Sunday, August 12, 2012


Sometimes we find it hard to obey. We have difficulty submitting to a parent, teacher, coach, boss, law enforcement officers and at times even to God. Why is this? What is it within us that stirs disobedience over obedience.

In the Garden of Eden God required Adam and Eve to obey Him by not eating from one single tree. You know the story. They disobeyed and every generation since them have felt the consequences. The Bible is filled with stories of people who disobeyed God and of those who chose to obey.

I think disobedience really could come down to our being deceived that disobedience will bring the greater reward, comfort, security, and pleasure than obedience.

This morning while having my time with the Lord I felt impressed to do a simple act. I cannot say I really wanted to follow through but I felt deeply impressed by God that the whole issue came down to obedience. So just seconds ago before I started this blog I obeyed. I followed through on what I sensed the Lord wanted me to do. At the end of the day it may not make a big difference but at least I know I followed through. I did what I was supposed to do. I obeyed.

This happened again earlier in the week. This time the prompting required us to make a financial sacrifice. I debated but in the end knew I had to obey. I felt extreme joy in the obedience. I had a choice. I could have  ignored God's prompting. I would have suffered the consequences. I chose to obey and now have peace and joy from obedience.

To obey means to follow the commands or to comply with something. God is in the business of speaking to and leading His followers. He gives out instructions He expects will be obeyed. When God instructs us we are to follow through and to comply. Often in the church His instructions are ignored or rejected. People continue living their lives pretending they never really heard God's instructions. Some choose to disobey end of story.

I praise God for those few who live to obey Him. I know a shy lady who obeyed God by going on a mission trip to Africa though she was scared. She did not let fear hold her back from obedience. I know a man who gave a multi-thousand dollar gift for a mission project. He gave out of sacrifice and did so in obedience. I know people who have gone to people privately to confront them about a sin in obedience. Those people would have rather ignored such a conversation but in the end were glad they obeyed. I have heard stories about people who gave up their careers and financial fortunes to follow God into ministry of missions. I know pastors who have preached the hard sermons few others wanted to preach in obedience to God's leadership.

To obey is not always easy. I would have rather not followed through this morning. The whole thing put me in an uncomfortable position. Sometimes obedience can make you look foolish in the world's eyes. Many people thought that about George Mueller running an orphanage on faith.

Today I have a simple challenge. I challenge you to obey promptly in whatever God commands you to do. If you are to forgive extend forgiveness. If you are to give open your wallet. If you are to love express it tangibly. If you are to do something do not delay. Don't put off obedience. You never know how God is going to use your obedience. Big doors swing on little hinges. Likewise, big movements of God often swing on simple acts of obedience.

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