His move mightily. 

So on this night, as I have done for weeks now, I ask the great mountain moving God to move my four big mountains. I speak to them with faith and do not entertain doubt. I expect them to be moved anyday now. When they are you will hear all about it. 

Mark 11:23-24 (ESV)
23  Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.
24  Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Son Burn

I woke up early to go to my secret place,
Where I meet my Lord and seek His face,
We commune there two of us all alone,
He is my Lord and I am His very own,
The joy that passes as together we talk,
Strengthening me for my own faith walk,
I love the secret place behind closed doors,
Where time stands still - often face on floor,
That sacred place where my battles are won,
Where I get a burn from basking in the Son.

Upcoming Preaching Schedule

Nov 19 - Heritage Baptist Church -Weatherford, TX
Nov 26 Heritage Baptist Church - Weatherford,TX
Dec 29 -Heritage Baptist Church - Weatheford , TX
Dec 1-2 - North Side You Retreat- Sky Ranch Van, TX
Dec 3 - Heritage Baptist Church -Weatherford, TX
Dec 6 -Heritage Baptist Church - W’ford, TX
Dec 10 - Heritage Baptist Church- W’ford, TX
Dec 13 -Heritage Baptist Church - W’ford, TX
Dec 17 - Heritage Baptist Church -W’ford, TX
Dec 20 -Heritage Baptist Church - W’ford, TX
Dec 24 - Heritage Baptist Church -W’ford, TX
Dec 27- Heritage Baptist Church - W’ford, TX
!Feb 14 - Howard Payne UniversityChapel - Brownwood, TX
Feb 16-18 - FBC Pleasanton D’Now -Pleasanton, TX

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Which Direction Are You Running?

Some people want to live
Within the sound of chapel bells
But I want to run a mission
A yard from the gates of hell

And with everyone you meet
I'll take them the gospel and share it well
And look around you as you hesitate
For another soul just fell, let's run to the battle
Run to the battle - Steve Camp

I love these words. They have a prophetic bite to them. I love Steve Camp. I cut my teeth on his songs and hard truth when I first met Jesus. A far cry from contemporary Christian music of today. 

For days I have replaying the above lyrics in my head. I keep rewinding the words over and over again. I look around me. I look at the many different churches filled with people who really want to live in the sound of chapel bells. They want to live in safe suburbia. They have comfortable lives. They insulate their families from the bad stuff. 

Then I think about those running to the battle and fighting the good fight of faith. Those more of us will never hear about. They live, serve, and minister in obscurity setting up missions in places where evil, sin, and wickedness run rampant. 

It is a rare breed of Jesus' follower who WANTS to live a yard from the gates of hell. My safe and comfortable world got rattled this past summer at Mission 58 Camp. I love this camp. The afternoons are filled with students serving in different locations. I traveled with the camp director, Keith Nash, to Cornerstone Baptist Church in Dallas, TX. This church has a vibrant ministry to drug addicts, homeless, and some that others choose to ignore. They are doing more than just offering worship services. They feed the homeless. They provide housing. They help people get off drugs. They are buying crack houses to drive out the drug pushers. I sat there on that day this past July taking it all in. I thought to myself, "This is what the church is supposed to be." 

Church is not supposed to be reduced to a preaching station and a singing station. We are to take the gospel to the darkest and hardest places and help people living about a yard from the gates from hell. It is dangerous. The work is hard and the progress may be slow. The very people you work and pray so hard to help may relapse. The finances are often limited. 

Since that day at Cornerstone I have found myself wanting to run to the battle to those who need it most. I disdain the country club church mentality. Something has shifted deep inside of me. Salaries and security hold no attraction in light of serving and sacrifice if I can really help make a difference. I think for the first time I can really understand what Paul meant when he wrote;

Galatians 6:14 (ESV)
14  But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

 Running to the battle means running away from living within the sound of chapel bells. It means running toward the dark and hard places. It means loving those others may look at as unlovable.  Those people need Jesus too. 

No More Shame

Like a sinner face down in the mud I have wallowed in shame like millions of others over the years. I have  regretted mistakes I've made, attitudes I've embraced, relationships I've sabotaged, destructive thoughts I've dwelt on, and sins I have committed and omitted.

It is not a pleasant experience when the Holy Spirit shines the spotlight on your heart exposing the darkness. And yet in the middle of that Jesus comes up to us just like the woman caught in adultery and because of His shed blood and grace He whispers, "I do not condemn you. There is no more shame. You are forgiven. I declare you righteous."

We can read such truths in His word but do we believe them? Do we really believe we are forgiven? Do we accept that we are declared righteous through Christ? Do we really trust that there is no condemnation for us in Jesus? Therefore, there is no more shame.

