Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Eight Glorious Hours

On my way home from the mountains I stopped and spent the night with a dear friend and saw several other precious friends. On Sunday afternoon while waiting for my host to fly back into town I went out on the back porch of some other friend's house for some prayer. I had eight of the most wonderful glorious hours on that back porch.

First, God met with me. He showed up and spoke to me. He moved in my soul in ways I could never put into words. I can't explain it but I just know God was there with me. He spoke through His word. That took up part of the time. The more God spoke the more I began to write things down fast and furiously. Soon I felt prompted to share the truth in a Bible study later that evening. Several people were coming over later for an old fashioned prayer meeting. I had not planned on a Bible study but what God spoke to my heart was too good not to be shared with others.

While finishing my studies three people made their way to the back porch late afternoon. I spent the next couple of hours visiting with people from the past I love. Slowly others showed up and drifted out on the back porch. We broke open the bread of life around 7:30 p.m. There were not many us gathered around that table on the porch but God was with us. I know God spoke to those gathered. It thrills my soul even to be writing about this.

Next, we prayed. Man did we ever pray. Hungry and thirsty souls cried out to God. Tears flowed freely. Hearts were renewed and revived. Sins were repented. Like an old song goes, "Heaven came down and glory filled my soul." That about sums of that evening on the back porch.

Even while we were praying others, who heard I was in town, came over. A few others came later on. We sat around laughing, visiting, and catching up on the latest with our families and lives. My heart was full of love, a sense of the presence of God, and contentment. There were no big crowds or church buildings. It reminded me of what Acts 2:42-47 must have looked like.

When I finally did leave that back porch to go to my host's home for rest, I realized I had been on that back porch for eight glorious hours. Hours alone with God. Hours with friends. And time spent in feasting on the word of God and in fervent prayer. What a time we had. I praise the Lord for those eight glorious hours. Even now I yearn for more encounters with God just like that.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Coming Down From the Mountain

I am on the last leg of my journey back to Paradise. I have met with God. It has been sweet and reviving. I will only suffice it to say that God is working. There have been seasons of brokenness and repentance along with seasons of serious meditation and reflection over the past two weeks. The time away has not been wasted.

I am on my way back to Paradise about six hours away. I should be back in town around 10:00 p.m. tonight or a little after. The time away enriched my soul and brought perspective and balance back into my life.

For those of you who have prayed I want to thank you and report that those prayers have worked and God answered. Please don't stop praying now. I look forward to stepping back into teaching and preaching this week at Faith Community Church. My time away to spiritually retreat has been rewarding and renewing. I look forward to seeing my family again. It has been eight days since I last saw before heading to the mountains of New Mexico. I will be back shortly.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Child of God

While sitting at the dining table in this mountain retreat reading the Gospel of John this morning, the Lord spoke to me in one of those special moments that you tend not to forget. I had just finished reading through Luke but I felt impressed to keep reading. It only took twelve verses into John for God to invade my thoughts, heart, and life.

"But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who  believe on His name, who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." [Jn 1:12-13]

It was October of 1983 when I believed on the name of Jesus Christ for salvation. That fact has never been up for debate in my mind. I know Jesus saved me that Thursday night. It felt pretty dramatic.

The way I related to God after that was mostly as a servant or a bond-slave as Paul often referred to himself. The more I thought about the cross and what Jesus did for my redemption, the more I wanted to serve Him. Nothing too big, too hard, too risky. I lived as a servant, preached as a servant, and related to God as a servant. Serving God included lots of duty. I reported each day for my marching orders and then sought to fulfill them dutifully. It was never in an effort to repay God. It was always motivated out of gratitude.

That is not what God had in mind this morning. While reading those verses the phrase "He gave the right to become children of God," stopped me in my tracks. I reflected on those words for a long time. It moved me deeply that my relationship with God is much than than a servant relating to a master. No, God gave me the right to become His child, a beloved son. That moves me deeply. As a father of four sons I know how I feel about them and the rights and privileges they have for no other reason than the fact that they are my children, my boys.

I did not earn this right to become a child of God. I did not will myself to attain this right through hard work or good living. No. All I did was believe (which I believe God opened my eyes and enabled me to do). He did the rest. He gave me the right, or let's say the birth certificate, to be called His child and brought into the family.

