Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sitting With the Lord

I have been spending a lot of time sitting with the Lord in recent days. This has culminated with a greater desire to listen than to talk. Last night after a day with the family I made my way out to the back porch where I nestled into my rustic rocking chair.

I really had no other agenda than sit with the Lord alone. The winds were blustery but the temperature mild. I contented myself in that rocking chair for close to an hour. Mainly I just wanted to enjoy God and to hear from Him. I sat and rocked while seeking to discern God's still small voice. At the end of that time I did not get a clear message from God. I did enjoy time with Him.

This morning I got up early and longed to be in God's presence. I poured out my heart in prayer and got up after some time to look out the window outside my office. There is a front blowing in today. Changes are coming. The skies are dark with ominous clouds. The winds are still blustery. Soon rain will pelt the earth and the temperatures will plummet. While standing looking out the window suddenly I sensed the Lord speaking. I hurried back to my office where I could write down His instructions. They were clear and unmistakable. They also revived my heart.

Have you ever noticed how little we sit with people anymore much less the Lord. I have seen others do it and have done it myself when seated with people in conversation and I wanted to leave what did I do? I edged to the front of the seat and eventually stood to my feet giving off the non verbal communication the conversation was coming to an end.

What is worse is how we do this to God. Truth is very few of us even sit with Him anymore. We can have our devotions emailed to our phones in order to read on the run.  Our devotion times are so rushed. We fly through the scripture and a prayer so we can get on with the rest of our day. I find what God has to say to me through His word and Spirit are much more valuable than anything I have to say to Him. In fact it was while reading His word God showed me the value of sitting with Him. "Then King David went in and sat before the Lord..." [I Chronicles 17:16] God had just spoken something very profound to David and what did David do in response. He went and sat before the Lord.

That takes time. It is an unhurried response to God. It means devotion times last longer than ten to fifteen minutes. I never know how long my times with the Lord will last. It depends on what He wants to do in my life. I only know I have an increasing desire to sit before Him and with Him to listen more than to talk.

God is giving me much more the heart of Mary than Martha. Martha remained busy and distracted by the meal preparation when she invited Jesus to eat. Mary contented herself at the feet of Jesus listening to His every word. That is where I long to be. Seated with Jesus and listening to everything He has to say.

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