Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Better Man Than Me

I recently had lunch with an old pastor mentor and friend,
We talked about books and preachers for hours on end,
He is seventy-eight but still serves his church full time,
I am forty-six but his joy and faith I am unable to find,
He lost a boy and his wife now suffers in physical pain,
He has given twenty years to his church happy to remain,
He did not go to school but is one of the smartest men I know,
Locked away in his reading of thousands books to learn to grow,
He has more faith, more joy, more love more perseverance than me,
He is such an example of the holy righteous man and pastor I long to be,
He prays with passion and has persevered in faith under man a  trial,
I buckle under the pressure giving into despair rather than trust after awhile,
He reads and preaches with conviction and passion that in these days is rare,
He lives in holiness not tempted nor trapped into temptation of Satan's lares,
He is such a better pastor, and better than man than I will ever hope to be,
He is a hero, one in the shadows most will never hear preach or ever see,
I shout his praises, a warrior, one still zealous to serve faithfully the Lord,
An old friend - mentor - example who will one day receive his just rewards.

In loving appreciation for Bob Harper

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