Thursday, September 3, 2015

Storm Brewing

This past Saturday Brenda and I were driving home from Howard Payne University watching Taylor play in a football scrimmage. As Brenda slept and I drove, I saw dark clouds brewing to the west. In the distance I saw several lightening strikes and could make out the dark silhouette of rain falling.

Not long afterward we drove through a few sprinkles. The noise woke Brenda just in time to see a couple of flashes of lightening. Suddenly the winds heightened blowing debris all over the highway. The dirt began blowing so hard along with the rain I could barely make out the road. Brenda grew increasingly nervous but I could tell the thunderstorm would not last long. Within five minutes we drove through it and made it home the rest of the way without further incident.

Later that evening the same storm hit with a vengeance about half an hour from our home. People suffered minor damage from the storm.

Likewise, I see storm clouds brewing over America in every direction. It seems like our society is coming unravelled at the seams . Racism is escalating back to pre-civil rights days. The economy is volatile. Lawmakers are making deals that do not have America's best interest at heart. Presidential candidates have been caught in lies as well as the typical mud slinging that accompanies political campaigns. Cultural elitist have tried to redefine marriage. Occult activity is flaunted in public more and more by performers on stage. Vulgar and profane performances defy God and His law.

The storm clouds are brewing. Ominous days appear to be ahead. While all of this is happening what should the children of God do? Panic? Live in fear and anxiety? Give up? NO. We should pray for America to repent and return to God. [II Chron 7:14] We should share the love of Christ as I did with a high school athlete in the weight room today. [Rom 1:14-16] We should stand firm against the wicked schemes of the devil. [Eph 6:12] We should look at the scriptures to help us discern the times we live in.

Yes, I believe a storm in coming but I also know who holds storms in the palm of His hands. We can face the storm with His peace guarding our hearts and minds. [Phil 4:6-7].

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