How often do we relate to God based on our performance. None of us is perfect and so we will constantly be on a roller coaster with Him. We will draw near when we live right and obey Him. We will shrink back in shame when we stray and disobey. Or we cN admit when we are wrong, repent,  and believe what His word says.

If we could just bask in the depths of His love and truly be clothed with grace and righteousness we could know we no longer have to live in shame. We are redeemed. Jesus reconciled us to God saving us from His wrath. Jesus is our advocate making intercession for us.

Satan wants us to live in shame and condemnation. Satan wants us to pull back from God. He entices us to wander. He entices us away from our source of joy and liberty into a life shame and bondage.

NO MORE SHAME! No more giving into Satan's schemes. It is time to walk in the freedom and forgiveness Jesus purchased for us. It is time to receive the love of Jesus and be immersed in His grace. It is time to believe what His word says about us. We are adopted, loved, heirs, born again, redeemed, saved, children of God, and no longer condemned or shamed. Walk in that church. Embrace that church and live in the wonder of worship of the One who made it all possible.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Different Kind Of Baptism

To baptize someone means to immerse them under or to overwhelm under the water. That is the literal greek word baptize definition. I got baptized in 1985 by Charles M. Roberts at the Denman Avenue Baptist Church on a Sunday night. I remember being so nervous and wondering if Brothers Charles would be able to pull me out of the water. I even asked him before going in. He assured me that he had baptized many bigger than me. With that act of baptism I united with Denman Avenue Baptist Church and truly learned what it means to follow Jesus over the next several years. Those wonderful people invested heavily in me. Part of who I am today is because of their investment. 

I got baptized a second time early this morning. I was not even looking for this baptism but God sent it too. This time it was not a baptism of water. Yet God immersed me and overwhelmed me. 

It was a pure baptism of His love. It is like He peeled back all the hindrances that have kept me from fully embracing, believing, and accepting that love. He baptized me in His perfect love. 

A love like I have never known. A love that brought both brokenness and restoration all at the same time. A baptism of love that moved me closer to His heart for other people. I wept and wept as His love poured over me. I wept harder when I pictured Him in my mind holding me and telling me how much He loved me. A Father's love to a fatherless little boy in a grown ups body. I cried and cried over His blessing baptizing me in His love. It is an encounter with Him I will not soon forget. 

We read about His love all through the scripture. [John 3:16] [Rom 5:8]. Much of the book of I John is an expression of His love for His people. Do we believe it really? Do we receive it? Do we secure and anchor ourselves in that love? Does His love for us well up more love for Him in us? Does it create more love for other people. 

God did something special in me this morning. I guess the fruit of that encounter with Him will be proven over the course of my life. I continually ask Him in these days to give me His love for people. One so unworthy as me but who is loved so much wants others to know that same kind of love. 

A Father's Love

Picture this scene with me. A little boy hears his daddy's car pull up in the driveway coming home from work. The little boy gets so excited he drops the toys he is playing with running to the front door with unbridled joy. When the daddy opens the front door the little boy cannot contain his enthusiasm. He starts jumping up and down and shouts loudly enough for everyone in the house to hear, "Daddy is home! Daddy is home!"

Hearing those words the daddy drops everything in his arms smiling ear to ear and grabs the title boy whisking him up tossing the child high and then catching him. He says, "Hi champ. How was your day?" 

The little boys squeals and giggles answering, "I am so glad you are home."

The daddy responds, "Champ so am I. So am I." With those words he hugs the little boy tightly and tenderly pats him on the head as he sets him down. Then he says, "Let me go and change clothes and how about you and me going outside to play." 

"Hurry dad. I will be outside waiting," the boy exclaims. 

Over the course of the evening many times the little boy jumps in his father's arms. He cannot contain his joy just to have his father's undivided attention. Many times over the course of the evening the father speaks words of affirmation to that little boy. He tells the little boy how much he loves him. How proud he is of him. He also forgives the little boy when he accidentally knocks over this glass of milk at dinner. 

When bed time comes the little boy reluctantly takes his father by the hand as they walk toward the bedroom. He keeps muttering, "But I want to stay up with you. I'm not tired I promise." The father is resolved. In one last effort for a little more time with his dad the boy says, "Will you read me a bedtime story?" The father agrees walking over to the bookshelf. He reaches for an unread book but the boy requests a favorite one they have read together many times. 

After the book the father knees beside his little boy in the bed and prays over him. The little boy yawns and goes to sleep surrounded by the love of God and the love of his parents especially his daddy. 

Now tell me, how do you feel? If this is a scene taken from your own childhood I bet your heart is warm. If you had an absent father I bet this stings a bit. 