This has several implications for me. First, it means that I am loved irregardless of my performance. When my children fail I am quick to remind them that my love for them is not based on their performance. My performance of late has been less than stellar. I am still a child of God and loved by the Father. I am not saying my sinful actions do not anger Him. He is holy and He demands that I live in holiness. Yet He is patient, kind, and even loving to the point of chastisement when needed. Very humbling and yet very fulfilling. Yes, God wants me to serve Him but what God wants from me more than anything is that I enjoy being His child. This is something I must rest in.

As God's child I am assured I will always be provided for. Taylor, Tanner, Tucker, and Turner never wonder if they are going to eat. They know they will be provided with food. They may not know what it is and they may not always like the menu; like with Taylor and lasagna, Tanner with salad, Tucker with vegetables, or Turner with eggs. Still they know a meal will be provided for them. When it came time for Taylor to drive, after a lot of prayer, a truck was provided for him. In the same way as God's child I have been, am, and will always be provided for. Hallelujah! Do you know how much pressure that takes off my shoulders to be reminded that I am a child and God is my Father. He delights to meet my needs and bless me more than I delight to meet the needs of my children and to bless them.

As one of God's children I am also assured of His protection. From the enemy, from sin, from wayward actions, from losing my way. God protects me in ways I may never fully understand. I seek to protect my children from physical and spiritual harm and from making foolish mistakes. God does the same for me. What a wonderful reminder here in New Mexico. This one quiet time was worth the whole trip.

As God's child I receive His nurture. Man have I received that during this retreat. His peace, His consoling, His sorting out truth from confusion, and His rest have all been poured out on me. I love to hug my boys. I often still kiss them on the cheek. Today in those two small verses I received that same kind of nurture from God. In essence He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. What a treasure.

I have never felt I really belonged. Through my college years my relationships with all my family began to deteriorate and there came a point when I felt the only family I truly had were Brenda, Jennifer, and the boys. Often even in places of ministry I have felt detached like I was on the outside looking in. As a child of God I belong to Him and I am not alone. Just like my boys will always have a home with me and belong to our family so I belong to God and am at home in Him. I cannot put into words what that means for me. Most of my life I have been trying to prove myself and to prove that I belong. Not necessarily to God but in society. No more. I belong to God and that is enough.

Here is the best part. I did not will this to happen. My flesh did not earn it. I was made a child of God by the will of God. That means the intention and pleasure of God. He chose me. He adopted me. He wanted me. Therefore I bring pleasure to God just by being His son. Just like I enjoy walks with my boys, little talks, private meals alone with each of them, God delights in the time we spend together. Over these past several days we have had a lot of time to spend together. In those moments, without me preaching or teaching, without me leading any cause, without me doing anything but enjoying Him and learning again that I am His son, I brought pleasure to my God.

Maybe this will not hit you the same way it hit me. I can't put it all into words. I just know I am His child. I belong. I am loved. That is good enough for me.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


We concern ourselves with the trappings of success,
You're more concerned with devotion and faithfulness,
Salaries, possessions, climbing the ladder and the rest,
Are not Your concern nor are You unduly impressed,
What do You want from a servant wholly devoted to you,
How do you measure success - how do establish value,
You want obedience more than sacrifice just to obey,
You want faithfulness carried out each and every day,
You want devotion a love that springs up deep inside,
You want trust when trials make us want to run and hide,
You measure success so much differently than those around,
Faithfully obey and a devoted heart are where success abounds.

The Measure of Success

We tend to measure success in terms of salaries, possessions, the size of our home, what kind of car we drive and the nature of our jobs. Jesus measures success much differently than we do. It is possible for a person to be a success in the world's eyes and an utter failure in the eyes of Jesus. It is also possible for a person to be a failure in the world's eyes and yet Jesus consider that person to be successful.

Let me illustrate this point from scripture. In [Luke 7:18-28] we have the story of John the Baptist in prison expressing some doubts about whether Jesus was truly the Messiah. He sent people to ask Jesus if He was the Expected One. Jesus answers by reminding them of all the miracles He had done.

