Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why Did You Enter The Pulpit Today

Preacher, why did you enter the pulpit today,
When you had no "thus says the Lord," to say,
Why do you go through the religious motions,
Devoid of real pathos or passionate emotions,
Why do you pass on empty religious cliches,
When we need to hear what God has to say,
To a hell bent world deeply entrenched in sin,
Ignoring God's call to repent again and again,
Preacher why do you preach the words of men,
That tickle the ears but rarely, if ever, offend,
Why do you preach to hear men's mass applause,
Instead of staying true to the Bible gospel cause,
Is it not time to go back to secluded secret places,
To pray with tears while prostrate on our faces,
Can we afford another dry sermon covered in ice,
That caters to the crowd in eloquence sounding nice,
Where are the sermons birthed in Holy Ghost fire,
Preaching a holy God and the holiness He desires,
Is it not time preacher to stop the religious charade,
To refuse marching in this unbiblical fanciful parade,
Preacher, will you once again enter your pulpit today,
When you know you have nothing from God to say!

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