Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day Twenty-Eight "Cast Your Burden"

Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” [Ps. 55:22]

Each of us gets weighed down in life. It might be due to a heavy schedule. There are family issues that weigh on us. We have responsibilities that demand our time and attention. If we are not careful these burdens can suck vitality out of us.

Learning to cast our burdens upon the Lord is crucial for revival. Why? Because the Lord sustains us. That means the Lord maintains us, He holds us, He nourishes us, and provides for us. When we try to carry the load on our own, our strength fails. God is the one who helps us carry on because He takes the load.

When life presses in many people sink into deep depression and feel overwhelmed. There is despair and a sense of hopelessness. God is willing to relieve the oppressive weight. We have to be willing to cast those burdens of Him. We have to admit we cannot do it on our own. This is a blow to our pride but the benefits are huge.

When the Psalmist says that God will never allow the righteous to be shaken that means He will never allow them to slip and fall under the burden. God will never allow us to waver under the weight. Have you ever seen a person trying to lift something that is too heavy for them? They may make a go at it but sooner or later the legs begin to shake and the knees begin to buckle until the weight comes crashing down.

That is what God does not allow to happen when we cast our burdens onto His broad shoulders. God is not taxed by our burdens. He can handle cancer, financial set backs, rebellious children, ailing parents, death, the IRS, car accidents, home repairs, and grueling schedules. When we come daily into His presence and cast those burdens on Him, we are set free. Far too many people try to do it on their own. They strain under the load of life. It takes all of their energies to make it through a day. If these people would cast their burdens on the Lord, and leave them there, they would enjoy His sustaining power and feel the strength in His hand to live. Why try to do this on your own for another day? It is time to ask for God’s help.

Steps to Revival

1. Identify those things in life that are weighing you down and robbing you of strength.

2. Take some time to cast those burdens on the Lord. The word cast means to pluck and to hurl. Hurl each of your burdens on Him and leave them with Him. Do NOT try to pick them up again!

3. Lean in to God today for His sustenance and support. Let Him minister to your tired and weary soul. Let His strength undergird you and keep you from slipping or wavering.

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