After John's messengers left Jesus began to talk about John the Baptist to those who were around Him. He said some powerful things about this prophet in prison. First in verse 26 Jesus says John the Baptist was more than a prophet. He was God's chosen messenger to prepare the way for Jesus. There was a time when the crowds flocked to John and they listened to his preaching and followed in baptism. They even wondered if he was the Messiah. John knew his entire ministry was to make much of Jesus and little of himself. He put it this way in [Jn 3:30] "He must increase and I must decrease." Eventually the crowds left following John and began flocking to Jesus. John kept on preaching and his prophetic preaching offended people in powerful positions and he was imprisoned.

Read what Jesus said in verse 28, "I say to you among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he."Did you catch what Jesus said? Nobody born of a woman was greater than John the Baptist. Not Abrahm. Not Moses. Not Joshua. Not Samuel. Not Elijah or Elisha. Not David. Not Isaiah or Jeremiah. Not anyone.

What makes this statement all the more startling is that John is in prison and he does not get out. In fact he dies by having his head chopped off. That does not look like success. That looks like failure. We might even say it is tragic. A great preacher cut down in the prime of his life. What made him so great?

Two things. He obeyed God. He preached fearlessly. He never got caught up in the crowds but stayed true to what God had called him to do. Preach repentance. Prepare the way for the Messiah. A second thing he did was fulfill his purpose while he lived.

That is success. To obey God and to fulfill the purpose of God for your life is success. Many live in big houses and make lots of money who never even give God a second thought. In judgement all that will mean nothing. Many people profess faith in Christ and attend church but have never fulfilled the purpose God had for their life. What is worse they have never even asked God or considered it.

As I see it we all have a choice. We can use the world's measuring stick. We can run the rat race, chase the almighty dollar, buy and build bigger homes, and surround ourselves with the comforts of luxury. In no way does this ensure we will be viewed as successful by God. We also have the choice to obey God.

Stop right there. As you read this today can you say that you are obeying God as much as He has revealed to you? No rationalization or justification. Are you obeying God in this moment on this day. God wants our obedience. He demands it. You cannot please God if you are defying His directives for your life. Obedience comes down to a matter of trust. Do we trust Him enough to obey and throw caution to the wind? You are not successful if you refuse to obey Him.

Are you fulfilling your purpose on this earth. I am. By my sitting down and writing this blog I am fulfilling one of the purposes of God for my life. He has set me apart to write. He has also set me apart to preach and pastor. What about you? Maybe you are called into business to make a lot of money but to use much of it to build God's kingdom. Maybe you are called to coach or teach. Maybe you are called to be a homemaker. Maybe you are called to teach a class at church. That is between you and God but you will never be a success in God's eyes if you do not accomplish the purpose he created you for.

I have to admit. This reminder from my reading scripture this morning was a sharp rebuke and slap in the face. It was not gentle reminder that Jesus measures success much differently than the world does. In the end it is measure that I am after.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sacred Calling

I was only eighteen when the Lord first invaded my thoughts about His call on my life to preach. I rejected His promptings for three months. I had my excuses. I sure did not see myself as preacher material and close to three decades later I still don't. All I know is God set me apart for the sacred calling of preaching His word.

I have preached before crowds of over a thousand and to groups of less than a dozen. I have stood on foreign soil and proclaimed the truth of scripture as well as behind pulpits all over this nation. I have never doubted the sacred calling.

In preaching I have experienced some of the highest of highs and walked out of worship services tearfully low. I have watched the masses respond to God on their faces at the altar and I have preached my heart out to barren altars. Through it all the sacred call of God on my life has persisted.

I did not choose to preach. I was chosen. I did embark on a career in ministry. I was handpicked by God on a Sunday night in east Texas as an eighteen year old teenager sitting in Denman Avenue Baptist Church. I did not surrender for another three months but I remember that night as when God chose me.

It was on July 4, 1985 while at youth camp I could resist no longer. I gave my life to preach not knowing what all that would entail. Now three decades later I know more than ever preaching is what I was born to do. I am not the brightest, most eloquent, or most charismatic preacher. I am sincere and I do believe the message of the Bible for help in my own life and for those who listen.

I did not choose this sacred calling, it was chosen for me. In the same way I have not chosen the path my ministry has taken. Nor can I determine the future. I only know I have a sacred calling. It is a high and noble calling. Higher and more noble than any other profession on the earth. What I do matters for eternity. I may never see all the fruit in this lifetime but I do know there is fruit because God's word does not return void. I have preached that word for close to thirty years. With God's strength and enabling I hope to preach for another thirty years.

