Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It All Comes Down to Trust

While on my mountain retreat I read through the entire book of Matthew over the past couple of days. Something jumped out at me through the journey. Jesus either affirmed or rebuked people's faith depending on how they responded to Him. So much of the Christian life really boils down to trust.

We have to trust God is not only willing but also able to forgive our sins and cleanse our souls for us to get to Heaven. We have to trust that God inspired men to write His word and that it is infallible. It is by faith that we trust God even exists. It is trust that keeps us praying and seeking God for help and guidance in life.

I find that when we trust God simply and sincerely this takes care of a lot of the issues that can get believers off track. I also find that when we doubt this opens the doors for a lot of the enemy's attack. While trust ushers in peace, assurance, and confidence a lack of trust invites despair, anxiety, and hopelessness to take up residence. Which would you rather have knocking at the door of your heart and mind. Life is much less tumultuous when we just trust God. Irregardless of what we see or even how we feel a life of peace and assurance comes when we trust God in the big things and the little things.

I was talking to a friend recently about faith. He recounted for me how God brought him through when his dairy business went under. He talked about how the Lord saw him through raising four kids and getting all of them through college. He has never owned his own house or land and yet he has a successful cattle operation. He did not know at the time how he would get his kids through college but God made a way and now all four children are in the work force. He does not have debt and yet does not make a lot of money by the world's standards. He has faith in God. My friend has peace. He has assurance that God will see him through any future trials.

Contrast that life to the person who lives in tumult every day because they do not trust God. They put the pressure on themselves to solve problems and surmount obstacles. Their nerves are frayed and they live on edge everyday. They do not have peace and they have no assurance. They sleep fitfully at night due to anxiety. All of this because they do not or refuse to trust God.

Faith is not a fruit of the spirit. It is a choice on our part. Granted, it is a choice God can help us with like the father with the demon possessed son who prayed, "Lord, help my unbelief." God can strengthen our faith but often we do not like the process that takes. For faith to be strengthened faith must be tested under trial again and again. Some trials are easy and some are much more difficult. Regardless of the size of the trial it still comes back to trusting God.

So today where are you? Are you one God is rebuking for lack of trust or are you one Jesus affirms for trusting in impossible circumstances. It is your choice. You can choose the path of trust or you can choose the path of doubt. When it is all said and done it really comes down to trust.

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