Now, what if I change the characters a bit. What if the child is you and me. Little boys and little girls. What if the daddy is God the Father? What if He shows up to have fellowship with you? Are you excited? Are you enthusiastic about time with Him?

What if God pulls you close and tells you how much He loves you. Just like a daddy hugging his little boy or girl. What if during that time with Him you feel the depth of His love and He whispers in your ear, "Child, I am proud of you. I love you. I love being with you. I am so glad you are mine."

How would you receive that? Would you even believe it? I bet many of you would immediately turn to your performance. You will think of your many failures and your sin. You will shrink back in shame. The love of our Father is far greater, higher, and deeper than we can fathom. Not just for other people. Love for you. Let me say that again. LOVE FOR YOU!

He loves you. He loves to be with you. He is there to pick you up when you fall. He is there to forgive when you sin. He is there to bind up the wounds when your heart is broken. He is there to speak words of love and affirmation when your lonely battered heart needs them most. He is there to give you His undivided attention, to unload your cares, to listen to your requests, and to help you in times of trouble. That is the love of the Father. 

Read these words slowly. You know them but do you really understand the depth of Father's love. I pray you will receive it today. 

Romans 8:31-39 (ESV)
31  What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
32  He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
33  Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.
34  Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
35  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?
36  As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”
37  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
38  For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
39  nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

No Sacrifice Too Great

As I contemplate the fuller implications about following Jesus I feel Him drawing me deeper in Him. Deeper than I have ever been. It is challenging, reviving, and humbling. 

I have spent time in recent days reading all the gospel accounts of the crucifixion of Jesus. I have sat with Him in tears for two straight days humbled by His love, mercy, grace, and salvation. As I sit before the cross I am overcome with brokenness and the sense of my own sinfulness and unworthiness. Yet He loves me. Truth so simple children sing about it. Truth so profound it drives me to my knees overcome with tears of gratitude.

Jesus, who needed nothing, gave everything for a wretch like me. When I brought nothing to the table for salvation He brought all that was needed. When I can give Him so little in return He still keeps giving to me in further expressions of His love. He keeps loving. He keeps binding my wounded heart. He keeps renewing my vision. He keeps restoring hope. He keeps blessing in more ways than I can count. He keeps forgiving me. He keeps choosing to use me to communicate His truth. He keeps inspiring me with things to preach and to write. He keeps revealing Himself to me. 

He also keeps meeting with me. Me of all people. With all my flaws, failures, and faults He chooses to commune with me. He draws closer, holds me, and loves me. I am overcome with emotion. I cannot fight back the tears. Yes, even this tough former football player is humbled in a puddle of tears before Him and His love. 

Out of that I contemplate that there is no sacrifice He could ever require of me that is too great. Only once in my whole ministry can I say Brenda and I were blessed with abounding surplus of finances. How we thanked God for that season. Most of our ministry we have lived from prayer to prayer, believing from miracle to miracle. At times it has been stressful. That has been our fault. The stress only comes when we choose to doubt God and His promises. When we choose to focus on our needs and circumstances we have doubted many times. Even then God mercifully came through for us. When we keep our eyes on Him and cling to His timeless truths we trust He will come through. 

We have tried to testify about His provision and answers to our many prayers. We are getting older now. Brenda and I are both now in our early 50s. It is tempting to look down the road and think about requirement. I am embarrassed to write this but we do not have anything saved for retirement. No retirement plan. Nothing to fall back on but Him. 

He is enough. In the past I resented the sacrifices He required of us. I looked at other servants who seemed to enjoy an easier paths than the one laid out for us. How foolish of me. That was only the deception of the enemy. 

I come today to declare there is no sacrifice too great He could ask of me. Not living in poverty. Not ministering in harm's path. Not laboring and writing but never to be remembered. Not loving and serving the least of these. Not laboring tirelessly the rest of my days. Not driving vehicles with high mileage. Not having so little to  give to my boys to help them through college and life but my faith in God. Not having retirement funds to fall back on. Fair enough. I never planned on retiring anyway. Retirement will come when Jesus calls me home. No sacrifice is too great. Nothing Jesus could ever ask of me can compare to what He gave me on the cross and what He continues to give me. 


Like I have never been able to say before I can say Jesus is enough. With Him I don't need the allurements and trappings of this world that never brings contentment. Jesus makes sacrifice and suffering more than tolerable. It brings a deeper communion. I would not trade that for all the worldly wealth and enticements on this earth. What Jesus is showing me is so simple and yet so profound. I can honestly write from the depths of my soul no sacrifice He requires is too great. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sent Out With Nothing

Mark 6:7-13 (ESV)
7  And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.
8  He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in their belts—
9  but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics.
10  And he said to them, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you depart from there.
11  And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.”
12  So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent.
13  And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.  

