Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine "Whom Have I in Heaven But You

Whom have I in heaven but You, and besides You I desire nothing on earth.” [Ps. 73:25]

This world loves to entice us to be discontent. There is always something new to be bought, experienced, and to entrap us. I know many people who live their whole lives in pursuit of things that never live up to what was advertised. The dream vacation leaves something to be desired. The new diamond ring loses it luster. The new vehicle gets stained and scratched. Yet the endless pursuit for fulfillment marches on.

Why is it that we will search anywhere and everywhere for this fulfillment but in the one place it can be found? We look for it in power, pleasure, and possessions. The Psalmist knows better. He has found something better. In eternity none of our “stuff” will make it with us. We are not going to carry our wardrobes, cell phones, I-pads, houses, or business successes with us. In Heaven all we are going to have is the Lord. We will learn in full then what we have only learned part down here, that He is more than enough.

The Psalmist is not willing to wait for eternity to understand this truth. Read this staggering truth. “Besides you I desire nothing on earth.” NOTHING! We need God to move in us in such a way that we desire Him more than anything, even to the point of desiring nothing but Him. The word “desire” means to be inclined to, to be pleased, to delight, and have pleasure in.

It is sad to see the number of people who are desperate for love. They fill their lives with compromise in the pursuit of the ever-elusive dream of finding the love of their lives. If people could turn that pursuit into loving and desiring God they would find a peace, contentment, and a joy they could never find in a human relationship. We are not fit to be in a relationship until we first understand how loved we are by God and we love Him supremely above all else.

People waste their lives in pursuit of things that leave them only wanting more. Wouldn’t it be a blessing to be in a place where you are truly content and where God is enough? Many have lived this life. I am not saying this is an easy lesson to learn. There is an inner joy you gain in God that allows you to walk into a store and leave empty handed because you desire nothing but God. There is discernment when you desire God that allows you to see through commercials and slick advertising.

God should be more desirable than relationships, entertainment, success, houses, cars, status, technology, and financial security. Learn this lesson. Besides the Lord may there be nothing on earth we desire more than Him.

Steps to Revival

1. What things have you pursued but they did not live up to what you expected?

2. Are you possessed by your possessions? What does it mean to know the blessing of not being possessed by anything?

3. How would you rank your desire for God in light of your other desires?

4. Take some time to find true delight and pleasure in knowing God and being known by Him.

5. Compare the infinite worth of your relationship with God to the desires of this world. Which is more rewarding?

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