God's word is inexhaustible. The person of God is unexplainable. The glory of God is indescribable. I have but this short life to live out this sacred calling. Thank you God for choosing me. This is not a burden to bear but a privilege to share. Thank you for hand picking me for your sacred calling.


You said, "Only believe - ME you have to trust",
I said, "I can't" - You said, "My child, you must",
I said, "Lord it's hard the trials are very huge",
You said, "I am your stronghold and refuge",
Lord, I confess trusting you is not always,
Easy to retain assurance in uncertain days,
When mountains loom large blocking my view,
When I can't see evidence or even hear from you,
Yet, your promises are true they do not waver,
As your trusting child I have your love and favor,
So I ask you to help battle all my doubt - unbelief,
Let me trust large bringing the devil much grief.

It All Comes Down to Trust

While on my mountain retreat I read through the entire book of Matthew over the past couple of days. Something jumped out at me through the journey. Jesus either affirmed or rebuked people's faith depending on how they responded to Him. So much of the Christian life really boils down to trust.

We have to trust God is not only willing but also able to forgive our sins and cleanse our souls for us to get to Heaven. We have to trust that God inspired men to write His word and that it is infallible. It is by faith that we trust God even exists. It is trust that keeps us praying and seeking God for help and guidance in life.

I find that when we trust God simply and sincerely this takes care of a lot of the issues that can get believers off track. I also find that when we doubt this opens the doors for a lot of the enemy's attack. While trust ushers in peace, assurance, and confidence a lack of trust invites despair, anxiety, and hopelessness to take up residence. Which would you rather have knocking at the door of your heart and mind. Life is much less tumultuous when we just trust God. Irregardless of what we see or even how we feel a life of peace and assurance comes when we trust God in the big things and the little things.

I was talking to a friend recently about faith. He recounted for me how God brought him through when his dairy business went under. He talked about how the Lord saw him through raising four kids and getting all of them through college. He has never owned his own house or land and yet he has a successful cattle operation. He did not know at the time how he would get his kids through college but God made a way and now all four children are in the work force. He does not have debt and yet does not make a lot of money by the world's standards. He has faith in God. My friend has peace. He has assurance that God will see him through any future trials.

Contrast that life to the person who lives in tumult every day because they do not trust God. They put the pressure on themselves to solve problems and surmount obstacles. Their nerves are frayed and they live on edge everyday. They do not have peace and they have no assurance. They sleep fitfully at night due to anxiety. All of this because they do not or refuse to trust God.

Faith is not a fruit of the spirit. It is a choice on our part. Granted, it is a choice God can help us with like the father with the demon possessed son who prayed, "Lord, help my unbelief." God can strengthen our faith but often we do not like the process that takes. For faith to be strengthened faith must be tested under trial again and again. Some trials are easy and some are much more difficult. Regardless of the size of the trial it still comes back to trusting God.

So today where are you? Are you one God is rebuking for lack of trust or are you one Jesus affirms for trusting in impossible circumstances. It is your choice. You can choose the path of trust or you can choose the path of doubt. When it is all said and done it really comes down to trust.

Come to Me

You said come to Me all who are heavy laden and tired,
So I came in exhaustion and burdened as You desired,
You promised to exchange my fatigue for Your rest,
So I came prostrate before You trusting You'd bless,
That you would bring recovery, refreshing, and renew,
One so loaded down and weary from service given You,
You directed me to learn from You and take up Your yoke,
Not knowing the future - You're the wheel and I'm the spoke,
You told me You were gentle and humble in Your heart,
So I trust You today as I surrender getting a fresh start,
You said Your yoke is easy - a mild pleasant way of life,
So much better than my way filled with sorrow and strife,
You reminded me that Your burden for me is always light,
Though You require that I walk by faith and not by sight,
I come to You on this cold New Mexico Wednesday morn,
Receiving renewal and recovery for a life weary and worn,
I have heard Your voice amidst the mountains and the pines,
Receiving rest and renewal here where your presence shines.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Lord, I ask for wisdom because wisdom is what I need,
Your revelation and understanding is for what I plead,
Wisdom to understand your love behind the tribulation,
Wisdom to wholly trust you in any and every situation,
I ask for wisdom so I will not waste this time to mature,
To learn more of you and in your promises stand secure,
I do not want to be tossed by the wind like the ocean tide,
Tossed about into confusion and uncertain on every side,
I do not want to be a double minded man in all my ways,
Or be unstable - restless -  during my remaining days,
I cry for wisdom to get through the troubled times with joy,
I ask for your strength, wisdom, and your peace to deploy,
You are my hope - joy and wisdom to make sense of it all,
You are my strength got get up when I stumble and I fall,
You God are wisdom when I am battled and my faith tested,
You are the anchor of my soul when the waves have crested,
You are wisdom to see there is purpose in the trials and pain,
You are wisdom bringing joy and peace I cannot explain,
So today I come asking for wisdom - a fuller intelligent view,
To cope with the testing of faith that often comes from you,
To endure in faith trusting every day - moment - every hour,
Wisdom triumphs confusion and unbelief it always devours.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Potter's Wheel

