Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Morning

It is Monday morning. I have little time to sit around and think about the great day we had at church yesterday. I have four and possibly five yards that need to be mowed today. On this warm and humid morning I cannot afford to sit around resting on my laurels. There is work to be done. On top of the mowing I always have work to be done at the office when I can squeeze it in.

Yes, this is a Monday morning. I did not want to get out of bed this morning. Yet, the Bible teaches me this Monday morning is the day the Lord has made I should rejoice and be glad in it. This day is a gift from God. I could sit around lazily basking in a good day yesterday. I could sit around bemoaning these momentary trials before me. I could go through the day unengaged and without a heart to seek and to worship God going through the motions.

No, on this Monday morning I make a choice to rejoice in this day and be glad in it. I still face the same trials I did yesterday and as of last night two new ones. Regardless, God created this day. There are sights, sounds, and experiences I can have today. There are divine encounters I can have today as well. I must walk through this day like a child at a carnival excited by all I see and experience. Today I choose to live life to the full.

Most people hate Monday mornings. They call it getting back into the grind or the rat race. For the child of God a Monday morning should be a time of worship. This is a day to live the abundant life. This Monday is not a day to be endured. It is a day to be celebrated and enjoyed. Yes, we go back to work and in many places students are starting back to school. Here in Paradise our kids start school tomorrow. Many times we spend Mondays trying to recoup from the weekend. We certainly had a busy one in our house and it will not let up until around Thanksgiving. Still this is the day God has gifted to us. Many are recovering from heart shattering experiences. Many start this day with holes in their hearts. This day is a gift. It is a gift to be enjoyed regardless of where you find yourself on life's journey. Smell the grass. Look up at the wonder of the sky. Take time to engage people in conversation. Enjoy the bacon and eggs or the oatmeal. Savor every experience to the fullest today. Find the little blessings and look for the handiwork of God all around you. Get into His word.

I don't know what you are facing today. I do not even know how you feel. I do know God created this Monday. I do know we have a choice in how we live this day. I can begrudge the day and demands. I can enter the day with rejoicing and gladness. That is my choice. Nobody can make it for me. It is my choice. So today I start the day with gladness in my heart. I choose to be glad though there are things I am frustrated about. I choose to rejoice in God though there are things I do not understand. I am glad for the recent rains in Paradise giving me work mowing. I am grateful for God's provision with our mowing equipment. I am grateful today for good food I will have for breakfast. I am grateful for this computer to express my thoughts on this Monday morning. I am grateful for a great day at Faith Community Church yesterday. I am grateful for one last day with the boys before school starts tomorrow. I am grateful for a good night of sleep. I am grateful for a wife who surpasses them all. I am grateful for salvation and that I do not have go through this Monday alone without God's constant presence.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow I am not guaranteed. All I have is today. Right now. I do not want to waste this day in worry about things I have no control over. [Phil 4:6-7]. I will not waste the day but seek to redeem the time. [Eph 5:16] Today I will live counting my days knowing they are limited and seeking to take full advantage of this day. [Ps 90:12]

It is Monday morning and I am thrilled to be alive and to get to play a small part in God's redemptive purposes. Yes, this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. [Ps 118:24]

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