Sunday, October 25, 2015

Being There For The Brokenhearted

Some say the eyes are a window to a person's soul and a person's face paints a portrait of the heart. Admittedly, some people are stoic and you never know what they are thinking or feeling on the inside.

Many times we mindlessly greet people with the question, "How are you today?" Do we really care? Do we stop long enough to deeply look into the eyes of others to see how they are really doing?

If you pass a person wiping tears from their eyes that is pretty good indication they are upset about something. The easy thing is to keep on going and to ignore the situation. It takes courage to enter into other people's pain. Isn't that exactly what Jesus did over and over again.

Jesus entered into other's pains when they sinned, were mistreated, brokenhearted, overwhelmed, grieved, judged, condemned, and without hope. Are Christians not called to do the same thing.

Everyday there are people broken. These are not whole. They live with broken, wounded, sorrowful, shattered, and crushed hearts. The reasons are varied. They live with an emotional limp without hope and joy. Who cares? Who listens? Who gives a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on? Who offers any hope for better days and for wholeness?

You may come across these people at a cafe, a ball game, work, school, or even sitting in church. Hurting and broken people are everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

Ps 34:18 is some of the best medicine I know to give broken and hurting people. Psalm 34:18 (NASB)
18  The LORD is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.

There are countless brokenhearted people who need the reassurance God has not left them or forsaken them. These walking wounded need God's deliverance and for you and I to be representatives of Christ to them offering love, healing, and hope.

As you go through your day look into people's eyes and check out the portrait on their faces. When the need arises enter into their pain with the love and ministry of Jesus. Maybe it will mean nothing more than a listening ear, a word of comfort, a quick prayer, or a short text for encouragement. Maybe it will require you to walk with them over the long haul. You never know the difference it might make.

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