Lord, you are the Potter and I am the clay,
On your potter's wheel I kneel and I lay,
As you apply the pressure to mold - shape,
I don't like the pressure - I want to escape,
You have a picture and purpose in mind,
I can't see it and for relief want to rewind,
Your pressure is good, the shape slowly forms,
Seems obscure as trials seem more like storms,
I confess my rebellion - how I fought to resist,
But you O Potter squeezed and had to persist,
I could only feel the pressure turned into pain,
For my own good you tried hard to explain,
I rebelled and fought against your sculpting hands,
Determined I knew best chasing dreams and plans,
That you did not purpose - you never did consent,
My sculpture marred - broken you had to reinvent,
Today I lay my all on your painful potter's wheel,
Submitting my life, my ministry, and all of my will,
I cry out, "Bring on the chisel," if that's what it takes,
Chipping away all - until my rebellion it breaks,
I climb on your wheel and submit to your design,
My way and my will I relinquish and resign,
You are the Potter and I nothing but your clay,
Lord mold and shape me until you have your way.

Submit to the Potter

"The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, "Arise and go down to the potter's house and there I will let you hear my words." So I went down to the potter's house and here he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel as seemed good to the potter to do." [Jer 18:1-4]

I read these verses this morning in my devotion. As I sought the Lord these verses spoke to my heart clearly. You and I are like lumps of clay. We may have our own intentions, plans, and dreams. The most important thing is that God has a purpose for people individually and as a nation. There are plans for you and me.

Even before we were born God had plans for us. He has purposes. He begins the process of sculpting to shape our lives into those purposes. It is God's sovereign right to mold us into whatever He wants. he does not have to ask our permission. He does not even have to ask if we will like the process of what it will take to get us to the end result. We often rebel. We often rebel and resist the pressure from God's hands in molding us.

We don't like the pressure. I know I don't. Yet, the pressure is what God uses to round this edge, to smooth that lump, and to shape us into the picture He has in mind. It is the picture that seems good to Him. We may not like it. Better yet, we might like the process of what God has to do in order to shape our lives to look like what seems good to him. It is possible to waste a whole life resisting God's pressure to mold us into His useful vessel.

We have two choices. We can resist. Many of us have and many more do. We can resist the pressure and rebel against the pain. Not just for a season but for all our days. We can argue and say the picture we have in mind looks better. We can even justify our resistance but it will do no good. This will only produce more pressure and more pain as God continues the molding process.

Our other choice is to relax and submit. As I prayed this morning I had a mental picture of myself kneeling before God as a lump of clay. Resting in His presence and submitted to His will I knelt in surrender. I pictured God purposefully, tenderly, but persistently applying the pressure needed to shape my life. It comforted me to know that I can take the pressure off myself trying mold my life into this or that. All I have to do is relax and submit to whatever God wants.

He can sculpt us into anything. He can orchestrate the circumstances of our lives to accomplish His purposes. He is at work. The pressure is not fun but there is a purpose in it. We may not see the finished result yet. God has a picture in mind of what our lives should look like and we need to submit and trust Him for the finished result.