I cannot shake these verses. I have been meditating on them and trying to digest them the past couple of days. Like happens so often one of the ways I work through scripture is to write about what God is showing me. 

The word called in the above scripture means "to summon or be given a personal invitation." We like invitations to parties, to special occasions like weddings or wedding showers. I am not so sure most people want Jesus' personal invitation. It seems radical as I read it. 

He charged His disciples. The word charged means " to make a declaration and a commandment." This is not optional. He does not offer the disciples a suggestion. He does not even give them an option. It is a clear directive. He gives them marching orders. Does He ever do that in this day and time? Does He ever call and charge people to do certain things for Him? Does He still call people to leave the comfortable to go for Him? 

He sent them out in teams of two. I am sure that was for each to encourage and pray for the other when things got tough. He also gave them authority over unclean sports. Some would argue there are no unclean spirits around today. I would beg to differ. He gave them authority over these unclean spirits. That means He gave them "strength, power, and jurisdiction" over demons. 

All of the above is not what I have been wrestling with. It is the next few directives of Jesus that have stopped me in my tracks and left me asking if He might still require this today. Jesus commanded them to take nothing for their journey, no food, and no money. His command was to be obeyed by faith. 

How can Jesus call His ministers and missionaries to go out with nothing to fall back on but Him? That is extreme. Today we would have ample provisions to rely on, financial support before we go, and a place to live all in place before going on mission. His disciples were to enter a town and trust God to show them favor with someone to open their home so they would have a place a sleep. 

That is extreme. It is not practical. Experts would never support such an ambition. It looks foolish and presumptuous. And I cannot help but ask myself does Jesus still do this? What if He commanded me to do something similar? Would I trust Him. Would I willingly leave and go on mission for Him without a place to live, with no money or food for the trip? Would I walk out in faith totally depending on Him for everything? Do I really have that kind of faith and courage/

Religious people would make a list of excuses why such a mission is doomed to fail from the start. I would agree wholeheartedly if the plan to go originated in the mind of a man or a woman. What if the call and invitation originated with Jesus? Would we sit around for months and years waiting for everything to fall into place before we left? Would we wait for guaranteed financial security to be in place before we left? 

Would any of us simply obey by faith and GO? Throughout history some have. They inspire me. Read about the early ministry of Leonard Ravenhill when he walked the length and breadth of England preaching revivals, sleeping in church buildings and barns, trusting God for every meal and yet seeing the Kingdom of God expanded. Read about Jackie Pullinger who got on a boat in 1966 only knowing God called her to go. She had no missionary organization to send her. She did not even know what country God wanted her to go to. Many thought she would fail. She ended up in Hong Kong where she has labored for half a century. 

Could Jesus really command this to me?Go. Don't worry about where you live, what you eat, or the money you need along the way. Go. Share the gospel. Pray for the sick. Stand against the enemy. 

Now Jesus sent out His disciples with nothing but His power. The second part of this passage that stops me in my tracks is those disciples OBEYED! They didn't give into fear or logic. Jesus commanded. They obeyed. They trusted. 

The results. Many repented of sin. Many were delivered from evil spirits. Many sick were miraculously healed. Would any of that have happened if those disciples had waited until everything was guaranteed and planned in advance. Would they have ever left the safety and security of their homes. 

This passage has been burning in me for two days. I cannot shake it. This morning I read a companion passage about when the disciples retired from their mission. Luke 22:35 (ESV) 
35  And he said to them, “When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.”

We all want to see the miraculous activity of God in our churches and ministries. I am convinced the miracles of Jesus are on the other side of faith steps. Miracles are on the other side of obedience even when it does not make sense. Even when Jesus sends you out with nothing. 

Private Worship

When I prayed this morning I had a unique encounter with God. Early on I sensed there would be something different about our time together. I got caught up in private worship. I basked in His presence. I enjoyed Him. I adored Him. I revered Him. I praised Him. I thanked Him. I exalted Him. I sought Him. I experience more of Him.

Without any morning something welled up from deep in my soul that came out in the form of tears. At first, they trickled and then they turned into intense sobbing. The first wave came in response to the mercy and grace of Jesus. I felt so unworthy of salvation, my family, friends, home, vehicles, clothes, and my calling. The weight of it all settled on me heavily. God overwhelmed me with His amazing grace. The sorrow of my sin came out in torrential tears. Then I turned to all the mistakes I have made along the way. His grace has covered those mistakes, given me additional chances, and protected from bad decisions. All of that came crashing down on me like the cascade of a waterfall. All I could do was weep and praise Jesus.

