Monday, November 12, 2012

Seek and Serve

David gave his son Solomon some words of counsel before he took over as king. I Chron 28:9] In essence here is the short version. Seek to know God. Serve God with a loyal heart.

In our age we often get this wrong. We want to serve before we seek to get to know Him. There are many people in churches of all sizes and denominations who fill their calendars with busy activity but who seldom take the time to seek to know God. There are people packed in the pews who know a lot about God but they do not really know God.

How about you? What category do you fall in? Are you busy doing but somewhere deep inside you are not being a follower of Christ? You would not be alone. Many teach, lead, volunteer, head up projects, but seldom ever set aside significant quiet time to seek the Lord. In essence these people lead on empty. They pretend to be walking closely with God but nobody knows the truth. They do not seek God and are not close to Him.

Seeking to know God has to remain our top priority. You will notice I am not referring to a little time of devotion heavy on tradition but light on divine encounters. If you are going to know the Lord it is going to take long sustained times in His presence. It will also mean a deep desire and ravenous hunger for more of God. David wrote of this is [Ps 63:1-3] and [Ps 42:1]. That has to be the heart of someone genuinely seeking more of God.

When we seek God we discern His will and direction. [Ps 119:11] We gain His power to serve. [Phil 4:13] We are given purpose and vision. [Prov 29:18] When these things come from human wisdom and resources the soul is bankrupted and the fruit of OUR labors will not last. When God is the object of our seeking contentment follows [Phil 4:11-12]  along with His wisdom to make decisions. [James 1:5]

Serving without seeking can lead to foolish decisions, burn out, hollow experiences, and eventually resentment and bitterness for not being recognized for your accomplishments. When you seek God and His kingdom first, you will not be offended by the lack of recognition because all the glory will go to God.

I hope you are seeking. I hope this is leading to you serving also. Don't get the order wrong. Seek first and then serve faithfully.

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