Friday, April 22, 2016

Unexpected Encounter With God At Howard Payne University

I made the plans a couple of weeks ago. I promised Taylor I would drive down to have lunch with him and watch him during spring ball practice. Brownwood is about two and a half hours from Runway Bay. I drove alone lost in my thoughts.

Taylor and I enjoyed lunch at one of his favorite places. He had some responsibilities before his practice so I hung out in his room. I thought I might take a long nap but I ended up praying. A burden hit me unexpectedly. Very unexpectedly.

Taylor's room was just a few dozen steps from a room I had in that same dorm and on that same floor. I met Brenda at Howard Payne University. I met many special people there. Noe of them gripped my heart. God gripped my heart with a burden for revival on that campus.

Eventually I grabbed my journal and walked the campus. In my mind I could see a large blur and yellow e tent set up for revival meetings. I walked to the one place on the campus I thought such a tent could be erected. Old Main Park. A large grassy area at the front of the campus where the Old Main building used to stand before it burned.

I found a bench and sat down to pray and write in my journal. With each student that walked by the burden intensified. I asked the Lord if he really wanted to hold a revival there. I asked the Lord if He wanted me to  preach it. Dozens of people walked by totally unaware that I was in an encounter with God. God gripped my heart with a burden for revival for Howard Payne University.

In typical human fashion I began asking questions and wondering how it would come together. None of that mattered in that moment. I believe God met me and called me to do something.

I woke up early this morning and prayed. When I went back to bed I had a very vivid dream. I know there are scores of people who do not believe God speaks through dreams. Over the past couple of years I believe God does speak through dreams and more importantly I am thoroughly convinced He has spoken to me. First, about going to Kermit to hold a revival. And this morning about holding a tent revival on the campus of Howard Payne University.

Here is the dream. I saw a large blue and yellow tent set up in Old Main Part at Howard Payne. An invitation was given and many people were up front weeping and repenting over their sin. I saw Taylor praying over his classmates. They wept so much little puddles formed under the tent and soon began flooding he whole campus. People stood ankle deep everywhere on campus in the flood of tears. 

That's it so far. Just a dream about God stirring young men and young women to get right with God and to walk in holiness. A call of God for repentance on a Christian college campus.

This whole encounter with God came unexpectedly. I thought I was going back to my old school to spend time with my oldest son. God had much more in mind. He had an unexpected encounter in mind.

When I was a student at Howard Payne I often met with some other guys to pray for revival at the school. Years after I graduated a revival did breakout on the campus with Dr. Henry Blackaby. That was a long time ago. I don't know anything about the spiritual condition of the students. these days. All I know is God gave me a burden for the school.

So I pray. I will make contact with Taylor and some in the spiritual studies department. Soon I will meet with my board of directors for No Compromise Ministries to seek their wisdom. Only God can open the doors. Only God can make such dreams become reality. I lay it all before Him and trust Him to work to do His good pleasure. I ask for you to pray with me.

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