In that moment none of my problems mattered. Nothing mattered but worshipping Him. In the privacy of my home office that room became a sanctuary of intense worship. God met me this morning. There were no other worshippers present. There was no-one to lead worship but the soft praise music of Twila Paris playing in the background.

The next wave of tears came in response to the lovingkindness God has extended to me. Of course Brenda and my boys were up at the top. So were faithful brothers and sisters who have walked with me through seasons of defeat as well as triumph. They have stuck closer than brothers. I wept over God's continuing faithful provision to my family. I have a cupboard full of food. I have clothes in the closet. I have books and God's Bible. I have this computer to be used to minister to others. I have sight to see physically as well as spiritually. I have hope, strength, love, peace, and joy abounding. His word is opening to me in profound ways. He speaks to me and in response to all of it and so much more all I could do was weep. I thought of the woman who wept over Jesus' feet and wiped the tears away with her hair. Jesus forgave her much and she loved Him much in return.That is a picture of my time with Him in private worship today.

The next wave of tears came in response to the hope He gives me for the future. I worshipped thanking Him for whatever plans He has for me. I looked long into the future through the eyes of faith and believed Him for better days ahead. Suddenly it did not matter where He might lead. Sacrifice and suffering paled in light of His presence. None of it mattered. None of it deterred me from wanting to abandon more fully to following Him. Walking this faith journey felt more like a privilege than a burden. If I had never been all in before I certainly desired to be so today in private worship.

In those moments I lost track of time, my surroundings, and every other thing going on around me. It was just Jesus and I enthralled in private communion and worship. I am doing my best to capture it on the printed page but I fear I will not be able to do so. The private worship encounter so overwhelmed me I can never fully explain or express it.

God knows my gratitude. God knows my praise. He knows the depth of my surrender. I want more of that. Not the experience. I want more communion with Him and more private worship that whisks me away from this world and carries me into the eternal world. God met me today. He filled my soul with Him. I asked for very little today but He gave anyway. He gave me wave upon wave of reasons to worship. He reminded me where He has brought me. He showed me down the road of faith where I will continue to follow Him. I enjoyed this morning of private worship more than all the combined pubic worship services I have attended the past three months. I did not deserve it but He met me today in my small office.

It left me craving more. I press on in the relentless pursuit of knowing Him. Maybe my encounter whet your appetite for deeper private worship. He waits to be wanted and pursued. He is ready to meet with private worshippers who seek Him with all their hearts.

Jeremiah 29:13 (ESV)
13  You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Monday, November 13, 2017

This World Is Not Our Home

How at home are you down here on this planet? How invested are you down here? You can spend your days making yourself more and more at home right here. You can surround yourself with more of the trappings of this planet. While they provide temporary pleasure nothing down here lasts forever. 

Everything is temporary. Relationships can end in death. Cars get old. Clothes wear out or go out of fashion. Once robust health deteriorates over time. One year's birthday present can be next year's garage sale material. We live in between the eternal and the temporal. 

This world was never meant to be our home. But people work feverishly to make it so. Over and over again they end up disappointed and disillusioned. 

If you set your sights on eternity in Heaven no matter how tough it gets down here a better home awaits. Heaven is only for those who repent of sin, turn to Jesus and wholly throw themselves on the grace and mercy Jesus offers through His death and resurrection. 

We are bound to encounter some trouble and tribulations in this life. But for the saved there is a world waiting for us we cannot fathom. A world more beautiful than we have seen and more wonderful than any sound we have ever heard through the endless worship of God the Father and Jesus the Savior. 

Anything that makes us more attached to this world can be a dangerous thing. It is an intentional act of the will to keep our focus on our real home. I pray we all grow increasingly in love with our eternal home. May we find ourselves investing more in our eternity. I hope we will think about that home as we make decisions about this life. 

Was Jesus Successful?

People in ministry today count everything. They count members, they count small group attendance, they count worship attendance, baptisms, and offerings. 

If you get a group of preachers together it will not take long before talk will turn to how many people attend their particular congregation, how many are getting baptized, and how large the offerings are. 

There are scores of books written on church growth and church growth gurus host conferences with the latest techniques and strategies to add more people. For many success is all in the numbers. 

If that is the true measure of success in ministry Jesus failed miserably. He assembled a great following. His popularity swelled. But if we were to measure His success at the end did He succeed by the world's standards. He had 12 disciples. One betrayed Him and committed suicide. The other 11 scattered like cowards. By the numbers it was not a growing ministry. In the end He only had a few women left at the tomb. 

Nobody has the guts to say Jesus failed. The measure of success has to be different than numbers  . Isn't the true measure of ministry success that you followed and obeyed God's will. Isn't true success that you love the unlovely, you preach the gospel to all kinds of people, you help the poor, and endure to the end. 

