Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Is Islam Superoir To Christianity?

A devout Muslim will devote themselves to prayer five times a day. They will also devote themselves to fasting, including fasting for the whole month of Ramadan. They will actively engage in charitable giving. At least once they will make a pilgrimage to Mecca. They will also diligently study the Koran. Muslims gather for worship and instruction.

On the other hand, Jesus taught Christians are both to pray and to fast. Jesus also taught people to give charitably. Christians are also commanded to study the sacred scriptures. Many Christians take trips to the holy land in Israel each year. Christians gather for worship and Bible instruction.

There is a holy war for the souls of the world. Jihad for the Muslims against the infield. The war for the Christians is to evangelize as many people as possible around the world to follow Jesus, even in places that are openly hostile to evangelization.

Read what one author wrote about the mindset of Muslims toward the Christian faith. "The religious Muslim world does not look at Western Christianity as hypocritical as much as it looks at is as proof that our religion is worthless and shallow. As they compare they lifestyle of the average committed American Christian with the lifestyle of the average committed Muslim, they are convinced their faith is superior to ours. " Revolution! A call to Holy War - Michael L. Brown. pp.108.

Let that sink in. It bothers me. Ir rubs me the wrong way. It gnaws in my mind and gut upsetting me. JESUS IS SUPERIOR. HE IS THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA. HE IS LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS. Yet, His followers live in compromise, half committed, defiled by sin and the world, lukewarm and have hundreds of first loves above Jesus in large part. How can this be? I am outraged to think the average Muslim would ever me more committed to the Muslim faith than Christians be to our faith.

I see the same evidence. Half empty chairs and pews right here in the Bible belt week after week. Experts cite that the times are changing. They see we live in a post modern world and the methods in the church have to change so the church is relevant. JESUS IS RELEVANT IN ANY CULTURE IN ANY AGE TO THE END OF TIME.

 We live in a Biblically illiterate church age. No matter how much money we spend, nor how many educated preachers and teachers we secure, nor how many classes are offered the average Christian knows very little. Teenagers know far less Bible than parents want to admit.

We boast that the Bible is the inspired word of God. We claim the principles are truth and life changing. Fewer people are interested in this truth. Take six weeks and visit different kinds of churches. See what value teaching and preaching the Bible is given. You might be surprised how the truth of God's word takes a back seat in many religious Christian gatherings.

Muslims study the Koran. They build their lives around what they read. They also have teaches and preachers. In extreme cases they teach Jihad. They call for war on the infidels. They consider Western Christians to be infidels in need of obliteration. Such belief leads to terrorists attacks.

The average Christians lives life tight lipped about Jesus the Savior. They do not want to impose their religious beliefs on an ever increasing intolerant world, even though commanded by Jesus to tell others. Does the average Christian stop what he or she is doing, get on their knees, bow their heads and pray one time a day much less five times a day?

How many Christians have ever fasted from anything? You can look at the statistics in most churches.  Budgets are funded by the minority of the members. Are Christians any more charitable to needs around them? Or do followers of Jesus by and large give into selfish wants, indulgent desires, and wasteful extravagance?

Is the Islam religion superior to the Christian religion? There are millions world wide who think so. They see our weak Christian faith, our half hearted commitments, our hypocritical lifestyles, and our immorality and declare,"ALLAH IS GREAT. HE IS SUPERIOR." They will concede Jesus' was a good teacher but resist that He alone is the Savior of the world.

One of these dominant world religions is superior. One is better than the other. According to the teaching of Jesus He declares He is the exclusive truth, the exclusive way, and the exclusive life and the only way to God is through Him. [Jn 14:6] According to His teaching these two religions are not equal. They are not both valid options.

As for me, Jesus is my all in all. He is my Savior, Redeemer, Prince of Peace, Master, Lord, King, Messiah, Teacher, Ruler, Good Shepherd, Light of the World, Bright and Morning Star, Son of God, the Alpha and Omega, the Lamb of God, the Door, the Bread of Life, and I Am. He is the only hope for the world.

I stand with a remnant group who have sworn our love, devotion, service, allegiance, and our very lives to Jesus. We are His blood bought church. We are His bondservants. We live to prove JESUS ALWAYS WAS, STILL IS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE SUPERIOR TO ANY AND EVERY OTHER RELIGION IN THE WORLD. LET THE REDEEMED SAY SO. With our very lives and blood if need be we stand on this truth. We will not bak down, cower under pressure, or be intimidated into silence.  No religion is superior to Jesus. No religious book excels the Bible. No god will ever stand triumphantly over Yahweh. He alone rules. He alone will be standing in the end along with His Son. He will sort out the true infidels from the saints in the end. He knows those who are truly His and today I am glad to be counted in that number. Again I say, "LET THE REDEEMED SAY SO!"

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