Friday, September 11, 2015


O beloved, there is freedom in Christ. A freedom made possible because of His shed blood. A freedom available to the the most vile offender who believes on Jesus for salvation. The same Christ who forgives sinners is also the same Christ who sanctifies His people. He who began that good work of salvation will continue to work until our last day. [Phil 1:6]

Yet, many live enslaved. Enslaved to past hurts and wrongs. Enslaved to various sins. Enslaved to legalism. Jesus sets people free. Jesus sets people free indeed. "Therefore, if the Son makes you free you shall be free indeed." [John 8:36] The word "free" means to be exempt, not to be a slave, and not under restraint. If this is true, then why are so many living in bondage?

Bondage to past hurts and emotional wounds. Many people, including myself, have been hurt in our youth by some of the very people who were supposed to love us, protect us, and nuture us. How many have been physically abused, psychologically scarred, and sexually assaulted. The pains are real. The scars remain. Many Christian people are stuck right there.

Others have been mistreated by friends and business associates. The anger lingers. The seething hatred burns down deep inside. Bitterness destroys the work of God deep inside. Church houses are filled with people stuck in this type of emotional bondage. THERE IS FREEDOM IN JESUS. People do not have to live shackled to un-forgiveness  and bitterness. There is liberty from past hurts, wounds, and abuse for every child of God. Embrace that truth. Trust God for it. Live in it.

How many people live shackled to the ball and chain of sin. These same people will testify of a salvation encounter with Jesus. These same people will attend worship services and many even maintain the discipline of private devotions. Yet they continue to be enslaved to sin. As much as they hate it, as much as they have tried to change, as many times as they have repented and tried to start again, they are still enslaved. It does not have to continue this way. What Jesus did on the cross and the power of His resurrection is sufficient to set people free from alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography, gossip, lying, homosexuality, gambling, adultery, fornication, and any other sin known to man. This is gospel truth. There is freedom and freedom indeed. Addictions can be broken. Pet sins can be discarded.

What about those people enslaved to legalism. These are the people who have reduced serving the Lord to keeping rules and regulations. They want every "t" crossed and every "i" dotted. They get hung up on rules and regulations. They love to be in control and have missed out on the heart of serving the Lord. These people are big on duty but seldom enjoy the delight of knowing the Lord and worship of Him. Churches are filled with people like this. They want control. They manipulate to get into powerful positions. They can intimidate and run rough shod over congregations. These people can be pastors, deacons, charter church members. committee members, and elders. The title does not matter as much as the rottenness of the interior or their lives.

Jesus offers freedom to people like these too. They can be set free to love and serve the Lord without power, manipulation, rules, and regulations. I am not saying that churches do not need rules and regulations. God is a God of order. Jesus loves people. People with real flaws. People with real sinful failures. His marvelous grace is sufficient for all. The most vile offender who truly believes in Jesus will receive pardon, forgiveness, and liberty.

Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who offers freedom. Praise the name of Jesus for giving us liberty and breaking the chains of slavery to un-forgiveness, to bondage to sin, and to legalism.  Bless His holy name forever. Child of God embrace the freedom Jesus purchased for you and live in it forever.

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