Ministry success is not about numbers. It is about more than how many people will assemble and how much money they give. Yet go into a lot of old churches and you will see an attendance board hanging. On that board they will post attendance numbers as well as offering totals. Usually they will be measured against the same numbers from a week before and the previous year. 

Jesus obeyed going to the cross to fulfill the will of God. From the human vantage point it didn't look successful. From God's perspective Jesus did exactly what He was sent to earth to do. To pay the penalty for the sins of humanity so people could be reconciled to God. Ministry success is about a whole lot more than numbers. 

Count The Cost

Luke 14:27-33 (ESV)
27  Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
28  For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
29  Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him,
30  saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
31  Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?
32  And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace.
33  So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

I wonder how many of us have truly counted the cost for following Jesus? Let's be honest. For scores of church people they have never paid a cost for Christianity. Not only that, they have never even considered paying a cost. It has never crossed their minds. They have never sacrificed their time or their money. Their faith is dead. Worship is ritualistic more than reality. 

There is a cost to following Jesus. Read [Matt 16:24] [Gal 2:20] [Gal 6:14] and [Phil 3:7-8] for starters. The true cost to follow Jesus is to come to Him and die.  To renounce any and every claim on our lives. To lose your life in order to gain real life. In essence Jesus is calling us to give up something we cannot keep in our grasp in exchange for a better spiritual future we can never lose. 

I see so many striving and straining to hold onto life here. Money. Possession. Status. All of these are temporary. People who do this are chasing after the wind as the writer of Ecclesiastes puts it. Jesus wants all of us. No holding back. A total commitment. A sold out life. A consecrated life. A dedicated life. An all in life. 

When we resist such a life we are to be pitied as fools. We are vainly holding onto an illusion. We are exchanging our lives for a lie that'll never last. We are laboring for a payday paid in fake Monopoly money. We are held in bondage to this world thinking if se strive hard enough and long enough we will finally get the fulfillment and joy we are searching for. We are fools to believe this lie.

It is easier to sell out souls to vain religious systems that do not profit our souls but keeps us comfortable. To truly follow Jesus you must be willing to be uncomfortable. Following Him often leads to discomfort. We must count the cost. Who knows where He might lead you and me? Who knows what He may call us to do, to sacrifice, and to suffer all for His sake? The cushioned comfortable, callused, causal life of most church people has little cost. Minimal effort and devotion are required. Just show up for religious meetings.

Jesus demands all. All our love. All our money. All our talents. All our time. All our days. All our passion. All our devotion. All our trust. How few are willing to pay this price.

I find myself wanting to give more, to follow after Him more relentlessly, harder, and to seek Him more earnestly. Yet, I know in pursuing these things there is a cost to pay. I have already paid that price.

Jesus lead me to step down from the church I had served as pastor the past six years. I had not other ministry to go to. No guaranteed source of income and financial security. His call was to follow Him and trust Him. I did so in faith. That was three and a half months ago. Since that time all efforts to find secular employment have been met with closed doors. I have not had a steady salary for the past 103 days. The only finances I have contributed to our family have been the gifts God stirred people to send and  support us and the preaching opportunities He has opened.

To follow His leadership meant a cost had to be paid. In the past three months God has drawn me closer and deeper in prayer. He has provided time and time again. Many times it has been at the last moment but over and over again He has come through. We have food in the pantry. We have bills paid. We have clothes to wear. We never have surplus but we have enough. We do not always know where it will come from but He does provide. We have not publicized our needs. He has met and will continue to meet them. We keep trusting and following and He keeps giving us opportunities to brag on Him. But hear me clearly. There has been a price to be paid.

Following Him means counting the cost. I have traveled to many different towns and churches I have never been to before. That has meant many days and late nights of driving. There have been times when we traveled great distances to minister God's word and no financial compensation could be offered. We went on faith and we continue in faith. It has never been about the money. It has always been about following Jesus. We have counted the cost at times out of our own pockets.

Today as I prayerfully scan the horizon of my life I intentionally take to heart counting the cost of following Jesus no matter where He leads. He may not lead down easy paths. He may not lead down comfortable lanes into cozy hamlets. He may lead to hard places to deal with hard hearts. He may keep me away from family for extended periods of time. He may require even more financial sacrifice. He may lead to places that stretch me and make me uncomfortable. That is all part of counting the cost.

If I truly come to Jesus and die the cost will never matter. If I truly set my eyes on the goal of heaven none of the suffering and sacrifice down here will deter me. I will keep in mind all of this is temporary. O Jesus, make me willing to count the cost and pay the price no matter where you lead.

Seeing But Not Seeing

Everyday on the news we see the horrible acts of criminals and terrorists around the world. We hear about sucide bombings, mass shootings, gang violence, murder, rape, and assault. We see and read about these things but we are really blind to them. 

