Sunday, January 31, 2016

Breaking Out Of Holy Huddles

So many people are content to attend church worship services instead of actually being the church. They prefer to sit in the crowd in anonymity rather than to get involved. They prefer hiding in holy huddles. WE WERE NOT SAVED TO SIT BUT TO SERVE!
Ephesians 2:10 (NASB)
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. 
What did God uniquely design you to do? What did God gift you to do? How are you using those gifts, talents, resources and time to further the Kingdom of God within the context of your local church? 
We are called the body of Christ but in many churches the body is not healthy. Each member does not fulfill their God ordained role. This makes for an unhealthy and ineffective church. 
Whatever your role is are you doing your part. It has been said that 20% of the people do 80% of the work and give 80% of the money in local churches. This ought not be. What would happen if those were numbers changed. What if 80% gave ad served and the minority sat in holy huddles doing and giving nothing. The church would flourish. 
It is also reported that out of the estimated 340 million people living in North America about 258 million of them are lost bound for hell. That should disturb us in the church. In some of our western states as much as 82% of the population are lost. In the northeastern states about 83% of the population are without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Does this agitate our souls at all? Do we care? Millions are headed for hell and the church barely raises an eye brow. O that holy huddles would be invaded by the Spirit of the living God to prompt and push out to minister to people. 
Knowing this will we remain content to sit in our Holy Huddles Sunday after Sunday unconcerned, unmoved and unaffected. Will we open our eyes to those all around us without hope of heaven because they do not know Jesus as Savior. Will we insulate ourselves from the very sin sick people who need Jesus as the Great Physician to redeem and heal their souls. 
It is time to break out of holy huddles to do real ministry and be the real church in our culture. God created us to do things for Him. That is what He designed us to do in Christ. I exhort believers to channel your gifts, passions, resources and talents for God and the work of His purposes as the church. God be glorified with the results.

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