How will you respond? Will you resist and rebel? Will you kneel and submit? God knows what He is doing. His picture is right. I urge you all to take the lump of your life and kneel before Him in submission giving into the purposeful pressure of God's hands. He knows what He is doing.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Fresh Word From You


I cried out in solitude for a fresh word from you,
A scripture, promise, rebuke - anything will do,
I sit alone heart abandoned before your throne,
Contented to make this my permanent home,
I long for you - your whispers in my soul to hear,
To point me on the path of peace and good cheer,
I want a word to cling when times are good and bad,
A word of faith to face the trials like I've never had,
I want a fresh word that brings me relief and peace,
To heal my soul so unbelief can't even find a crease,
I sit contentedly in your presence longing to find,
What's on your heart and what is on your mind,
Here I am Lord available to you to stay or be sent,
My heart, my mind, and my will forever to you bent.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Ps 127:2 "In vain you get up early and stay up late, eating food earned by hard work; certainly he gives sleep to the one He loves."

I slept soundly last night for the first time in a long while. God gave me permission to sleep in a little today. For weeks on end we have lived life in the fast lane. Work, cooking, cleaning, mowing, powerlifting meets, track meets, and church. There have been weeks we can't find time to go get groceries until late at night. We have not even had time to celebrate Brenda's birthday which was yesterday. We can't do it tonight or tomorrow and Sunday is full as well.

By nature I am an early riser. I get up early and am looking for the bed around 9:00 p.m. when possible. When I awoke today I had a mental list of all the things I needed to do. A long list. An impossible list. I knew the first thing to do was to seek God. I laid out all the plans for the day and asked him where I should best exert my energy. His answer surprised me. "Get some more sleep."

That seemed an inefficient use of time. Then I read this verse. It dawned on me whether I am awake or sleep God is still working. I cannot tell you how much this comforted my heart. It brought peace. I went back for a short nap thinking as my head hit the pillow, "God, you are at work. While my body and mind are tired you are still at work. You are orchestrating the events of the day. You are at work in all the areas that weigh heavy on my mind. I can sleep in peace because you don't stop working just because I sleep."

How many of you do not sleep well at night tossing and turning in the bed as you mull over problems, challenges, fears, and anxieties? God loves you and one of his great gifts to us is sleep. Now I know some would read this and take this to an extreme form justifying laziness. That is not my intent. I am talking about that sleep that we all need to recharge, recover, and get refreshed for the next day.

I see it in the eyes and on the faces of people all the time. They are stressed. They are weary. They are worn down by the trials of life. How many wake up each day feeling just as tired as they did the night before. How many hear the alarm clock and think, "It is already morning. I feel like I just went to sleep." Some never sleep through a whole night uninterrupted. They get up in the middle of the night for a few hours before drifting back into a deep sleep when it is time to get up and start the day.

God gives those he loves sleep. He grants those who trust him the peaceful gift of rest over night. What a blessing. We all got in late last night from Tucker's district Jr. High track meet. We all slept soundly. And while we all slept God worked on answers to prayers we have brought before him. I could see certain things we have asked God for taking shape as I drifted back to sleep this morning.

We work so hard trying to get ahead. We push our bodies to the limit with little time to recover. We feel the the pressure to perform, to excel, to press on. God can do more for us while we trust him in our sleep than we do in a lifetime trying to make things happen in our own strength.

I am all for hard work. I am also for trusting God. I also know we have limits and many of us are running on fumes. I thank God that he loves me enough to let me sleep and that while I rest he is still on the job. Peaceful dreams to you all.

The Sacred Hour

I awoke today with you on my heart and mind,
Your presence and will I wanted more to find,
As I sit in this  comfy old reclining lounge chair,
Pouring out my soul - laying down my cares,
I feel something happening - something anew,
Hope beginning to rise - I am being renewed,
The dark clouds of confusion are slowly lifting,
Peace in my heart where Satan has been sifting,
Faith is being rekindled - ignited and revived,
You bringing me back to alive deep down inside,
The future once bleak shadowed clouds darkened,
Now looks to be clearing as I continue to harken,
To your precious truth and word divinely inspired,
Like an eagle helps me soar above trials higher,
Peace washes over me like a gentle spring shower,
While I wait with you in this sacred meeting hour,
No choirs, congregation, or preachers are needed,
As long as I am here - in your presence now seated,
Who can bring me out like the dead from the grave,
Can set me back on course one so vile and depraved,
In your presence I am restored - refreshed - revived,
Taking back my faith and hope Satan had deprived,
No longer content any longer to remain defeated,
Claiming victory on the cross won and completed,
In this sacred hour Lord you have restored vision,
Making whole a mind and heart torn by division,
The future is uncertain and remains largely unsure,
Yet God you hold my hand - I am confident - secure,
Your plan is in tact - it will continually be unfolded,
Your guiding hand using these trials as I'm molded,
Into a vessel of honor for your purposes and desires,
A submissive steadfast heart of faith what you require.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Count It All Joy

