Thursday, April 11, 2013


Lord, I ask for wisdom because wisdom is what I need,
Your revelation and understanding is for what I plead,
Wisdom to understand your love behind the tribulation,
Wisdom to wholly trust you in any and every situation,
I ask for wisdom so I will not waste this time to mature,
To learn more of you and in your promises stand secure,
I do not want to be tossed by the wind like the ocean tide,
Tossed about into confusion and uncertain on every side,
I do not want to be a double minded man in all my ways,
Or be unstable - restless -  during my remaining days,
I cry for wisdom to get through the troubled times with joy,
I ask for your strength, wisdom, and your peace to deploy,
You are my hope - joy and wisdom to make sense of it all,
You are my strength got get up when I stumble and I fall,
You God are wisdom when I am battled and my faith tested,
You are the anchor of my soul when the waves have crested,
You are wisdom to see there is purpose in the trials and pain,
You are wisdom bringing joy and peace I cannot explain,
So today I come asking for wisdom - a fuller intelligent view,
To cope with the testing of faith that often comes from you,
To endure in faith trusting every day - moment - every hour,
Wisdom triumphs confusion and unbelief it always devours.

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