Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is 42:6-9

I am sitting in my hotel room at Sky Ranch Retreat Center in Van, TX writing this. I am preaching a fall retreat for two churches out of Weatherford, TX. I have been up some time reading and meditating on scripture prayerfully.

I have not been speed reading the Bible this morning. I have slowly and methodically been reading verses and doing some word studies. I have read with the intent of hearing from God. I read believing God had something to say to me. This passage out of Isaiah 42:6-9 hit pretty hard this morning. It seemed as I read and reread those verses that they were written just for me.

When God says, " I am the Lord," what does He mean? HE IS THE ONLY GOD. HE alone is the Great I AM. [Ex 3:14] He is the supreme authority in the whole universe. That means He is my supreme authority as well as yours. He is the boss. He sits in the driver's seats of our lives. He calls the shots. He determines the direction of my life and ministry. My role is to submit to His authority and obey Him by faith.

He has called me in righteousness. He called me to salvation. He convicted me of sin. He opened my spiritually blinded eyes. He lavished His grace one me and took away my sin in exchange for His righteousness. My life is His. He owns me. I am His bondservant. Because I am His bondservant and called by Him I must remain available to Him at all times. Part of my commission is to tell others about His great salvation. I am also called to seek Him to know Him and not just to know about Him.

Like His beckoning me this morning to get up and seek Him. Like later today when I get to preach to these students twice. I do not get to stand up and preach what I want. I get to stand up and proclaim what the Lord wants to say.

As I follow the Lord's leadership I will be tested. God will lead down some paths that require great faith and the constant reassurance of His presence. Like a scared child walking down a dark road at night, all fears subside when his father reaches down to hold his hand. So God promises to do so with me as I follow Him. When I am terrified of the next step of faith in utter darkness, He gently reaches down and holds my hand offering both comfort and confidence to take the next step.

God is in the appointing business. He assigns people to do certain things for Him. Isaiah was appointed to be a prophet for Israel. God appointed David to be a king. God appointed Paul to be an apostle. God appointed me to be a pastor, revivalist, and an author. These are the assignments He has given me and He has filled me with passion to pursue them with gusto.

I am called to be light to the nations. That means I do not get to sit in my easy chair everyday enjoying a life of convenience and comfort. I am called to get on planes and travel to foreign lands to share the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have done this in the past but I am also assured I will be called to continue to do this.

Part of my ministry is to open blind eyes. Last night I preached a gospel message especially burdened for two young men in attendance here who are lost according to their father. My heart is burdened for them. It is also burdened for the lost in Paradise, TX and Kermit, TX. I cannot shake the burden of Kermit. I am awakened in the wee hours of the morning with that community on my heart and mind. The burden has not lessened and seems to intensify. I am also burdened for souls in Paradise who are headed straight for hell blinded to their sinful condition and impending doom apart from Jesus Christ. This is not a time to rest in ease at church. The stakes are high and God has called me to be light and trust Jesus to open blinded eyes.

I have also been appointed to bring out prisoners from the dungeon. Masses of people have spent their whole lives in bondage to religion. They have never experienced the true freedom that is found in Jesus Christ. They are bound by rules and regulations but have never tasted the joy of the relationship with the Savior. They have been bound by the traditions of men but never tasted the freedom purchased for them by Christ which causes unbridled joy and passion.

Untold numbers of people are bound up in sin. They are shackled to behaviors and attitudes that are destroying them internally and externally. Many sit in the pews everySunday in shame and condemnation. Others have given up the hope for freedom and have accepted the lifestyle of hypocrisy. There are some that believe they are unworthy to ever be loved, forgiven, and accepted by a holy righteous God. Therefore they do not believe they can ever be set free from the private prison they live in. THAT IS A LIE FROM HELL!

THERE IS FREEDOM IN JESUS CHRIST. Freedom for the one bound up in religion and enslaved in confinement of church bylaws, controlling members, and the traditions of men. God is doing a new thing. He is offering an alternative. He is offering not only freedom but new churches to express that freedom.

JESUS OFFERS FREEDOM FOR THE BELIEVER bound in sin suffocating the life out of your soul. He is the truth and the truth can set you free. He is the way out. He is the way of escape. I am appointed to share this message with God's people who have given up on ever truly being delivered. JESUS CAN BREAK THE CHAINS OF ADDICTION AND DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR AND THOUGHTS. HE HOLDS THE KEYS TO YOUR DUNGEON. TRUST HIM TO OPEN THE DOOR AND WALK OUT IN YOUR FREEDOM PURCHASED ON THE CROSS OF CALVARY.

God is doing a new work. It includes me and you. Part of that new work in my life is personal revival. God has been working deeply in my life for the past three months. It has been reinvigorating and liberating. Part of that new work is the constant burden God desires to do a new work in Kermit and somehow that involves me. I also believe God desires to do a new reviving work at Faith Community Church back in Paradise. It seems I am called and appointed to both places.

I have been called and appointed to be on mission for God. You aS a child of God  have also been appointed by God to special assignment. Time is too short to play anymore silly church games. Time is too short to entertain the crowds. Time is too short to leave the prayer altars barren. Whatever life I have left I pledge anew to embrace God's assignments for me no matter how inconvenient, how risky, or how bewildering they appear to a watching world. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY.

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