Sunday, October 5, 2014

Moment Of Truth

Millions of people will flock to church later this morning. Many of them will come as hypocrites. There whole life is a show and a sham. Outwardly they appear righteous to the religious world but inwardly they are full of robbery and indulgence in the eyes of a holy and just God. [Matt 23:25] They will come dressed up on the outside in fashionable attire but inside they are wicked and rotten. God sees the truth.
These pretenders will lie to God when the offering plate is passed and when the songs are sung. They will act more righteous than they really are not counting the fact that God will have a day of reckoning.
Ask Annanias. Ask his wife Sapphira. You can read about their account in [Acts 5:1-11]. There will be a day of reckoning. God will have the last word. [Heb 9:27] There is a day appointed for us all to die and then we face judgment. What will you do on that day? What hope do you have to satisfy God's wrath if you have lived a life of pretense and hypocrisy.
Our only hope is Jesus Christ. In Him alone we have salvation. Apart from Him we cannot boast. It is by His grace and His mercy we are brought into right standing with God. [Eph 2:8-9] Wholly fling yourself on Him at once pretender.
In churches all around the world there will be moments of truth today. Preachers will expound the truth of God's word and the Holy Spirit will produce conviction. There will be a moment when a choice has to be made. Will you choose repentance and coming clean before God or will you continue to embrace the life of sin and hypocrisy? O sinner what will you do then? O pretender will you dismiss that moment of truth in favor of a life of pretense? GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD. THERE WILL BE DAY OF RECKONING. THERE WILL BE A DAY WHEN GOD CALLS YOUR LIFE TO ACCOUNt. IFYOU HAVE LIVED A LIFE OF PRETENSE YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF IN SIN DEFICIT BEFORE A HOLY GOD.
REPENT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT! REPENT WITH WEEPING AT THE ALTAR! "'Yet even now', declares the Lord,'Return to Me with all your heart and with fasting, weeping, and mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments. Now return to the Lord your God.'" [Joel 2:12]
Will you gamble with eternity thinking you have time? Will you live your life for the approval of men living with inward deceit caring not for the approval of God in eternity. LIVE IN LIGHT OF ETERNITY! TODAY IS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH.
May holiness return to your life, your church, and the church at large. Today is the moment of truth. Do not lie to the Holy Spirt or test the Lord any longer.

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