Friday, September 25, 2015

Disturbed and Provoked

I am deeply disturbed about the condition and direction of our nation. This is no secret. I have written about this extensively over the past few years. I have preached about this as well.

In recent days the burden and restlessness in my spirit has deepened. I am deeply disturbed down to the core of my soul. I see things more soberly. Many things that used to matter more in light of eternity do not matter as much.

This is a sobering thought. We are all just one heartbeat away from eternity. For followers of Jesus this is good news. For the lost this is horrific news. Horrific! I can sit here and write that but does it motivate me to action, to prayer, to share my faith with those around me. It must!

In these days so much is said and written about prayer but what disturbs me more is how many times I wake up and do not want to pray. There are days when I awake feeling lethargic, apathetic, and choose the path of least resistance. With everything that is at stake how can I give into these feelings. The soldier in battle may not feel like fighting but out of necessity he must continually fight the enemy for self survival, for the protection of family and friends, and for the protection of his country. How can it be that as a solider of Christ I would take the call to pray any less seriously.

There are disturbing things on the horizon. All you have to do is watch the news, read your Bible, and connect the dots. Things are lining up just as Jesus said they would. Discern the sign of the times. Anyone can look up in the skies and see dark clouds on the horizon and deduct that a storm is coming. Likewise, look around at the events of this world and wake up. There are very disturbing things happening all over the world.

Here is one of our problems. We are all desensitized to current events. Nothing shocks us anymore. If we hear of Christians getting beheaded around the world we hardly even take notice. If we hear about racial tensions building everywhere, even after decades of civil rights fighting, we are quick to dismiss it. Violent crimes dominate headline news but it no longer disturbs us. We have become an emotionally jaded nation and a very apathetic church.

What provokes somebody to action? What provoked Martin Luther to stand against the Catholic church when he shook a nation and ushered in days of reformation. What provoked Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. to stand against racial injustice. What provokes you? What truly disturbs you so deeply you are moved to action.

Seeing so much evil in our world I often feel helpless and wonder what I can do. What can a small town pastor of a few dozen people possibly do to make any difference? This kind of thinking can lead to despair and doing nothing. Many over the years have opted for this path.

Here is what I can do. I can keep praying. No matter what hour God awakes me I can keep praying for our nation, for suffering people, and for clear understanding of the times. I can keep writing. Writing this blog is doing something. I know it will not be widely read. Yet it is doing something. I can keep preaching fearlessly the truth of God's words. I can keep loving people. These little things in and of themselves do not make a huge difference. Yet it is doing something. I can keep telling people about the love of Jesus Christ and the offer of His grace and forgiveness. We all can do something.

Yes, these are disturbing times. That does not mean these times are hopeless or God is no longer in control. While we're facing disturbing times there is also reason to keep pressing on. We cannot shrink back in fear or apathy now.

Praise God I am disturbed. Praise God He is disturbing my soul. That means He is still working. He is always working. For that I give God praise. While I do not know what will happen today, tomorrow, a week from today, or a month down the road I know God is in control. I know He will not forsake His people in troubled times.

May each of us live out our days disturbed by the evil of our days and provoked to action.

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