Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I've Had A Belly Full Washington

We are in another political season. Every newscast has something about presidential candidates or people in congress or the senate. There are scandals. Multiple scandals. Email scandals. Executive Order scandals. Legislature scandals. Budget wastes that working Americans cannot understand and have no clue are taking place. Planned Parenthood scandals. There is no accountability.

Yet politicians rule the airwaves making their putrid speeches. They talk with silver tongues and smile their plastic smiles. They say they care about the American people but once elected are immediately bought off by lobbyist who have agendas. Soon those campaign promises are forgotten until the next election. Where are the men and women in government and society with backbone who cannot be bought off, silenced, intimidated, or herded into politically correct points of view.

I AM SICK OF IT. I HAVE HAD A BELLY FULL OF PEOPLE WHO CONSTANTLY VOTE AND LEAD AGAINST DOING IT GOD'S WAY. I do not believe their slick presentations. I do not trust their statistics slanted to their advantage. I weary of promises made and promises unkept. Frankly, I've had it with campaigns. GOD IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR AMERICA. Politicians will not save us. Only God can rescue this nation from ourselves. Only God can get our attention, move us to repentance, and open blinded eyes. Who really cares about me and my family and you and your family in Washington? Jesus cares and knows my family by name. My trust is in Him.

I have multiple issues. If a city clerk can be forced to sign homosexual marriage certificates or be arrested and put in jail against her religious convictions, where does it end. Will I and my fellow pastors be arrested and jailed when we refuse to officiate homosexual marriages? That is the logical conclusion. How long before homosexual activist target churches and pastors to force their agenda. Pastors will become open targets. What is more sad, is many pastors will  cave into the peer pressure to save their own hides forgetting they will give an account to God for such cowardly actions. Fearing imprisonment pastors will violate God's law which always trump the laws of the land.

I am sickened that our barbaric country has been exposed for not only murdering unborn babies but for also selling their body parts. It is hard to believe that this travesty is actually taking place in modernity. Babies are born alive and brutally killed so body parts can be harvested. Yet Planned Parenthood is politically correct and powerful and few have the guts to say anything or stand against it. What sickens me more is that many people dismiss the whole thing and turn a deaf ear. There is little regard for human life. If this starts with babies and fetuses, the day will come when others will be targeted. It happened in Nazi Germany with the Jews. Will Christians be the next group silenced and exterminated because human life is not valued. Even as I write this there is a dog and pony show hearing on Capitol Hill where questions will be asked, lies and deception will be given in answers, all directed toward Planned Parenthood, but in the end nothing will change. NOTHING.

Washington politicians are largely only concerned with their personal gain and self promotion. Such theatrics and deception would never fly in normal work places. People get up and work hard for the money they make. They have to budget groceries, gas, housing, transportation, and other necessities. Most of us have a little extra we can play with and buy the things we want or spend money on fun. When that money is gone we are forced to quit spending. How in the world can Washington continue spend money they do not have. It is ludicrous. It is easy to write checks on accounts with your name not attached to it and with no accountability.

I've had a belly full of denying God, the truth of the Bible, promoting ungodly agendas and the remaking of a country that I grew up in and loved, and still love to this day. I do not love what our country has become. Sin abounds. Things once done in secret are now flaunted openly in the public square. We have shamed ourselves before a watching world. We have shamed Christ and painted Him as powerless and pathetic. Muslims have more convictions than many Christians.

I've had a belly of so called Christians who deny the principles of scripture to blend in with the times. If true believers would only stand up boldly, pray fervently and perseveringly, and hold Washington accountable, I am confident our nation could recover. II Chronicles 7:14 gives me this hope. "If My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

Gutless Christians and politicians who cower under trial, persecution, and peer pressure will never bring about a much needed spiritual awakening to our nation. SHAME ON US! SHAME ON US FOR WHAT WE HAVE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN TO THIS NATION. SHAME ON US FOR WHAT WE ALLOW TO HAPPEN YEAR AFTER YEAR IN WASHINGTON. SHAME ON US FOR DENYING AND REJECTING GOD WHO FOUNDED THIS NATION AND HAS BLESSED IT SO ABUNDANTLY.

It is almost enough to make me want to run for public office to make a difference. I will not lower my purpose in life to do that though. There is no greater place for me to make a difference than in the local church, behind the pulpit preaching, and behind this computer screen calling people back to God. I don't ever want to be silenced by big crowds, big donors, or special interest members who want to muzzle the prophet. I want to shout as through a megaphone to America and Washington, "REPENT. HUMBLE YOURSELVES BEFORE ALMIGHTY GOD. CHANGE YOUR WAYS. SEEK GOD FOR HIS HELP, PROTECTION, PROVISION, AND LEADERSHIP IN THIS NATION." 

More than ever we need to hear, "Thus says the Lord." I am thankful for Dr. Robert Jeffress and his bold preaching and bold stand. I am also thankful for Jim Cymbala, Dr. David Jeremiah, and a host of other pastors who preach it plain and stand against the wickedness of our day. May the Lord raise tens of thousands more just like them.

What will it take for you to get a belly full of the foolishness of Washington and the sinfulness of this nation. Those politicians forget the government is supposed represent us. They want us for our votes and quickly forget all about us. They ignore God and the voice of Christians who speak for God.

In my little corner of the field I plow. It is not a big field and my influence is small. Yet if you plow in your part of the field and others do the same we can do something. We can pray and pray until God rescues our nation from ourselves. It will never happen as long as we remain apathetic.

God, give us a belly full of sin, lies, deception, greed, selfishness, wickedness, calling sin a new point of view, politicians, and political correctness in our own lives as well as in Washington. I ask You to gnaw our insides with your Holy Spirit, make us restless, provoke us to prayer, and to stand for You. In Jesus name.

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