Friday, April 22, 2016

What More Does Jesus Have To Do?

You see it everywhere. People apathetic in their faith. Lukewarm pew sitters. Hypocritical church members that still attend services religiously while living like hell the rest of the week. Some so called Christians speak profanely. Devotions among some people in the church or lackluster if they exist at all. Priorities are all mixed up when select ball gets selected over Jesus weekend after weekend.

What more does Jesus have to do to get people to commit? Does He have to climb back on the cross and be crucified for a second time on live television? Does He have to save one more, a dozen more, a hundred more, or a thousand more for people for people to commit to following Him? Does He have to perform another miracle or perhaps some outstanding miracle live on the network news so people can witness it? Does He have to show up physically in our services for people to commit to Him? Does He have to speak another word into somebody's life? Does He have to give another vision to another person? Do we need Him to heal more people? Do we need Him to deliver more people from the bondage of sin and demonic possession.

If He did all those things would churches suddenly be filled with attenders? Would people truly follow Him anymore faithfully? Would they say yes to Him and no to sin anymore consistently? Would they be anymore willing to sacrifice and to risk for Jesus and His cause?

So, I ask again. What more does Jesus have to do for people to commit to Him? For me He HAS ALREADY DONE MORE THAN ENOUGH! He deserves my all. No call on my life is out of abounds. No sacrifice required is too much. No new vision is too outlandish to pursue. Jesus gave Hi all and He demands my all as well as yours. HE HAS ALRADY DONE MORE THAN ENOUGH TO DESERVE OUR FULL DEVOTION AND COMMITMENT.

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