Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day Thirty-Two "North America Revival of 1905"

Praising God and having favor with people the Lord was adding day by day those who were being saved.” [Acts 2:47]

The revival God started in Wales through Evan Roberts did not stop in Wales. In 1905 it came to North America. Ministers heard what God was doing in Wales and began prayerfully asking God to bring the revival to North America. God answered their prayers in mighty fashion.

In Philadelphia the Methodists reported they saw over 6,000 converts. Pastors in Atlantic City reported that God moved so powerfully in spiritual awakening that everyone was saved in the city but fifty unconverted adults. On one single Sunday in New York City God powerfully saved, and added to the church, nearly 300.

Soon the revival began moving south. One church in Kentucky reported adding 1,000 people to their church in just two months. Noonday prayer meetings were called in various cities with attendance reaching in the thousands. Businesses and schools shut down for a day of prayer.

The movement of God swept across the Midwest and soon into Canada with similar results. God saved people and revived His church. Out of this revival ministers and missionaries were called. Bible colleges were founded. Only God knows the far-reaching impact of the revival of 1905.

Is God still capable of saving the masses? Does God have the power to save people every day and add them to the church? Is it God’s will to save people? He did it in Acts. He did it in Northampton. He saved people in mass in Wales, New York, and Atlantic City in 1905. Do we believe He can do the same thing in 2010 where you live? I believe it and will keep asking for it.

Steps to Revival

1. Why do you think we are not seeing people saved day by day?

2. Do you have a true burden for lost people? Ask God to give you that burden.

3. Plead with God to unleash His power as He did in 1904 and 1905.

4. Keep praying for the lost people whom you have a burden for by name.

5. Be resolved you will share your faith with them trusting God for the results.

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