Saturday, August 31, 2013

Overcoming Adversity

There are times in life when we all face adversity. Some battle cancer. Others battle poverty. Some endure a loveless marriage. Others fight through tragedy and the loss of loved ones. Athletes are forced to overcome injury. Teams have to overcome defeat. Business people work to turn things around in a bad economy. Pastors have to pray through dwindling crowds and offerings. Missionaries keep getting back up after their labors have been rejected.

Anywhere you look in society somebody somewhere is having to overcome adversity. When everything is going against you giving up and giving in looks like a better option. Caving into the pressure is the path of least resistance. It takes courage and heart to keep getting back up and staying in the fight.

But know this; in the last days difficult times will come. [II Tim 3:1] The word "difficult" means hard, perilous, dangerous, troublesome, harsh, fierce, and savage. In essence we are talking about adversity. For the believer in the U.S. these difficult times seldom come in the form of persecution. This is not the case all over the world.

To love and follow Jesus in some countries is a dangerous proposition. Every single day is dangerous, fierce and savage. Followers of Christ in these nations never know when they will be arrested, tortured, or martyred. They overcome imprisonments, mutilation of their bodies, torture of their families, poverty, and personal sufferings more horrific than any of us can imagine. And they overcome!

They keep singing. They keep loving Jesus and their enemies. They keep giving bold witness for Christ. They keep standing firm on Christ the Solid Rock. They keep getting back up when back handed to the ground. They keep overcoming. They refuse to quit in more adversity than most of us will ever know. This is the testimony of the voice of the martyrs.

So how are we supposed to face our own adversity? With whining, complaining, and griping. Are we going to bemoan the loss of our comfort, luxury living, and modern materialism. Are we honestly going  to argue our case before God because we did not get what we wanted when we prayed and sit in the corner sulking. Are we really going to show up at church and half heartedly worship and not even take the time to open our Bibles when the preacher preaches? Is that the kind of worship we are giving our King when our persecuted brothers and sisters sneak in to have church at great peril and will sit in cramped dark rooms for hours in worship of the same King.

These are indeed the last days. Difficult times have already come for many. I am not making light of the adversity you face. I know you too face difficulties. I don't think many reading this in the U.S. are fearful today you may be hunted down and have an ear, nose, or a tongue cut off in your service for Christ. That is not the adversity you have to overcome.

Every time I read a story about how persecuted Christians overcome humiliation, torture, imprisonment, and martyrdom I am inspired to keep get backing up and overcoming in my trials. Mark my words. There will come a day in this nation when we too will know persecution. It might not happen in my life time but I assure you that day is coming for every nation. Will pampered pew sitters overcome in that day.

I am weary of half hearted followers of Christ who sit lukewarmly and crumble in the face of adversity. Much of my life has felt like adversity and yet I have never been tortured, censured, or even threatened. I sit in this spacious home typing away this Saturday morning in the land of the free. My difficult times come in other non important forms. I got frustrated because the door knob broke on the door going out to the garage. I will have to be inconvenienced today to travel to a hardware store to buy another and to replace it. This is not adversity. I have a garage with stuff in it. I have a kitchen filled with delicious food. In a few days we will have an open house to show people the home God blessed us to live in. That is not difficulty.

So what if I serve a small church meeting in a warehouse. I got paid this week and so did Brenda. We have money in the bank. We slept soundly last night in a comfortable bed in a spacious home. I have two open copies of God's word on this desk right now. I have books to read and to gain more insight. I have clothing to wear, food to eat, this computer to use, vehicles for transportation, a bike for exercise, an ipod to listen to music while I exercise, a recliner to sit in the living room, and a fireplace to enjoy on a cold day.

I bet you have many of the same things too. Difficult times is a matter of perspective. Compared to refugees I do not have adversity. Compared to starving children I do not have adversity. Compared to persecuted Christians I am not facing difficult times.

We can overcome. I am determined to overcome a lack luster lukewarm church age trusting God to transform us into a blazing molten lava hot hearted church for him that overcomes adversity.

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