Do we really see? I mean do we have spiritual eyes to see beyond the surface? Do we even care anymore. We have seen so much that our hearts no longer feel. We are no longer shocked. We are no longer moved with compassion. Our hearts are petrified. We are not moved by anything. We are callused and careless. We see but we don't see. 

We don't see Jesus and feel the heart of compassion He has for people. We see black, brown, white, tattooed, pierced, poor, rich, religious, pagan, intellectual, and slow learners. But have we ever really seen them? Have we ever seen those people through the eyes of Jesus and felt the compassion of Jesus? Does that even cross our minds - EVER?

In [Luke 19:41] when Jesus approached Jerusalem He saw the people of the city. I am not sure exactly what He saw, or to be more accurate,  who He saw. I only know He began to weep. The sight of those people moved Him deeply. He could not fight back the tears. 

When is the last time you wept over anyone? When is the last time I was moved to tears after another tragic mass shooting? When has the lost plight of our cities kept us awake at night in soul agony? When are ever moved over the abused and neglected? When do we weep for the lonely and downtrodden?

We see but we never really see. If we saw the real truth we would see desperate people acting out in horrific ways because they have never seen Jesus for themselves. Maybe some of them heard about Jesus. Did they ever see Him in their spirits. If they had I am sure Jesus would have been irresistibly attractive. 

Do we see the elderly alone living in poverty? Do we see the single mother at her wits end trying to hold it all together and to be strong for her children? Do we see the immoral and the shame they feel? Do we really see?

Does the church ever see Jesus anymore? We see productions but do we ever see Jesus? Do we even care? Do we know the difference between religious productions professionally programmed and a real encounter with the living Jesus? Does His Spirit ever stir us in worship anymore. Are we moved by worship or convicted by His word which leads to repentance?

Do we ever take the time to truly see people. Lost people. Hurting people. Angry people. Immoral people. Hopeless people. Homeless people. 

Lord Jesus, I plead with you to open our eyes. Open our spiritual eyes to behold you. Open our spiritual eyes to see people like you see them. And once you do this I ask you to give us the courage and compassion to do something. To love tangibly. To love enduringly. To love compassionately. To love unconditionally. May you open our eyes to really see reality around us. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

How Do I Know?

It is true God speaks to people today. He does it in many ways. He uses His word, the Holy Spirit, people, books, songs, sermons, Bible studies, devotions and the list could go on. 

Have you ever received a clear message from God and then doubted later on you did indeed receive that message. Maybe you doubt the message even came from God. If you have you are not alone. I have struggled in this area over the years. 

After years of studying the scriptures there are some things I am certain are true. First, God communicates with His people. He did this with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Samuel, David, Solomon, and the prophets. He also did so with the apostles and Paul. He still does so today. 

The second truth is, people knew when God spoke to them. They knew it was God. Somehow they knew. I believe it is because they cultivated such close relationships with God. They were familiar with His character and with how He spoke. 

Third, they knew what God said. They came away from those encounters with a clear understanding about an action God called them to, a change of heart, a message to be delivered, or a word of warning. They knew what God said. 

It should not be any different for us today. We should believe God still communicates, know when He is communicating and discern what He is communicating. 

Yet, have you ever questioned if you heard clearly? Have you ever received clear instruction from God and then gone back and doubted it later. 

Let me introduce you to a little known New Testament Bible character named Zechariah found in Luke chapter one. He served as a priest. He and his wife Elizabeth had a problem. They were both old and never had children. One day God sent a message to Zechariah through the angel Gabriel. The message announced that God heard their prayers and was about to bless them with a son. Gabriel even announced the name God wanted to give the boy. 

How did Zechariah respond. In Luke 1:18, "How shall I know this?"

I've spent more time over the past several years training myself to hear from God more clearly. I read His word diligently. I try to sit still before Him. I approach life with open eyes and open ears to respond when God communicates. Yet many times I still find myself doubting and asking God, "How can I know this is really you speaking?" 

Many times I respond the same way Zechariah did. How do I know this is really from God. Maybe I made this up. When I entertain those thoughts I doubt God spoke to me and I rationalize such God encounters away. 

Zechariah looked at his situation through the eyes of human nature. He was old. Elizabeth was old. Way too old to get pregnant and give birth to a child. The entire situation looked impossible. 

Don't we do the same. God communicates something to us and we immediately entertain the impossibilities. 

God had a tough response to Zechariah. Gabriel told Zechariah in Luke 1:19 that he had been sent from God to speak  and to deliver good news. He also announced Zechariah would not speak again until day the child was born because of his unbelief. 

