Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Measure of Success

We tend to measure success in terms of salaries, possessions, the size of our home, what kind of car we drive and the nature of our jobs. Jesus measures success much differently than we do. It is possible for a person to be a success in the world's eyes and an utter failure in the eyes of Jesus. It is also possible for a person to be a failure in the world's eyes and yet Jesus consider that person to be successful.

Let me illustrate this point from scripture. In [Luke 7:18-28] we have the story of John the Baptist in prison expressing some doubts about whether Jesus was truly the Messiah. He sent people to ask Jesus if He was the Expected One. Jesus answers by reminding them of all the miracles He had done.

After John's messengers left Jesus began to talk about John the Baptist to those who were around Him. He said some powerful things about this prophet in prison. First in verse 26 Jesus says John the Baptist was more than a prophet. He was God's chosen messenger to prepare the way for Jesus. There was a time when the crowds flocked to John and they listened to his preaching and followed in baptism. They even wondered if he was the Messiah. John knew his entire ministry was to make much of Jesus and little of himself. He put it this way in [Jn 3:30] "He must increase and I must decrease." Eventually the crowds left following John and began flocking to Jesus. John kept on preaching and his prophetic preaching offended people in powerful positions and he was imprisoned.

Read what Jesus said in verse 28, "I say to you among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he."Did you catch what Jesus said? Nobody born of a woman was greater than John the Baptist. Not Abrahm. Not Moses. Not Joshua. Not Samuel. Not Elijah or Elisha. Not David. Not Isaiah or Jeremiah. Not anyone.

What makes this statement all the more startling is that John is in prison and he does not get out. In fact he dies by having his head chopped off. That does not look like success. That looks like failure. We might even say it is tragic. A great preacher cut down in the prime of his life. What made him so great?

Two things. He obeyed God. He preached fearlessly. He never got caught up in the crowds but stayed true to what God had called him to do. Preach repentance. Prepare the way for the Messiah. A second thing he did was fulfill his purpose while he lived.

That is success. To obey God and to fulfill the purpose of God for your life is success. Many live in big houses and make lots of money who never even give God a second thought. In judgement all that will mean nothing. Many people profess faith in Christ and attend church but have never fulfilled the purpose God had for their life. What is worse they have never even asked God or considered it.

As I see it we all have a choice. We can use the world's measuring stick. We can run the rat race, chase the almighty dollar, buy and build bigger homes, and surround ourselves with the comforts of luxury. In no way does this ensure we will be viewed as successful by God. We also have the choice to obey God.

Stop right there. As you read this today can you say that you are obeying God as much as He has revealed to you? No rationalization or justification. Are you obeying God in this moment on this day. God wants our obedience. He demands it. You cannot please God if you are defying His directives for your life. Obedience comes down to a matter of trust. Do we trust Him enough to obey and throw caution to the wind? You are not successful if you refuse to obey Him.

Are you fulfilling your purpose on this earth. I am. By my sitting down and writing this blog I am fulfilling one of the purposes of God for my life. He has set me apart to write. He has also set me apart to preach and pastor. What about you? Maybe you are called into business to make a lot of money but to use much of it to build God's kingdom. Maybe you are called to coach or teach. Maybe you are called to be a homemaker. Maybe you are called to teach a class at church. That is between you and God but you will never be a success in God's eyes if you do not accomplish the purpose he created you for.

I have to admit. This reminder from my reading scripture this morning was a sharp rebuke and slap in the face. It was not gentle reminder that Jesus measures success much differently than the world does. In the end it is measure that I am after.

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