Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Narrow Road

We loaded the car and drove twelve miles to the top of a mountain. At first the road winded back and forth. Before long we began our climb. The drive proved a little unnerving. At times the edge of the road ended with a sheer drop off. Brenda could not help clutching her passenger handle and shoving her foot into the floorboard to help us brake faster. We drove twelve miles at a snail’s pace.

As we snaked our way up the mountain the road seemed narrow and the climb rather steep. I looked over at one point and could see we were higher than any other mountain range in sight. I wondered if anyone had ever wrecked on that narrow two-lane road. My mind drifted to cars losing control and going off the edge to destruction.

Overhead a thundercloud built and before long the temperature dropped and thunder began to rumble. We hurriedly got out of the car at a scenic over look and took several snap shots. The drive back down taxed my nerves more than the drive to the top. I geared down and creped down the narrow road not riding my brakes.

We averaged between 15-20 miles per hour coming down. Danger appeared at nearly every turn. I could see where many of the guardrails were banged and scraped. I noticed trees overhead that were hanging on by just a few roots. Danger lurked.

When we finally made our way back down and I had time to process the journey, I thought of [Matt 7:13-14] “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

People are headed for destruction by the millions. Hell is real. Eternal torment awaits the lost. They do not realize the impending danger ahead for those without a relationship with Jesus Christ. The road to heaven is narrower than that mountain road I drove on. Nobody gets to heaven except through a relationship with Jesus. He is the only way. [Jn 14:6]

Many people are barreling down the road of life without stopping and heeding the warning signs. This blog is just one more of those signs. Gear down and trust Christ. Heed the signs and turn to Christ. He is the narrow road to Heaven. When we trust Him there is safety and security on the narrow road. You have been warned.

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