The word unbelief means "no faith and no trust." After reading this passage this morning in my devotion I felt convicted. God recently spoke something to me I was ready to dismiss. I repented asking God to help my unbelief. I do not want to be guilt of dismissing something God communicates. 

People do that very thing every single day. Knowing that God communicates makes walking with Him and serving Him exciting, adventurous, and dynamic. Now, let me say we may not always like what God communicates. We may not like His conviction of sin or His directions for our lives. 

May we walk with open hearts, open eyes,  open ears, and open spirits to receive truth from His word and Holy Spirit. May we repent of unbelief. I am not suggesting we be impulsive and not confirm God's communications or clarify His commands. I am suggesting that when God does speak we not doubt Him or shrink back in unbelief. 

Putrid From The Pulpit

I know many of my writings are hard on preachers. I also know there are some truly faithful men and women serving Jesus around the globe. There are also a number of professional preachers. They dress the part. They make speeches. They are eloquent. They are educated. Some of these do not preach with passion, power, or a pained heart. 

When I look back over the past 30 something years and consider some of the putrid I preached I am sickened by it. How many times did I preach to the mind more than to the hearts of people? How often did I content myself with dispensing biblical information but left unconcerned if lives were not changed? How often did manipulate the crowds by making them laugh or cry by playing on their emotions? How many times did I shamefully enter the pulpit and preach putrid messages because they were not bathed in prayer? I have been guilty of all the above. So have other preachers. 

I recently heard the story from a friend of mine about talking to a man appointed to help his church find a new pastor. He relayed a couple of comments that fueled this blog. First, he talked about how all the resumes of the preachers seemed like they were bragging about their accomplishments. When he checked on sermon links by these preachers he did not finish watching or listening to any of them. He said they all sounded like boring Sunday School lessons. No power and no substance. He did use the words but I will. PURE PUTRID!

Where is the depth in the pulpit that cannot come from academia but only from an authentic walk with God? Where are the messages birthed in the prayer   closet rather than the internet or local bookstore? Where is the anointing like Paul spoke of that empowered his preaching? Where is the passionate preaching that God uses to move mountains? It exists but you may have look hard to find it. 

Some time ago I was convicted of two things when it came to preaching. First, God should preach the sermon to me before I deliver it publicly. I need to be transformed by the truth. Over the years I preached many messages I felt no passion for. I justified it by telling myself I was still preaching God's word. If I have no passion for the truth how can I ever expect listeners to hear a fresh word from God. They will not hear peaching with any life in it. They will only hear words that bore them to sleep and apathy. When I am convicted, encouraged, or challenged by the truth of God's word I will preach it from the heart and not the mind. 

The second thing is after God preaches the message to me I need to preach it with anointing and passion. God gives both. If God preaches the message to me first and if I have passion for that truth I believe I will be much more likely to preach powerfully with His supernatural enabling. I am not called to make speeches. I am called to deliver God's word with God's power. 

One of the things I pray before preaching is, "Father, I ask you to anoint my mind so I think your thoughts. I ask you to anoint my mouth so I speak only your words. I ask you to anoint my heart so I feel what you feel. I ask you bring all three in harmony to deliver your truth today."

Some might argue that preaching this way would exclude expository preaching verse by verse. Not necessarily so. Yet it takes a lot more time and effort to sit before a text preaching verse by verse until that truth penetrates and God wells passion for that truth. It takes more time to wrestle with the text until God reveals and preaches the truth to the preacher first. This may not be done in a couple of hours. 

I have stood before hungry flocks and offered putrid so many times in the past. I repent for it and apologize to every group of people who had to endure it. I sinned. God called me to do more than dispense Bible information. 

I am preaching at a church this Sunday I have never been to before. I have been tossing around different messages for weeks for these people but cannot settle on one. This morning I prayed, "Lord, what do you want to communicate to these people? I want to preach what you n want to say and not one of my all time favorite sermons from the past which is easier. What do you want me to preach?

I sat back and listened. At first I mentally started in Genesis and worked my way through several chapters before moving on to Exodus. I entertained and dismissed several messages this way for some time. Then a verse I read yesterday in my quiet time resurfaced. As I thought about it my mind spun in several directions from that truth. I believe now it is what I am to 
share this coming Sunday. God preached it to me. I have passion for the subject matter. I am trusting Him for the empowering to preach it. 

I trust God to give it substance and power. I trust people to be convicted and to repent and change their ways. I trust God's word will not return to Him void but it will accomplish the purposes for which He is sending it forth. The message has already been preached to me. Passion is welling up for this truth like molten lava from a volcano about to erupt. 

That is what preaching should be. Molten lava of God's fiery hot truth erupting into the hearts of listeners stirring them from apathy and hypocrisy. Not more putrid from the pulpit.