Friday, April 8, 2016

Other Worldly

A phrase I recently read is biting into my soul. The phrase surrounded two men meeting each other for the first time. The author commented about the other man how he had a look in his eyes of another world.

I keep chewing on that. The author went on to say that he could not get away from the other man's eyes; deep, piercing, penetrating, and other worldly. From the author's account the man walked extremely close to God.

Have you been around people like that? They are so in step with God they are out of step with the rest of the world. People who have ears tuned to Heaven and seem able to hear God speak consistently through their Bible devotions and through promptings of the Holy Spirit. Such people truly are other worldly.

Other worldly means they know they were created for eternity. They do not get easily distracted with the mundane affairs of life on planet earth. They are not enticed away by luring temptations. Other worldly followers of Jesus have truly learned to set their minds on things above and not on the things of this earth. Colossians 3:1-2 (NASB) 
1  Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2  Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

I have to confess I am not there. I want to be. I know the truth that I am not. Just last night I engaged in a conversation with one of my children that was anything but other worldly. The entire context of the conversation revolved around the temporal. In light of eternity what we talked about just doest not matter.

How easy it is to be drawn off sides by things like the latest fashions, automobiles, technologies, and planing our financial portfolio. We become so consumed with this life that we spend little time contemplating the life to to come. This life is temporal. That life will be eternal. Which merits the greatest bulk of our attention?

I plead with the Lord to make me other worldly. To put blinders on my eyes and heart so that I only focus on Him. I only seek Him and obey the things He calls me to do without regard to sacrifice or persecution. I want to be so other worldly that I hear Him speak all hours of the day just as I hear Brenda speak.

I want to increasingly become irrelevant and out of step with this world. I want to set my gaze more on eternity than possessions, entertainment, ball games, and even Christian events. All of that comes from walking with the Lord. So if you see me sitting alone staring off into space someday don't think it odd. Think I am connecting with another everlasting world.

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