Thursday, July 8, 2010

Coming Down from the Mountain

It is Thursday morning and we are just about to load the car to head back home. In essence we are coming down from the mountain. Precious memories have been made. I have been refreshed in the presence of the Lord. I have had ample time to pray and to write several blogs. I also have soaked in the scriptures.

I am reminded of the story of the transfiguration of Jesus in [Luke 9]. Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on a mountain. Jesus’ glory was revealed as the other three beheld the Lamb of God along with Moses and Elijah. Peter makes an interesting comment. He says, “Master it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. [Luke 9:30]

I love the mountains and I love retreats. I have made use of both over the years and hope to come to this same spot to meet with God and to write books in the future. What I find interesting this morning is that Jesus did not acknowledge Peter’s comment. Verse 37 says, “On the next day when they had come down from the mountain a great crowd gathered to them.” The phrase that sticks in my mind this morning is “when they had come down from the mountain.”

I have enjoyed my time in the mountains. We went to a dinner and a show last night. We had a great time but I have to make a confession. It has been hard for me. Many times as we lounged around it drove me crazy. I would have preferred to have worked on a sermon, write a book, enjoy long seasons of prayer, or to read several good books. Turner doesn’t understand the do not disturb Daddy policy when he is reading. I did finish one book this morning God used to challenge me.

I am anxious to get back. I have a meeting scheduled for 3:00 p.m. and another scheduled for 10:00 in the morning. There is ministry to be done and I am like a racehorse in the starting gate ready to charge ahead full speed and get back to work. I will not preach this Sunday as we head off to family camp in AR this weekend. They say absence make the heart grow fonder. I already miss my flock and I hope they miss me as well.

The more I seek the Lord and retreat the more He fills my heart and I yearn to get back to work. God did not intend that we live on a spiritual retreat. I love the mountains but God has not appointed that I live here. He appointed me to live in and minister in Seminole. I long to be back there. The mountains energize my soul. My heart belongs in Seminole. That is home for the Edwards family.

I am trying to listen to the counsel of several people who have encouraged me to get away and to relax. It is not easy. My motor is in high gear and I see so much that needs to be done. Still, I have moved at a slower pace this week but when I awoke this morning I eagerly packed my suitcase and am ready to be off and out the door. It is time to come down from the mountain. It is time to return home.

I know retreats are needed. Jesus used them. He took Peter, James, and John on one. Here is the key for me. They did not stay on retreats. People have real needs. There are critical hurts back home. There are decisions that need to be made. There is a revival to prepare for. It is time to come down from the mountain.

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