Today is a new day with both opportunities and challenges. Today we have the choice to count it all joy no matter what we are going through. Today we have the choice to be glad in the trials and the triumphs. [James 1:2]

Yes, God is going to test our faith. What good is an untried and unproven faith? Faith is for the tough times. Faith is for the comfort of the soul and peace of mind when nothingmakes sense and you do not understand.

Tested faith produces endurance. Steadfastness. Constancy. We need that today. Steadfast to resist sin. Steadfast in our pursuit of holiness. Steadfast in our love and devotion for Christ. Steadfast in the howling storms of life. Constant in our pursuit of God. Constant in our unwavering trust in Him to the end. {James 1:2-3]

The sun is not even up and though we may have our day planned, none us really knows what is going to happen. We have a choice. Trust or doubt. Be glad or sad. Run with endurance or quit. Remain constant or give into inconsistency.

Jesus, I ask you to help us count it all joy regardless of what this day holds. I ask you to strengthen us as you test our faith to build endurance. As we endure I pray for constant maturing of our faith. We put no confidence in our flesh. We wholly throw ourselves on you trusting you to bring us through. We have a choice and today I am choosing you. Today I look full into your wonderful face with adoration. Today I trade my confusion, sorrow, despair, and all else Satan would use to cloud my judgment and I lay it at your feet as I count all it joy. That is my choice. In Jesus name, amen

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wholly Leaning

Jesus, my Savior and righteous Redeemer,
You forgive and make my heart cleaner,
On you alone am I wholly leaning,
Apart from You life has no meaning,
I am not perfect in any of my behavior,
That is why I needed a perfect Savior,
Who could stand for me in substitute,
Paying my debt for a heart of ill repute,
Jesus, you alone can cleanse my sin,
Never letting me bear them again,
You alone shine forth in perfection,
Causing me love and deep reflection,
On you do I trust and wholly leaning,
Clinging to your righteous gleaning.


Yesterday while working out with the three oldest boys I noticed Taylor kept getting frustrated if he did not get things right during our training routine. After his running we talked while walking back to the field house. I asked him about why he kept getting so frustrated. He replied, "I demand of myself to be perfect."

At that point I stopped him and replied, "Taylor, nobody is perfect but Jesus. Perfection is never going to be a realistic goal. You can strive for excellence but you will never be perfect. We would not need Jesus if we were perfect."

I am not perfect. I have been through struggles in planting this church that reveal that. I am angry and frustrated more times than not. This causes me to live on edge around Brenda and the boys. I am not perfect in my trust in God. I am not perfect in my devotions. I am not perfect as a pastor. I am not perfect as a husband, father, or friend. My flesh is alive and well and rebels against God constantly. No, I am far from perfect.

Isn't the very fact that we are not perfect just one way God reminds us we are not equal to him. Take for instance my writing. I cannot tell you the number of times I find a typo, misspelled word, or a word omitted in something I have written even after I am other people have edited them. I go back every time I write and proof read these posts and other writings and yet I find errors all the time. That frustrates me. When I put my name on something I write I want it to be done with excellence. I make mistakes. My mind works faster than I can write. This is just one more area to show me I am not perfect.

Nobody is perfect. I think of the scores of people who feel the pressure to perform at work, in the classroom, and on the field. Yet part of human nature is to fail. We are fall short of perfection. The Bible puts it this way. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." [Rom 3:23] Imperfection is part of the human condition. None of us are immune. We rebel, stumble, get things wrong, and fail.

The quest for perfection has been broken time and time again. Just ask the New England Patriots who went to the Super Bowl with a perfect record a few years ago but lost to the New York Giants. Just ask the Miami Heat Basketball team who went on a 28 game winning streak only to be beaten recently by the Chicago Bulls. The 1972 Miami Dolphins football team won every game that year. They had the perfect season but what happened in 1973 and every year since then. The University of Connecticut women's basketball team went on a winning streak that lasted for seasons but eventually even they were beat. We fail. We lose. We fall short.

