Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past. Behold, God will do a new thing; will you not be aware of it. [Is 43:18] 
The word "new" in that verse means fresh or current. Have you ever reached in the refrigerator and found spoiled milk,? Have you ever found food so old in the back that mold grew on it? 
That could define a lot of people's walk with God. Old. Stale. There were better days back in the past when these people were closer to God and their souls were on fire for the things of God. That was a long time ago. 
Life got in the way. Marriage. Work. Children. Mortgages. And somewhere the walk with God got stale. Worship took on a religious routine feel. Private devotions became hurried, shallow, and unsatisfying. 
Hear the Lord calling out today that He wants to do a new, a fresh, and a current thing in you today. He wants to show up in your life in a fresh way. He wants to infuse your day with His presence and His power. He wants to be fresh to you. 
As a child my grandparents had a large garden. I can still remember traipsing out int that garden barefooted with a salt shaker in hand heading toward the tomato vines. I would pluck those ripe juicy tomatoes and eat them with salt right off the vine. Nothing could beat those garden fresh tomatoes. 
Likewise, God is always working. [John 5:17] We may not be able to see what He is doing but He is at work. He is speaking. He is saving souls. He sparking revival in people's hearts. He is healing people. He is lifting burdens. He is comforting the grieving. These are just a few of the new, fresh, and current things He does everyday. 
When you open your Bible for a devotion is it fresh? Do you eagerly anticipate God speaking to you from the sacred text of scripture? As you go through your day, do you anticipate God showing up in various ways to use you to be His hands, His feet, and His heart for hurting, broken, and needy people? When you enter the house of worship to enter eagerly anticipating a fresh touch and encounter with God that is new and current. 
Our testimony should constantly be fresh and current because the Lord never quits working in our lives. He constantly reveals truth, guides our steps, calls us to step out in faith, responds to our faith steps, and gives us opportunities to join Him in His redemptive work around the world. Nothing can compare to the invitation God gives us to know Him and relate to Him. All of these things are fresh and current to the follower of Jesus who embraces them. 
Many people reading this would admit their lives are more like a wilderness, a desert, and a wasteland. You go through the external routines of serving God but nothing moves you. It all feels stale. 
O for a fresh work of God in our lives, in our churches, and across this nation today.

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