Sunday, August 4, 2013

More Than a Feeling

Many will gather for worship today but will many worship today? Songs will be sung but how many songs will be sung from the heart as opposed to just sung mindlessly? Offerings will be given but how many will offer their lives? Choirs will sing but how many choirs will perform and how many will actually sing their songs as unto the Lord and not unto men?

It is easy to go through the external forms of worship. You can show up. You can sing. You can give. You can listen. You can depart. You can do all of those things and not draw one inch closer to God nor experience Him. You can say the words of prayer from rote memory and not actually pray. O, the love of many has grown cold in these last days.

This morning I am chewing on a question. At first I thought I had the answer and was ready to move on quite satisfied with my response. Upon deeper contemplation I am not so sure I have the right answer. This is not a theologically tough question. It is rather simple. DO NOT LET THE SIMPLICITY FOOL YOU. THIS CUTS TO THE HEART OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Here is the question to be pondered. DO I LOVE CHRIST FIRST AND MOST?

I am not referring to sentimental feelings that can change as fast as the weather. We have all had those experiences coming off a camp or revival when we feel closer to Christ. Those feelings do not last. The heart of this question cuts much deeper than feelings. We need more than a feeling to serve Christ with endurance.

Jesus responded to the question of which commandment is the greatest by saying, "You shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, this is the great and foremost commandment." [Matt 22:37-38] Jesus said this commandment was foremost. That means it is the most important and is to be the most highly esteemed. Again this has to go way beyond a sentimental feeling to an act of the will.

Can you think of anyone you love more than Christ? Do not be so quick to answer. I have known people who loved their children more than Christ. I have known children who loved their parents more than Christ. I have known those who loved a spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend more than Christ.

Once that question has been answered truthfully then we must move on to consider whether we love anything more than Christ. Money? Vehicles? Prestige? Power? Houses? For the third time in our married lives Brenda and I have recently bought a home. It is my favorite home of all three for several reasons. For one thing, we had to wait so long to get it. Secondly, I have a legitimate office at home. Third it is spacious enough for us to entertain others. My favorite part of this house by far is having my own office spaces. It is where I am typing this. It is where I seek the Lord in prayer and scripture reading. It is where I study and I write. Yet, I can say I love Christ more than this house we prayed and waited for two long years.

Maybe you can truthfully say I love Christ more than any other person or any other thing. It is more than a feeling. Then let me ask you one final question. Do you love Christ more than your sin? Ouch! That question really stings. Does sin ever appear more appealing and more alluring than Jesus? In those moments we need more than a feeling to resist sin and choose Christ. When we love Christ more there is no choice; Christ wins hands down every time. When we love Christ less and the feelings have worn off sin proves too powerful and too enticing.

As you gather for public worship today, I ask will you go for the sentimental feeling? Will you be satisfied with the external forms of worship devoid of meaning? Will you be content with the external forms without the inward experience with your Lord today? Are you looking for more than a feeling this morning. Christ longs to be longed for and waits to be wanted today. He is more than a feeling.

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