Anybody who thinks they can will themselves to perfection and therefore into heaven is fooling themselves. We all fail. We say things we should not say and then do not say the things we should. We dwell on things we should not dwell on and then do not dwell on the things of God as we should. We say yes when we should have said no and say no know when God wanted us to say yes. We give into fatigue when God wants us to press on in service to him. We press on at times in overcommitment when God would have pull aside to rest for a while. We are not perfect people.

But we serve one who is perfect. "Keeping our eyes on Jesus the source and perfecter of our faith who for the joy that lay before him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne." [Heb 12:2] The word perfecter can also mean finisher. Jesus is perfect spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. None can compare. Therefore it is easy to swear my allegiance to Him. The closest I will ever come to perfection in this life is when I live life completely surrendered to him and he lives through me. This is what Paul meant when he wrote, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, for Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." [Gal 2:20]

It is the perfection of Christ that I trust in Him when I come to the end of my life. I put no confidence in myself. I have failed. I have cast my faith and entire hope on Christ for not only salvation but to put me in the right standing before a holy and just God. There are no sweeter words to my soul in the Bible than the ones I read in [II Cor 5:21]. "He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." It is Christ who will cover us with his perfect righteousness before his Father.

No my brothers and sisters. We are not perfect but Jesus is. O, look to him. Cast your lot with him. Trust in him. Put your faith in him. Submit to him.Now, Jesus Christ is perfect. Perfect in holiness. The perfect resemblance of God the Father. Perfect in every way.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Our Sister

She was a teacher by profession,
A follower of Christ by confession,
Filled with joy - infectious laughter,
Now rejoicing in the ever after,
She served giving her life away,
Comforting others down dismayed,
She loved and lived abundantly,
Pointing all to Christ redundantly,
She loved and served unashamed,
Jesus the name she loved to proclaim,
In song, word, love, and simple action,
The Lord of her heart and of her passion,
On this planet she never was married,
Always wed to Christ 'till was buried,
She a devoted bride to Christ her betrothed,
Now in glory in heavenly garments clothed,
We miss you Arely our sister and daughter,
Entrusted to Jesus who loved and bought her.

Help Our Unbelief

Help My Unbelief

Lord, I look around and see trials like rain falling down,
Useful but overwhelming for those about to drown,
I look around at the hurt, those broken and bruised,
I cry out praying but answers delayed leave us confused,
I read your promises and am assured you never do fail,
I question that when tortured hearts cry and start to wail,
I feel like the father with the sick son desperate for relief,
I feel like the disciples unable to help only bringing grief,
Why do you allow your people to suffer - to linger in pain,
Why does it feel so often that we've only prayed in vain,
You have the strength needed to help all at this very hour,
You're not limited in resources or miraculous working power,
Why are the young diseased needing urgent medical care,
Why are the poor struggling with no one to love and share,
Lord why are you so silent when we cannot fully understand,
When we cannot trace the movements of your unseen hand,
What I see tells me everything is lost - we're losing control,
That you are asleep - the universe you no longer patrol,
That is not the truth I need or others desperate for relief,
So Lord give us faith to overcome and help all our unbelief.

A Better Man Than Me

I recently had lunch with an old pastor mentor and friend,
We talked about books and preachers for hours on end,
He is seventy-eight but still serves his church full time,
I am forty-six but his joy and faith I am unable to find,
He lost a boy and his wife now suffers in physical pain,
He has given twenty years to his church happy to remain,
He did not go to school but is one of the smartest men I know,
Locked away in his reading of thousands books to learn to grow,
He has more faith, more joy, more love more perseverance than me,
He is such an example of the holy righteous man and pastor I long to be,
He prays with passion and has persevered in faith under man a  trial,
I buckle under the pressure giving into despair rather than trust after awhile,
He reads and preaches with conviction and passion that in these days is rare,
He lives in holiness not tempted nor trapped into temptation of Satan's lares,
He is such a better pastor, and better than man than I will ever hope to be,
He is a hero, one in the shadows most will never hear preach or ever see,
I shout his praises, a warrior, one still zealous to serve faithfully the Lord,
An old friend - mentor - example who will one day receive his just rewards.

In loving appreciation for Bob Harper