Friday, October 24, 2014

God Has Sent Prophets

The Lord sent all His servants the prophets to you time and time again, but you have not obeyed or even paid attention He announced "Turn, each of you, from your evil way of life and from your evil deeds. Live in the land the Lord gave you and your ancestors forever and ever. Do not follow other gods to serve them and to worship them, and do not provoke Me to anger by the work of your hands." [Jer 25:4-6]

Over the years God sent prophets to Israel. He sent Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Amos and the list could go on. Over and over these prophets warned Israel to turn from their evil ways and idolatry back to God or they would suffer. Many times they did not listen and God did send judgment in the form of the Phillistines, Babylon, and eventually Rome.

America is no different. God has sentHis messengers here. In the 1700's it was George Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards. Later D.L. Moody took up the charge. Charles Finney preached many revivals and called people to repentance and faith in Christ. There was Billy Sunday, Mordecai Ham, and Billy Graham. Leonard Ravenhill preached a message of repentance. God even raised singers like Keith Green, Steve Camp, Rich Mullins, Chris Tomlin, and Matt Redman to sing songs calling people back to God.

By and large America has not listened. America has not paid attention to God's call to return to Him. They did not listen after Peral Harbor or even after 9/11. There were revivals in those days but mainly revivals in patriotism. There were not revivals of turning from evil ways and humbling submitting to God's authority. People contented themselves to buy American flags and to wear American tee-shirts. We sang patriotic songs but we did not humble ourselves in God's presence. We did not repent of sin as a nation. We did not pray and seek His face.

Some who reject God even had the audacity to blame Him for those tragedies when they supported kicking God, the Bible, and prayer out of our court rooms and schools.

The tsunami of judgment against sin rises and gathers momentum. We may not see it coming right now but that does not the alter the fact that God will judge America. His word declares there is a day of reckoning. He will not be mocked. We will reap what we have sown as a nation. [Gal 6:7-9]

Some say it has already begun. Look around you. Watch the evening news. Ebola. ISIS. AL QUADA. Droughts, Floods, Earthquakes.

How long will God be ignored after He has sent His messengers over and over again. How long will God remain patient with a nation so blessed and yet so arrogant, so wicked, and so deaf to His message calling for repentance and the salvation of souls. How long will God remain silent when His truth is no longer the only thing proclaimed in pulpits. How long will God delay His anger when the prayer meetings of churches are on the endangered species list.

One day God will declare enough. With one swift stroke of His hand this nation will be staggered. On that day people will be terrified. Churches will once again be filled. People will desperately look for answers. While souls will be saved in that time it might be too late to save the "Home of the brave and the land of the free," the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

On that terrible day our President will not be able to save us or negotiate a deal. Our military will be powerless to stop the hand of God. Our experts will have no answers. On that day the voices of the prophets will be resounding in the ears of this nation as we are reminded of God's warning and call to repentance.

It is not too late. O America, turn back to God. Preachers, quit preaching for popularity and proclaim God's warning. Christian cry out to God on behalf of your family, church, and community.  Do these things before it is too late. God's judgment builds held back only by the dam of his hands. One day He will release His righteous indignation against this nation He blessed so mightily like a flood. Once the dam is opened the devastation will ensue. I do not want to live to see that horrible day. I would rather bow in worship and repentance now voluntarily. One day He will force every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord. Pay attention America. WAKE UP BEORE IT IS TOO LATE AMERICA.

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