Friday, September 11, 2015


G2G. What does that mean? It is very dear to my heart. I have been peaching this truth to people of all ages for over a decade. I have proclaimed this truth both inside and outside the pulpit. I have shared this truth in revivals, at youth camps, on youth retreats, and even to sweaty haired little boys of all ages after grueling off season workouts or football practices.

G2G means glory to God. I take this truth from [I Cor 10:31]Here in Paradise G2G is more than just a slogan. Our coaches have embraced this truth from elementary age all the way to high school. Let me tell you what I mean. Lat night I went to watch our seventh grade boys play football. I coached them for several years teaching them devotions, praying with them, and challenging them to live and play for the glory of God. Last night Turner asked me after the game, "Did you hear us shouting GLORY TO GOD on the field?" Sadly I did not hear them saying that. It still fired me up. I got fired up when  I watched as them kneel in prayer before the start of the game.

I've heard other teams with older boys break out of their pre-game chant to "Glory to God!" Our girls cross country teams, who have been to the state meet for two straight years, also pray before practices and run for the glory of God.

Our varsity football team voluntarily wear the G2G symbol on their helmets even though it looks different. Nobody has to wear it. Each player has to choose to put that sticker on their helmet. What they wear is a G with a roman numeral II and a backward G. The coaches wear this on the back of their coaching shirts. Many are standing and playing for God in this community. It warms my heart. It is cultural change of playing for a cause greater then selfish accolades and school pride.

I personally saw one of our athletes bow his knee and lay hands on a fallen teammate, who hurt his knee as he  sat on the bench, and pray for him. I have seen multiple football players bowed on their knees at the altar in our church on a Sunday morning asking God to help them. I've heard stories of captains on the football team gathering players in a huddle on the field and praying together during official timeouts.

On the other hand , I have seen blatant spiritual warfare against these teams. Read this. During the first scrimmage one of the backs went down with an ACL knee injury after only four carries. Another player injured his hand. The next week another player injured his shoulder.  The starting quarterback injured his neck and back and had to be taken from the field house by ambulance. The next week two linemen got concussions rendering them unable to play tonight. A key linebacker hurt his knee and is out for a few weeks. Another two way starter is out indefinitely with some heart related issues.

While in the weight room lifting this past week, I saw close to a dozen people in the training room seeing the trainer with various injuries. This is not just on our high school football team. Two basketball players have hurt their knees during off season basketball practices. Two junior high football players have broken their wrists; one on a four wheeler and one during the game last night. You will never convince me, in a town as small as Paradise, on teams as small as ours that these things are all coincidence.

If coaches and players are playing for the glory of God then there will be Satanic opposition. This is my call for Christians to cover these boys and girls in prayer. This is my call to take the fight to our knees for God to protect them, for God to glorify His name in this community, in our churches, and on these teams.

Glory to God is more than just a chant for me. It is a motto for life. I teach it to young people as well as to adults. We should live for the glory of God. Do I think saying, "Glory to God"  is a good luck charm to help teams win games? No! Do I think God wants to glorify His name through young athletes, coaches, parents, and a whole community? Yes and a thousand times yes!

What if teachers taught for the glory of God? Ranchers raised their herds for the glory of God?Farmers plowed, sowed, and reaped the harvest for the glory of God? Police enforced the law for the glory of God? Barbers and beauticians cut and styled hair for the glory of God? Musicians played and sang for the glory of God.?Preachers preached for the glory of God? Politicians labored and served for the glory of God? Parents raised their kids for the glory of God? Business people made money for the glory of God?THAT IS WHAT I AM AFTER. THE GLORY OF GOD SPLASHED ALL OVER EVERY FABRIC OF SOCIETY.

That looks like revival to me. G2G FOREVER!

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